» Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:25 am
Well to be fair, after the hit that Kvatch took, the survivors of the attack would probably be more interested in the immediacy of survival more than rebuilding. Still, it would be nice to see something happen, even if was just a line of refugees heading to the Imperial City.
I would like to see a more robust combat system (yeah, like no one's suggested that before). I do have a couple of specific suggestions on that.
First of all, location detection. It's not hard, and it can open up a lot of options. In and of itself, it may seem not to add much, some of my other suggestions would work much better with it than without. This also means that attacks will have to be altered from Oblivion, though the basic mechanics could remain the same. My suggestion would be that attacks would be mapped out as follows(based on L = left, R = right, F = forward, B = back) using a standard sword as an example:
Attack = Thrust at center
F + Attack = Thrust at head
L + Attack = Slash at body from the left
R+ Attack = Slash at body from the right
B + Attack = Thrust at legs
These movements could be combined so that, for example, F + L + Attack would give a slash from the left to the head.
Second, a further evolution of the already improved shield system. Manual blocking is a good thing, but it still isn't quite what I would like. When you are fighting with a shield, you are always blocking with it, so any body shots made from the center or shield arm side of the body should be autoblocked. Pressing the block button would then raise the shield to block head shots, while also exposing your lower body to attack, thus discouraging people from just holding down block. This would encourage offensive as well as defensive movement in a fight, as the attacker would want to get around the shield, while the defender would want to keep him on the shield side of his body.
Third, don't treat weapon parries like shield blocking. Take a cue from Mount & Blade and then evolve it. Well timed parries will block from whatever direction the opponent is attacking from, while Mistimed parries will likely be ineffective. Also, if you attack immediately after you parry, a quick strike can be made in the same area that the opponent was striking from.
Tying those two concepts together, allow for a separate shield block and parry button. There is no reason why someone cannot parry just because he is also using a shield. Plus, that would be the only way of defeating an attack coming at the sword arm side of your body.
As has been said by others before, not all types of attacks are equal, and no armor protects against all forms of attack equally. Separate categories of slashing, piercing and crushing damage would be very nice, and allow a way for armor to be categorized in a way other than "laughable", "better", "best."
That's all I've got for now. I may think of some more later.