here is some things i think should be done
more playable characters like i my last post i replied to someone about new continents and with new areas comes new creatures EX.more elves ,water breathers,or possibly dwarves i mean dwarven equipment but no dwarves just makes no sense, vampire werewolf or any other new(or old) playable creature you can think off.
combo moveslike say you string together a certain button combo you could do some move like your sword(or club staffs have different moves) burst into flames and you spin around holding it out (it referring to weapon) quickly getting rid of pesky groups attacking from all side.
more citiesi mean in real life new cities are made.
new system for when you diei mean i find it annoying when i die but i do not want to start over at last save spot maybe the gods resurrect you at spot of death or slightly behind(in case of trap) and monster you where fighting regains health but dead ones stay dead(of course), or you become a ghost and have to do special quest to resurrect difficulty depending on level(plus being a ghost would be cool)
staffs for melee combatstaffs can be used for hitting
amount of health/magika posted on there barsi mean i do not know how many times i wanted to know if using a potion is worth it or not
bestiarysometimes i am looking at a monster and want to know hey how much health do they have or what is there strength the the book levels as you do different monsters card can be bought or found as singles or in packs
npc treasure hunters or explorerssay you want help with a dungeon or you want to know where to find treasures for a price or if there disposition is high enough for free you can do just that
ability to command a ship and/ or pillage a city or towni mean i see all sorts of ships and i have cleared out some of them and then they just sit there and i just wish i could go to the local inn and hire some pirates
and pillage a town or city maybe even have a pirate guild where the highest rank you can get is pirate king/queen and at the rank of captain get a free ship of your choice a fast low capacity one, a medium speed and capacity one, or a slow (but not to slow) high capacity cannon/bolt (if you do not want cannons to be made yet to be made yet in the game) firing machine you could have sea battles that you buy cannons /ballistae(giant mounted crossbows) Scorpio(small ballista like weapons) or polyboloses(rapid fire ballistae) at say a boat house at the dock
cross bowsin order for my last idea to work you are going to need crossbows or just ballistae i think ballistae where made first i might be wrong
import charactersi have a good level character and i want to be able to use them in the upcoming sequel
dragonsi can not stress this enough but dragons and no no some wimpy 5 hit kill dragons like so hard the could be bosses
petshave you ever been fighting a animal and thought hey they are pretty tough and i wish i could have them by my side in battle well with the visit to the pet shop are something (get creative i mean post names for the shops whatever you all want) you can get the supplies to do just that
to be continued...if anyone has any ideas or faults about this please reply so
elder scrolls rocks :toughninja: :goodjob: :celebration:
