1) The graphics and controls of oblivion were near perfect. but the story was considerably lacking in both length and depth. If the story was laid out similar to that of Morrowind, then it would have been much better.
2) One thing that could help improve thing would be some of the movement styles. Especially when jumping, there wasn't much realism to it; it appeared the character gave a light hop that took them 15ft in the air.
3) And bring back the vast weapon and armor variety of oblivion( the shoulder and chest were separate pieces, bring back medium armor)
4) in character customization, let us also chose body types(char. could be fat, skinny, average, hulking)
5) allow duel wielding of single handed weapons
6) allow the story to change more drastically depending on decisions you make along the different quest-lines. ( as in KOTOR and Fable)
7) when the character is not in combat or weapon drawn, have the shield hang from the character's back.
8) have a character named after me (Steven Wynn)
9) make this game EPIC!!!!
@3) I think you mean Morrowind

but anyways, I think some armors should have built in pauldrons, which obviously are more expensive, heavier, and better armor rating. Maybe even have both. A Steel Cuirass would be the full thing, and a Steel Chestplate would be missing the pauldrons.
@4) There could simply be a body-gen. I really liked the one in Soul Calibur IV. Not sure how hard it is to make them, so if it is really hard, then pre-set body types would still be a vast improvement. And maybe alternative animations, depending on the body type, or class, or just something you can pick (Saints Row 2 had this). If I'm a barbaric Nord, I want to have a heavy walk, like I own the road. If I'm my assassin Dunmer, then a more discreet, less obvious walk.
@5) Ehh. Not sure about this. IF it's in the game, it shouldn't be something you just HAVE, it should be something you get in the late or middle of the game, or a DLC, and PLEASE don't make it a japanese style animation. If there is going to be dual wielding, I want it to look realistic, not Final Fantasy.
@8) lol. Greaaat... Now when I buy my copy of TES:V the NPC in the prison with me, like Jiub, then that Oblivion dark elf, will simply be named "Me". He'll tell about how horrible his childhood was, that his parents argued about his name until he was 5, then he simply called himself "Me" xD
10)Can we have that part of Oblivion you guys took out? I remember Bethesda saying how when you go out into the Wilderness, the game would automaticall generate the world every different save game. The same tree would NEVER be in the same place. They didn't go with it because CPU power wasn't high enough at the time... I think we have that power. Or you could just make it an Optional thing. Or an extra disc with the Collector's Edition that adds this program (though I have a feeling MANY people will want the Collector's Edition if thats the case lol)