TES V Ideas and Suggestions Thread #157

Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:14 pm

I was giving a example.

Instead of a karma system(which only belongs in the Fallout series, and should be paired with a reputation system anyway), I would like to see Daggerfall's reputational system in TES V. In Daggerfall, there is no universal "good" or "evil". There are many different factions with their own interests, allies, and enemies. While you may be a hero among one faction, you may be hated among another faction. Also, Daggerfall was split into regions. Each region viewed you differently. In Daggerfall, you may receive a quest from the king of Daggerfall to assassinate an orc shaman. If you choose to do so within the given amount of time, the nobles of the region of Daggerfall will like you more, but the people of the region of Orsinium will hate you, perhaps even refusing to speak to you. In Daggerfall, everything has a reaction.
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:54 pm

I was giving a example.

I give an example too, about 2 posts up ^
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:41 pm

I think elder scrolls V should Have Siege weapons like Cannons, Catapults, trebuchets, explodeable walls, etc

Would require way to much programming and time. I don't even know what a trebuchet is, actually. But things like drivable vehicles, etc, no.
That's not what TES is about IMO.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:40 pm

anyone else notice the winged twilight in the banner above? think this pic is from tesv?

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:15 pm

anyone else notice the winged twilight in the banner above? think this pic is from tesv?


That's from Battlespire, a spin-off released in 1997.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:49 am

That's from Battlespire, a spin-off released in 1997.

Yep. Looks like it's wielding a Daedric-Crescent blade too.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:24 pm

Would require way to much programming and time. I don't even know what a trebuchet is, actually. But things like drivable vehicles, etc, no.
That's not what TES is about IMO.

Here go to this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trebuchet
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josie treuberg
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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:07 am

Would require way to much programming and time. I don't even know what a trebuchet is, actually. But things like drivable vehicles, etc, no.
That's not what TES is about IMO.

not necessarily. (BTW a Trebuchet is like a catapult that relies entirely on a counter weight to propel it's projectile, google or youtube it)

the problem with artillery is that it's not vary realistic in terms of scope, maybe for a specific quest or two you would be able to trigger them, but its not like you would be able to level towns on your own...

...unless there's a reason to do so. if you set TESV in a newly discovered island, at a time when the empire is in the process of colonizing it, but the central government of the empire is weak and nearly powerless to the actions of the individual provinces, you can end up with a game that have different major settlements jockeying for power as one of the plot lines you can get involved with.
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:03 pm

need more then good and bad out comes...there more to life then good and bad. maybe we can get to part of the destroy the world rather then save it :P

much more life in the overall world.

a better magic system (its ok but could be alot better) more then the point aim and kill spells or the crazy out of control pets, stuff like fog that makes range harder or a spell that covers a whole area in ice freezing over water and slowing everyone down. and blood magic...its bad as$.

co-op...maybe multi player(10-20 ppl?) , be able to party up or go do are own thing , also just some online arena matches and battlegrounds.

more use for armors i cant help but notice there only like 2 or 3 good sets of armors in game and everything else is just leading up to the 3 armors.

maybe climbing skill :P

need sleep...i usually have to many ideas on stuff like this.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:32 pm

More things to do with pirates would be awsome. I once read here a pirate guild which I would love. But, also expand on anvil maybe more diverse boats with more quests to do with them. I really love the setting of the Anvil harbor and would love for more Piratesque things in TES V.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:58 pm

maybe climbing skill :P

need sleep...i usually have to many ideas on stuff like this.

Climbing skill is a must.

Need for sleep, (I know what you were saying but it is actually a good suggestion for the game also). I can stay awake in the games without rest at all for anywhere from a month to several years, depending on how long I play. I want the game to force me to sleep, so that I get really tired in the game and my eyelids slide closed ever so slightly until at last I lose vision and pass out wherever I am. If I am in a village there would be music playing from houses and pubs, or from churches/temples on holy days, which would affect my ability to stay awake, either positively or negatively depending on how long I have been awake and what sort of music is playing and how drunk I am. If I am in the streets when I pass out I'll find myself robbed blind when I awake, if I'm in a pub I'll wake up in the hotel room with the cost of the room taken from my funds, if I have no money then I'll be kicked out into the street. If I am in someone's house when I pass out there's a chance that I'll be kicked out, and a chance that I'll find myself in a room for the night for free depending on the owner's alignment toward me. And if I'm in the wilderness then I may find myself robbed and bleeding as I was attacked by bandits or a vampire, or I may have a nice rest.

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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:05 am

I want power :rock:

I was sad at the end of TES4 that that silly elf became all powerful instead of a conversation option that could have hinted they make you the big cheese, it's the least I deserve for saving practically everyone, not some blinking armour.

Anywho, how about an honours system like real English life? That would be fun. Perhaps they could have a built in county this time that you can become leader of, after alot of hard work as a reward, or maybe other titles you can collect? Strange suggestion, I know... I just want power and authority over the strange folk of the tes universe.

Also, I like most of the suggestions on here. I would like the world to be much bigger than Oblivion, Oblivion is great, but we can expand on it :grad:

I'd also like to see a Werewolves ingame, ones that can bite/infect you so you become a werewolf once a month or so when the moon is full? So you can savagely murder anything you want before turning back in to your character hehe...

And also, because there is not very much to do after you do everything in game, Jobs? Surely people have to get a career and can't rely on adventuring to pay the bills. I want to be a politician or a policeman or a shopkeeper? Maybe shops could be added that the player can buy and stock to make a profit? I would have loved to have had a shop in the market district selling whatever I wanted to sell, I always wanted to RP a shopkeeper.

Also, I'd like many many more clothing options and armour in TES5, Capes, cloaks, pink [censored], green shirts, shirts with stripes, everything... It's hard to RP a character with about 6 clothing options, lets have more like 400 :clap:

Maybe add some awesome cinematics to combat?... You dont know how often I'm say here shouting "YEEEESSSS.... YEEESSSSSSSSS!!! You die now!" at the screen when somebody I'm attacking dies. Maybe there could be an option for cinematics so I can see in glorious HD the spell I flung at a bandit hitting him and either freezing him, burning him to death or just obliterating him totally :flamethrower: Muwahahaha.

Also, I'd like the game to stay set in the same place as Oblivion, with the option to travel to the other provinces like Skyrim. :hubbahubba:
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Maria Leon
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:36 pm

I also agree, we need grottoes again.

Also, i'd like there be more to see and do underwater, seaweed, maybe some fish other than slaughterfish, sunken items, ruins, and maybe items washed up on the seashore, maybe a message in a bottle you could find that starts a quest, little things like that.

Continuing on from the above point, more easter eggs and small things that can be found in strange places, that's one thing I liked in Morrowind (which still could have used more of it).


Whats the point of being able to breathe under water, as say an Argonian, when theres nothing under there?!

I want sunken ships and underwater Argonian meeting places and more kinds of underwater life.
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emily grieve
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:16 pm

I'd also like to see a Werewolves ingame, ones that can bite/infect you so you become a werewolf once a month or so when the moon is full? So you can savagely murder anything you want before turning back in to your character hehe...

And also, because there is not very much to do after you do everything in game, Jobs? Surely people have to get a career and can't rely on adventuring to pay the bills. I want to be a politician or a policeman or a shopkeeper? Maybe shops could be added that the player can buy and stock to make a profit? I would have loved to have had a shop in the market district selling whatever I wanted to sell, I always wanted to RP a shopkeeper.

I like the idea of once a month turning into a raging beast against my will, totally out of control, because I'd be surprised by it, for instance, I'm in the middle of a quest where I have to have dinner with the king and half the nobles in the kingdom and suddenly I burst into werewolf form and start tearing the place to shreds if I don't time the dinner well.

I also like the idea of being a shopkeep or shop owner, however, I don't want to be able to own every store in all of cyrodiil, maybe one shop of each category, say a bookstore, a smith, a pub, a general store and a brothel. This way there's competition between store owners to give better prices and keep the customers coming.


EDIT: and when I say one shop of each category, I mean, I can choose from any and all stores in all of cyrodiil, but once I own a smith in one town, I can't buy a smith in another unless I sell the first. This way I can have my shops spread around the world or in one place.
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:09 pm

I like the idea of once a month turning into a raging beast against my will, totally out of control, because I'd be surprised by it, for instance, I'm in the middle of a quest where I have to have dinner with the king and half the nobles in the kingdom and suddenly I burst into werewolf form and start tearing the place to shreds if I don't time the dinner well.

I also like the idea of being a shopkeep or shop owner, however, I don't want to be able to own every store in all of cyrodiil, maybe one shop of each category, say a bookstore, a smith, a pub, a general store and a brothel. This way there's competition between store owners to give better prices and keep the customers coming.


EDIT: and when I say one shop of each category, I mean, I can choose from any and all stores in all of cyrodiil, but once I own a smith in one town, I can't buy a smith in another unless I sell the first. This way I can have my shops spread around the world or in one place.

I like both ideas here. I also think that maybe other owners of the same type of shop might not like you as much since now you're competition, unless of course you're from opposite ends of the province, then they might try to team up with you. So you can't individually own every shop, but if you play your cards right (and have an ungodly high mercantile skill) you can still have an economic empire.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:19 pm

Other ideas

1. Make most of the guild storylines like the Fighters Guild in Oblivion, no major story until the end.

2. Make some guilds cancel eachother out. For example, you cannot be a priest to Mara and be a member of the Dark Brotherhood.

3. Alternate endings. If you join the Imperial Guard, you can stop the thieves guild.

4. A new type of weapon: stab weapons. Stab would cover tridents, spears, and pikes.

5. More ranged weapons. Crossbows, throwing knives, javelins.

6. Maybe, if you get real powerful, and you are not already the head of a guild, you could make your own.
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keri seymour
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:09 pm

i'd classify your "stab weapons" as polearms....sounds better ;)
and yes. i want them. pilams, pikes, and pitchforks (oh my!).

a thought occurred to me the other day after breaking a longsword in the middle of a fight... does anyone else wish that the sword (or other weapon) would actually show physical damage? little notches in the blade forming as the health of the weapon drops, or even breaking off near the hilt when completely broken. i'm aware that there's probably a mod for this type of thing...but i'm extremely burnt out on mods for Oblivion.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:23 pm

How about more make shift weapons like shovels and branches or something.

Or maybe you can club someone with a torch and light them on fire.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:03 am

Other ideas

1. Make most of the guild storylines like the Fighters Guild in Oblivion, no major story until the end.

2. Make some guilds cancel eachother out. For example, you cannot be a priest to Mara and be a member of the Dark Brotherhood.

3. Alternate endings. If you join the Imperial Guard, you can stop the thieves guild.

4. A new type of weapon: stab weapons. Stab would cover tridents, spears, and pikes.

5. More ranged weapons. Crossbows, throwing knives, javelins.

6. Maybe, if you get real powerful, and you are not already the head of a guild, you could make your own.

i want the elder scrolls V to have clawlike weapons and
alternative endings would be lots of fun
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:57 pm

Continuing discussion from http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1080114-bethesda-going-down-a-bad-path/page__view__findpost__p__15760280

Ok, lets use the example you brought to the table. A tree is not a moving, dynamic object. It's a stagnant, permanent object with no ability to "not" be hit.
I'll buy that.
Say the tree is attached to the back of a truck, sitting in the bed, ready to be hauled away. You swing at that tree, but the driver gives the truck some gas, causing you to miss the tree.
Did that miss happen because of your "skill" with a longblade?
No, you missed because the damn thing moved.
A players agility, in my opinion, should be the only factor in whether you actually "miss" or not. And by miss, I mean simply not even connect the blow.
Like you said, a moving object is hard to hit. But anyone with a brain can hit something that is not moving. Has nothing to do with your skill.
Enemies that can strafe/move, and their agility should effect how hard they are to hit, not your personal skill. I never mentioned a game where every blow hit, I was simply talking about the pure mechanics of the system, where if a object is there, and you swing at it, you're going to hit it.
Now throw in radiant AI into the picture, dodging, strafing, etc, sure, you can miss. But THAT should be the only factor. Just have to apply the two sciences and come up with that result.

Agility the only factor? What about strength, affecting how fast you can hypothetically fire an arrow or sling a metal edge through the air? What about strength coupled with weapon skill, as a novice will be far clumsier with that blade as compared to an expert, making for slower or interpretable attacks by someone more skilled? What about fatigue, as tired attackers are more erratic, less accurate, and easier to anticipate or dodge. What about luck? There are a whole myriad of factors that could be applied to the chance-to-hit formula, all of which are easily given justification.

Back to the tree and truck example, say the driver's looking out window at you to know when to floor it.

If he's agile and quick, he'll have a better chance of moving the tree out of the way.
If you're not that strong and your swing is slow, he'll have an increased chance of moving the tree out of the way.
If you're not that used to swinging whatever you're swinging and you swing clumsily and slow, he'll have an increased chance of moving the tree out of the way.
If you're tired and your muscles don't' respond that quickly, he'll have an increased chance of moving the tree out of the way.
If he's lucky, or if you're not that lucky, he'll have an increased chance of moving the tree out of the way.

I further agree that the player should readily be able to hit something that's not moving. I don't endorse Morrowind's "swing, sword passes through, and miss" display. That would be why I envision the dice rolls determining whether or not something moves. Always being able to hit a stationary object is perfectly fine, because if the object hasn't moved out of the way or stopped the attack, then it's obviously failed its dodge or block or parry checks. Combat movement, and when to move, would be the new skill-based dice-roll, replacing the old one-dimensional dice-rolls that Oblivion already had.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:25 pm

if your gonna include climbing, i want a "Wall Walk" spell.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:32 am

Optional fast travel turned on from the main menu options screen. That's right MAIN menu.

Payed travel options (some assuming Skyrim):

-Dog Sled Operator
Will travel to all of smaller settlements in the snowy, frozen area of the province. Won't go to the large cities.

-Passenger Longboat
Takes you to settlements along the coast.

-Horse-Drawn Carriage
Travels to each large city.

-Guild Teleport
Provided by College of Whipers or Synod.

Free travel:

Use a horse for personal transport. Horses can be upgraded with storage capabilities.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:01 am

I think that Bethesda really needs to change the combat scheem. It was basically the same as Morrowind, but with slight differences here and there.

What I think would be a really epic sort of change would be to give the user more choice in the character creation side of things, I think that instead of having just blade, have all the different components of blade. ie. Daggers, Short sword, Long sword, Claymore... Instead of blunt have: Maces, Axes, War axes, Battle axes....... I think that this would allow for a lot more specific choice. I often find myself really fustrated that I'm trying to make a character and I like only want to use daggers, but with it comes long sword, short sword.... And because I picked blade I now can't say do illusion, because I've already used up my other major skills on the essentials....

And when they completely break down the classes, you should be able to make have 25 major skills, to balance it out. This would allow for much more extensive character creation, and add more depth to the game.
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:38 pm

I do not believe Oblivion's general style of combat needs to change, as what messed it up the most was an entirely different system (level scaling which lead to enemies that took 200+ hits). Enemies that dodge, block, and strafe more would allow combat to be very deadly, with only a few hits leading to death. With the introduction of a crippling and wound system like Fallout 3, combat doesn't need to immediately kill you with arbitrary HP drain (I have 1 HP and still fight perfectly!) to kill you down the road when all your limbs are broken and you're bleeding everywhere.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:24 pm

I think duel wielding needs to be in elder scrolls V who's with me?
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Dan Endacott
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