1. Normal dead body
2. Discoloured Body
3. Decomposing Body
4. Massively rotted corpse
5. Basically a skeleton, with just a bit of skin
6. Skeleton
7. A few bones
8. Body Disappeared.
These stages would all be a few days apart, I think it could add some intense realism to the game. Perhaps in cities, a body would be gone in a few days, after the guards investigate.
I would also like to see muggers in cities at night. If I see someone mugging a random NPC, I could either kill the mugger and get a good reputation, or I could confront the Mugger and demand some of the profits (he could say no and fight me, or run away, though, depending on how tough I look (armour))
I'd like to suggest finishing NPC's. If I get an NPC down to 0 hp, I could either let the NPC live, or I could kill the NPC. I could even use this to sell NPC's as slaves. (Yes I know it's illegal, but people do break the law :rolleyes: )
I'd also like to see less people killing me. If I'm in a city, and I get killed, the chances are the NPC's and guards wouldn't want to completely kill me, but instead just put me in prison. If slavers kill me, the chances are they would capture me as a slave (pretty good quest there). Of course, some enemies would just kill you. A random wolf has no reason to keep you alive, for example. (This ties in with the previous suggestion)
But Sotha Sil's character has always been basically that of a Hikikomori(A Recluse, usually suffers from Social Anxiety, and surrounds themselves with primarily hobbies to an excessive nature). From the beginning he had locked himself away from the world in his Clockwork City, but he was researching Dwemer technology in order to benefit the Dunmer people.
Exactly. And when you see how extreme he takes it, it is pretty much insane. Not in the same way as Almalexia, but still insane. Besides, I was stating the blurred good and evil in Morrowind, does it really matter?