This is my three and only request/suggestions for the elderscrolls 5 , infact i will be deeply disappointed ,so much so that i may not buy the game or download it free even if these things are not implemented into the game.
I know mostlikely each of these things have been conversed about here, not much has been missed.
1. I absolutely loved the ability to fly on my akatosh mount in oblivion with that mod. the world was so frigging huge and it was almost breath taking to explore on the back of a dragon 60,000 feet in the air. I don't use this mount as a means to not take time and cover the map the hard way. rather I used this mod for exploration of the graphics of the game which back then was amazing not to be compared by any in my opinion. Please release and revamp this akatosh mod into the next TES, i don't care how sacred it is to have a dragon in the game, it wont really be breaking lore because with each new game comes new things.It was something that gave the game a new outlook for me.
2. create more monsters/mobs. fighting the same mob at level 20 that you did at level 3 is a crying shame. mobs are not players they do not need to level up like you do.with each new level add new mobs for that level or to be more realistic, mobs that age when young they are weak, when middle age they are strongest and when old they would be foolish to start a fight. but for goodness sake dont make the same pattern of mob leveling as was in oblivion.
3. make a construction set that allows for more flexibility. there are certain things that couldn't be done with the tes4 CS that i would have loved to be able to do for instance I created a script that allowed my companion to have her own akatosh mount. I never realesed this mod to the public because i could not get my companion to fly due to certain restrictions not able to perform in the CS. So yeah i would like a better CS for sure

I want to note, I love TES games started at oblivion and worked my way down from there. This game series in my opinion and one that many people share is the greatest RPG out there. I know you wont dissapoint and take as much time as you need but implement my suggestions and remember the players are fiending for a new tes fallout 3 was ok but it wasnt TES