Skyrim lore gives the impression that only Redguards have Arabian hints in their culture and that Khajiit are more African like in their culture. Many people are trying to use Skyrim's lore to say that we have no idea what we are doing. See, we are making Elsweyr as it was depicted during Morrowind. Not after. That's why those who are used to saying "oh look at those redguards in Skyrim" are completely out of place here.
You go!
There are so many people that want to jump on the Lore of any given project like there is a prize if you find an inconsistency. People forget that Bethesda revises their material to some degree with each release, and that Tamriel doesn't actually exist and has been worked on over a period of 20 years by many different people. And, that any mod that attempts to create something within the lore is granted a certain amount of creative license, 1: Because regurgitating only what is known defeats the purpose of creating something new (Peter David refers to this as creative incist), and 2: Because the modders are the ones working very hard on the project, for no monetary gain. Bethesda re-imagines the races with each release, and this is most notable by the fact that the beast races have human legs in IV and V, and Dunmer have lost their gravelly voices. We don't have people coming out and complaining that Project Outreach's Khajiit's can't wear normal boots like in Skyrim. Following Bethesda's own example, any mod should have some creative license to interpret things or re-imagine things while still staying true to the Lore in some way. If someone plays Project Outreach when it is released and thinks it should be done differently, there is nothing stopping them from asking to join the team or setting up their own team to do their own version of it.
So, since this is a Q&A, here's my question: If someone would like to join your team as part of the Lore research team, how can they go about it? Do you need help with that, or do you have that part "under wraps"?
Question 2: Do you think khajiits evolved in the several years after Morrowind came out, or are those a totally different type of khajiit in oblivion? Or, did Bethesda just re-imagine it and say hell with Lore, we like this better?
Question 3: Can you make my cat into one of your NPC's? his name is Actual Cat. My cat is very cute.