I think it's a safe bet that we'll see an Elder Scrolls or Fallout iphone game in the future. Several of the Bethesda devs are big fans of their iphones and as that old article points out id software has a great interest in the platform as well. Vir2L, who developed most of the Elder Scrolls Travels games, has been working on iphone games so I think its inevitable that they'll revive the Elder Scrolls Travels series for that platform, and maybe others. In fact I think it's quite likely that the iphone game that article is referring to was being developed by Vir2L.
It also seems to me that an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game for the iphone would be most successful if released while people were pumped up about an upcoming game in the series. So if Bethesda announced TES V it wouldn't surprise me to hear about an Elder Scrolls Travels game a few months later. This isn't to say it's a requirement, they're not going to sit on a finished game for twelve months just so they can release it in a certain context, but I could see them adjusting the developement cycle so it coincides in this manner.
I dunno, they might never release it just like the PSP TES.
True, but the Oblivion PSP developer went belly-up and I doubt Bethesda would look for an external developer for an Elder Scrolls iphone game when they have two sister companies interested in iphone developement.