There are times that I think TES could benefit from being a little closed off at times. I'm not asking for the world to be made smaller or linear (heavens no) but maybe at times you'd be stuck doing on quest and have to see it through.
Remember Hackdirt? The quest was pretty neat, but I think it suffered because of how open it was. You ran into the town, climbed through a trap door, and ran away with Dar-Ma. It ended very quickly, and if you had to do some events in a more linear fashion the quest could've been longer and creepier.
That's just one example. So my question is this, should some quests be more linear? I'd still want 95% of my quests to be completely open.
I don't know, I actually agree with the OP.
I can't see a reason why not, he merely suggests different styles of quests that could actually be efficient for us, the players. The world is still open, and 99% of the quests are open as well. But it's not like it's something that takes over the game, let's face it... in most games or even in reality you're sometimes stuck doing something because you're limited in some way or another. Maybe it could add to the gameplay
I feel like it can only be something positive.
I could be wrong, but again, it's not like it's a big part of the game.