Carrying this forward from the previous collection of posts:
If the protagonist in ES6 enters Hammerfell from Cyrodiil and does so 'on foot', one would have to assume that the border crossing would occur close to Rihad. If, OTOH, the protagonist enters Hammerfell by sea, then the game could start pretty much anywhere on the coast of the province.
However, for discussion's sake, let's assume that the protagonist enters Hammerfell by crossing on a ferry across the Brena to Rihad. What are potential scenarios for us getting introduced to the character and the main adventure/crisis facing the province?
I'll do this by stream of thought:
1. As the protagonist crosses the Brena by ferry, Rihad comes under attack. The Thalmor have broken the peace and are attempting once more to take Rihad as a bridgehead to the rest of the province and to provide another flank against Cyrodiil, forcing the Imperials to stretch their forces further. Right at the beginning, the protagonist must choose to flee either towards the Thalmor or towards the Ra Gada for safety. This has consequences, as it influences the course of gameplay, the factions and NPCs encountered, available quests/adventures, 'alignments' and so forth.
2. The protagonist is an unattached traveller who is crossing by ferry to Rihad and finds himself accompanied by a diplomatic mission from the IC whose task is to re-establish good relations between the Empire and Hammerfell. On the crossing, the PC meets the emissary and finds him to be a likeable fellow. Suddenly, just before or after reaching shore, the party is attacked by unknown assailants. The PC and the emissary are separated, and the PC is either captured and taken away or escapes the skirmish. He begins tracking the attackers afterwards, both to recover his belongings and to discover the status of the emissary, to whom he has taken a liking.
3. Replace 'emissary' in #2 with 'royal princess' of the Imperial court, who has been sent to Hammerfell to cement a renewed alliance between Cyrodiil and Hammerfell and was destined to marry the King, the crown Prince or someone else of great importance among the Ra Gada (either the Crowns or Forbears.)
4. In #2, the emissary gives a box to the PC and tells him "you MUST get this to the King of Hammerfell (or the leader of the Forbears) even at the cost of your life! Everythign depends on it!" From there, the adventure begins.
In all the above cases, there are multiple factions at play who have a critical interest in the outcome of diplomatic initiatives between Hammerfell and Cyrodiil. A short list of these interested parties includes the Thalmor, the Forbears and the Crowns. Many other parties would have an interest as well - Skyrim (assuming it's no longer part of the Empire), Pyandonea, Thras and High Rock.
Questions, comments, critiques, expansions or anything of the sort so far, folks? 
@LegateZan - Thank you. 
It had occurred to me that in the last three ES titles, the game would begin with the protagonist getting mixed up in something that had some importance, but was connected to and overshadowed by the Main Quest of the game. In Morrowind, the PC begins by pursuing a pardon for his crimes in order to secure his personal release; in Oblivion, the PC is a prisoner who gets mixed up in the assassination of the last Septim Emperor; and in Skyrim, the prisoner is about to be executed along with a group of Stormcloak rebels and their Thu'um-using leader.
These early events are the mechanism for launching the player onto the main quest and have a distant attachment to it - if I remember correctly in all cases, these early events are all TRIGGERS for the MQ.
I think with all of the above beginnings to a Hammerfell ES6, a rousing tale of high adventure can spring, including the triggering of some world-menacing phenomenon. What could that be?
In Morrowind, it was the rise of Dagoth Ur and his use of the Heart of Lorkhan and the Akulakan (sp?) to conquer all of Tamriel. In Oblivion, the assassination triggers the attempt by Mehrunes Dagon to draw Nirn into Oblivion. And Alduin's awakening & the return of the Dragons is the threat in Skyrim.
Perhaps the Hammerfell threat could be a prophecy of the fall of Man. The Crowns, Forbears, Imperials, Thalmor, Daedra and Aedra would all be involved in the 'play', of course.
Yes? No?