I'd consider myself an alchemist in Oblivion. Every char I ever played, except for my very first few characters in morrowind... have used alchemy. I'm not a fan of watching magicka replenish. I hate selecting and casting spells. I hate having to grab a hotkey then cycle through spells. I'm a physical damagedealer but I need to regen somehow. I needed something to fuel my rage. I discovered alchemy.
The numbers 1, 2 and 3 on my keyboard are hotkeyed to health, magicka/mana and stamina/fatigue potions respectively. Other hotkeys lead to dispel, chameleon/invisibility potions and several poisons. That's a lot of hotkeys. So for hotkeys I use
Enhanced Hotkeys by TheNiceOne Virtually any key on your keyboard can be set to a hotkey and I have, off the top of my head, at least 10 of them devoted to potions or poisons.
I stopped using vanilla potions or potions I find in game. For a new character these are useful but as my character ages, the amount of potions needed is too much. Potions in the game also come in various grades or strengths and that makes it harder to just hotkey. I'd have 5 different grades of potions and only one hotkey... I'd have to select a new potion all the time. I don't like to be annoyed by that. One solution is to make them all yourself and make them in large batches so you need to re-hotkey them only once in a while. Another solution is to use auto-potion, but more on auto-potion later...
Before everything, check out cobl I mention it a lot and the online readme does a better job at explaining than I would be able to.
Look for the new ingredients, cobl ingredient sorter, grinder, raw materials for the grinder, alchemy apparatus, etc...
Getting ingredients
Making them in large batches requires industrial amounts of ingredients and a way to process them all quickly. Harvesting them myself by picking flowers is something that gets boring very fast. Some ingredients are only found on monsters so the supply of those ingredients is limited as well.
In vanilla oblivion I would visit every single ingredient shop in the game and buy every ingredient. That requires money... more on "Trade and Commerce" later.
Assuming I have the money, clicking through all those ingredients is a massive drag. I use toggleable quantity prompt by kea and Warrudar
This turns off the "how many" window and just buys the entire stack. With my Logitech G15 keyboard I've created a macro that auto-clicks so I just put my cursor over the ingredients and hit the key and they are all bought automatically.
This process is repeated every three days because that is the time it takes for merchatns to fill up their inventory again. Note that they only refill if you haven't visited them for 3 days. 3 days takes too long for me so I set my cell respawn time to 1 day. This can be accomplished in many ways.
I made my own personal mod that loads last but a better, cleaner option is to use the bashed patch in Wrye Bash by the Wrye Bash Team
It has an option to change the cell respawn time to whatever you want. I changed it to 1 day so alchemists merchants will have new stuff for me every day.
But that requires me to actually go out and map travel to all those places… I'm a very lazy person. I went looking for traveling spells, and I found them! Snx Mark Recall or SnxMarkers by Seronis adds not just 1, not 8, but… euhm… More than I need actually. It adds a guesstimated 30-40 or so places you can warp to. The first spell is a single marker which I use to go home. The others add a small window that gives you the option to travel to one of 8 different places. You get about 4-5 of those windows/spells depending on your mysticism skill. I have one entire list of alchemy vendors. My home warp sends me straight to my own alchemy room.
I need a potion in real life to unlazy… because I'm still too lazy to get ingredients this way. Why? Because vendors don't have enough ingredients. I'll get 2 blackberries here, maybe, just maybe, a single deadra heart there… a bread loaf? These people call themselves alchemy vendors and they have only sample sizes?
Enter "ingredients in bulk". I used to have a mod that added them in larger amounts to vendors but I cannot find it in my load order. That means cobl probably took over for me. Cobl by the Cobl team does much more than that. But more on that later.
Vendors don't have all ingredients there are. Some are found only in the wild or on creatures. Some of us don't have huge amounts of cash to buy ingredients straight from the vendor. Sure, it trains our mercantile skill and alchemy skill at the same time and selling potions back to the vendor is an interesting way to make money but as odd as it sounds, with all my mark recall and bulk mods and such, doing the alchemy money making scheme feels too much like a cheat… and is very boring. More on making money later…
But vendors don't have all the ingredients, or not the specific ones we need. Or we just want to harvest the entire world… Harvesting the entire world can be done with harvesting mods. Beware though that some cause bloat. And auto-harvesting as you walk by is just asking for trouble. It's too easy. You might as well just console them in for free… No.
I use Gather Ye Rosebuds by Wolfhound . No bloat, no trouble, great balance.
This mod adds 3 spells that can only be acquired once you get good enough at mysticism and alchemy. To balance things out, using the spell stunts your magicka. Besides stunting your magicka it will attract nearby monsters. So you still have to do some fighting to get the ingredients.
I modified the scripting in the mod to harvest an even larger area and thus attract an even larger amount of monsters. I like fighting

Bonus: it helps you home in on nirnroots!
Getting ingredients: the derived ways
Cobl comes with a grinder. Grinders are in all mages guilds and you can even put one (with some minor modding skills) into your own house. I put a big fat one in mine. Grinders can grind things like bones into bonemeal, copper ingots into copper filings, rubies into ruby dust, etc… You can buy these or find them yourself then grind them up and use the ingredients in your potionmaking.
Derive ingredients from ingredients with the Essence Extracter by Haama
I used to use this until other mods came along that did similar things. More on those later in "making potions".
Getting Ingredients: more vendors
From the start, I was a packrat. I have every armor, every weapon, every junk clutter something item packed away somewhere in my oversized house. I have about 50 cells dedicated to "storing" companions, etcetc. My house grew so big that I started putting shops in various places. My armory guy who repairs my stuff sells some basic ingredients, my barkeeps have some stuff too… my alchemist vendor has a huge collection of both ingredients and raw materials for the cobl grinders.
Alchemy companion Julienne by PaleOrchid is a mod that went missing for a while. Now it has returned but the author has put a subtle warning in the description. I don't have it in my game anymore, or should I say, not yet. I restarted and haven't added it back in again.
More vendors, more ingredients and lots of other features to be found here.
There are other mods out there that add more vendors but I won't list them here. Just keep in mind that ingredient vendors aren't always alchemy vendors. I frequently visit barkeepers, innkeepers and bakers too.
Getting ingredients: funding it all
A classic way to make money is by buying ingredients, making potions on the spot and then selling the potions back to the vendor.
I'm too lazy for that. So I'd rather start my own business and let someone else run the shop.
All the stuff I find and don't use, all the potions I find and don't use, all the junk I find and don't use… it all goes into my store and my storekeeper and guard make sure it all gets sold while I'm out questing and hunting bad guys.
Trade and Commerce by Elestat is my primary and only way to make money. Dump it all there, have it sold, pay taxes and get the profits to fund my addiction.
Making the potions
We now have an industrial amount of ingredients. We should get cooking.
I don't use the vanilla cooking procedure anymore. I use Alchemy Advanced by Jroush
In vanilla, to make a potion, you need to select the ingredients, pick a name,… and then click "create" a few hundred times. Not with alchemy advanced. You can now make big batches in a few clicks and save the recipe for later. You can set the duration of the effect and even select which effects will not be used.
This is also why I don't use essence extracter anymore. Alchemy advanced does the same thing in a different way.
To make the potions I still need the equipment. There are mods out there that add grandmaster grade equipment. And I somehow managed to get it in my game too. I just don't remember how.
Anyway, I don't like bringing along all my alchemy equipment. From the days of Morrowind I have used static alchemy sets in my houses and it just so happens that Cobl has it too.
The way it works is that you get all the equipment in your inventory, click on the empty alchemy stands, let the game take your equipment and from then on you can use that static set to cook.
You can take your stuff back whenever you want but I just leave it there.. It is my house after all.
I use the following naming scheme:
Number main_attribute (for potion)
Zero total_damage type duration (for poison)
1 Health
2 Magicka
3 Fatigue
4 Cure disease
4 Cure paralysis
4 Cure poison
4 Dispel
5 Shield
6 Chameleon
6 Invisibility
Poisons like this:
0 12 fire 30
0 20 frost 15
0 22 fire 15
0 86 frost, fire, shock, damhp, para 15
0 78 frost, fire, shock, damhp, para silence 15
0 silence 15
So, 1 is health and every potion whose main feature is giving health. Durations are shorter, 15-30 secs
2 is magicka. Durations are longer, 60 secs
3 is fatigue. Same as magicka
4 are utility spells that fix me up when bad stuff happens
5 is everything that buffs me. I mostly only use shield
6 is stealth stuff
Poisons are prefixed with 0 and usually have a short duration. I have what I call "spammable" poisons. They deal little damage over time. I can easily make large batches of them because I only need one or two ingredients that are in great supply.
The big damage dealers among my potions often include silence or even paralyze. Getting all the ingredients together is harder and at some point, a 1000 damage paralyzing silencing poison of doom becomes a major cheat. I don't have many of those and I don't use them that often.
Why the numbers? Sorting purposes

Getting ingreds
More vendors
Cell reset
Gather ye rosebuds
More harvesting areas:houses
Naming scheme
Home static
Ingred additions
Sorter issues?
Trade and Commerce
Using potions
Potion chuggers
Poison experts
Haamas other mods
Turning potions back into ingredients or potions as ingredients
Things I did not discuss:
Housemods that have alchemy stuff because I never really install housemods anymore because I made my own.
Harvest flora to show what you harvested...
Potion models and textures like alluring Potion bottles…
Archmage chest: I don't use it so I don't know what mods are good that modify it. I'm interested in it though.
Grandmaster of alchemy and similar questmods