4 types of heavy and 4 types of light....Lol, no. Hold on, lemme list some.
Iron, steel, wolf, Dwemer, steel plate, orcish, ebony, daedric, dragonbone..(Can't remember a LOT of heavy armor.)
Fur, hide, studded, leather, elven, glass, dragonscale, nightingale, shrouded, theives guild, guildmaster..
Etc. Etc.
But they consist of head chest and feet, it almost feels like its just one piece. I dont even wear helms cause they look
dumb so its chest and feet, woo man big customization there.
If it was head, chest, shoulders, left wrist right wrist, belt, pants, feet, left glove right glove, that would be different.
Add 2 rings, necklace, earrings.