Complexity for complexity's sake is redundant.
And no, having the same thing with different names (katanas, chitin armor, whatnot) is not complexity
Complexity for complexity's sake is redundant.
And no, having the same thing with different names (katanas, chitin armor, whatnot) is not complexity
I may be a bit late to the party for this post, but I just needed to say something (and hope it hasn't been said already).
I agree that complexity for the sake of complexity is pointless. I saw it all too often in my design classes.
A lot of the complexity mentioned by the OP, though, adds variety to the game. Greater variety allows for greater customization and makes it easier to create or set up something that is your own.
Complexity for the sake of customization and personalization is not only NOT pointless, it's often an endearing quality to have in a game.