Again I doubt that the people complaining are still playing MW. We can agree to disagree, but if you play MW and then Play SR I don't see how you can say that SR is not superior in almost all aspects. YMMV but that is my experience.
I'll say it again - a lot of people here still play Morrowind. I still do regularly.
Morrowind has better Dialogue. I don't consider this a downside, Skyrim couldn't have had as much dialogue because of voice acting unless that was dropped. I personally prefer depth and more options to hearing repetitive voices though.
Morrowind had a bigger, more varied and more interesting map(interesting comment is objective, there was a lot more vairety and a lot more towns that all had more to do than any town in Skyrim though).
Morrowind had many, many more puzzles, artifacts, ect. and didn't have repetitive dungeons. This provided many more hours of play time outside of the quests that are already longer and more complex than Skyrim quests.
Morrowind had more factions that were all longer and better. Better is objective, still they were 4x longer and no one can say they weren't all solid.
Morrowind simply had more choices, even turning into a vampire brought a set of quest lines and choices upon you. It was a better RPG. Skyrim may be better on the action side but that's really what it is in a lot of action game.
I won't go into equipment/magic/skills/ect. Those are mostly an argument of preference between the action game leanings of Skyrim and the more RPG-like combat system of Morrowind.