TES NEEDS to be more complex

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:36 am

I personally enjoyed Skyrim a lot,however, what bothers me is that every new TES since Morrowind is becoming less and less complex. It is becoming very simplified. Take for example:
1. In Morrowind you had many options to customize your character, you could add him separately right and left shoulder,gloves, you could add him chest armor,helm, boots, belt,leggings,2 rings and 1 amulet,etc, while in
- Skyrim you have options only for 1 ring, 1 amulet, helm,boots,gloves and armor
2. There were way more weapon types in Morrowind. You had tantos, katanas,daikatanas,two handed swords,maces,axes, one handed swords,maces,axes, spears,staves, crossbows, bows, etc.
- In Skyrim you have only two and one handed swords,axes,maces, staves and bows.
3. In morrowind, you had tons of spells, you could also craft your own spells.
- In skyrim you have very few spells, and you even cannot craft your own spells, which removes more customization and fun
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:46 am

4. In Morrowind,you had way more weapon and armor sets, you had chitin, iron,steel, wild,glass,silver,etc. (I do not want to name all, it would take me lot of time:) ).
-In skyrim I only found few of those, and they repeat very often (especially iron,imperial and steel).
5. While in Morrowind I would welcome fast travel,since it had no mounts, I would remove it from oblivion and skyrim.
I'd propose: Have either mounts and no fast travel, or fast travel and no mounts. Having both is not a really good idea.

Please, Bethesda, make another TES like Morrowind with some features of Oblivion and Skyrim (especially combat,combat is great ). Thanks.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:39 pm

I agree the loss of spell creation and variety is unfortunate. I agree that more varied equipment options would be nice (although to be fair...most of those various weapon types are just names, they're not functionally any different than "sword").

That being said, leave fast travel alone. Don't use it if you don't want to, it's that simple. I avoid fast travel frequently as I enjoy exploring the country side and the "feel" of adventure when doing it yourself. That being said, I don't have the time for games I used to. Too much real life going on. Sometimes I only have about 20-30 minutes to jump in game real quick and I'd like to spend it actually doing a quest, not walking to it. There is absolutely no reason to remove the option of fast travel from the game just because some people don't want to use it, it's not required.

If it makes your life worse to use it, but you cannot physically control yourself from doing it anyway, then you need a therapist not a change in video game mechanics.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:23 pm


Complexity for complexity's sake is redundant.

And no, having the same thing with different names (katanas, chitin armor, whatnot) is not complexity
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:22 pm

Yawn. Get over it. Also Morrowind was not as good as you remember it.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:21 pm

Yawn. Get over it. Also Morrowind was not as good as you remember it.

EQ came out 3 years earlier than Morrowind and was superior in every way. Graphics and console gaming saved this series and there is no way around it.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:56 pm

I loved morrowind, but in no way, any thing you mentioned, made it more fun than skyrim. Except maybe for spell crafting.

Go back and play morrowind if you loved it so much.

Skyrim is a different game. Stop complaining, or wasting your and our time speculating what it needs, and appreciate what it has.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:40 pm

I agree about spellcrafting. It is a sad loss.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:23 pm

Omg. QQ some more.

If you think it needs to be more complex, Mod it.
If you think it needs to be more like Morrowind, play Morrowind.

There's nothing wrong with nerfing the equipment.
If they allowed you to put on more rings, there would be alot more people complaining that the game is too easy.
All of the things you mentioned seem like they basically round out the gameplay a little bit more, honestly.

Now lets all post flames and have this thread locked.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:54 pm

EQ came out 3 years earlier than Morrowind and was superior in every way. Graphics and console gaming saved this series and there is no way around it.

When was TES ever in a danger? While sure improved graphics may have helped with sales. Console gaming is redundant because morrowind came out on the orginal xbox.

I'm sure Morrowind out sold Daggerfall aswell.

I don't see your point honestly.

On-topic: Like bukke said before me. No need to add useless stuff to make it more complex.

I will never ever ever get the obsession with spears. Everyone talks about it being a must have in a TES game when they were only available in Morrowind. I don't see the hype around it.

While the armour and spell crafting were cool I can live without it.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:58 am

I also miss the chance of making spells, but as one spesific NPC says, the mind is highly underated in Skyrim =) So i find it usefull to think some idiot of a nord banished all spellmaking altars from Skyrim. If i ever catch that moron, even the most fierce of Skyrim will run in fear.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:01 pm

When was TES ever in a danger? While sure improved graphics may have helped with sales. Console gaming is redundant because morrowind came out on the orginal xbox.

I'm sure Morrowind out sold Daggerfall aswell.

I don't see your point honestly.

On-topic: Like bukke said before me. No need to add useless stuff to make it more complex.

I will never ever ever get the obsession with spears. Everyone talks about it being a must have in a TES game when they were only available in Morrowind. I don't see the hype around it.

While the armour and spell crafting were cool I can live without it.

I think he means Morrowind really put TES on the map.
To which, I tend to agree.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:36 pm

I think he means Morrowind really put TES on the map.
To which, I tend to agree.

I rule at reading :spotted owl:

Unless he meant what I actually thought then I really do rule at reading :P
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:33 pm


Complexity for complexity's sake is redundant.

And no, having the same thing with different names (katanas, chitin armor, whatnot) is not complexity

While i agree complexity for complexity's sake is redundant and pointless. Additional armor types and weapon types, for me anyways, is more about the looks. I'd like a bigger variety of armor styles and weapon styles. While i can make my own skins for armor it would be nice for there to have been more options in the game already. Obviously not everyone will agree with me so that's why the modding is nice.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:45 am

Additional armor types and weapon types, for me anyways, is more about the looks. I'd like a bigger variety of armor styles and weapon styles. While i can make my own skins for armor it would be nice for there to have been more options in the game already. Obviously not everyone will agree with me so that's why the modding is nice.

This. Apart from distinct appearance I would also like it because of different stats.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:14 am

Funny; last I knew, this wasn't TES V: Morrowind II, it was TES V: Skyrim.

So, if this isn't Morrowind II, why are you expecting Morrowind mechanics and features?

It may all be The Elder Scrolls, but each game is different. Deal with it.

And if you want Morrowind? Go play it.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:43 pm

Following the phase "Work Smarter, Not Harder", I believe that many of the changes Bethesda made with Skyrim where needed. Making something simplier isn't always a bad thing. They fixed (or at least made better) many things that were all but broken in OB.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:34 pm

When was TES ever in a danger?

Completely off of the OP's topic, I must respond to this. TES and Bethesda, in general, were in serious financial danger right around and after Redguard's release up until Morrowind's release (right around the same time that they were obtained by ZeniMax). They nearly went bankrupt and needed to put out a well-selling game with Morrowind. Morrowind, as a result, was very different from its predecessors and kicked off the modern interpretation of the series. Morrowind's success (first mainstream TES game... obviously so considering how many people seem to have started out with it without a clue of previous games), especially on the original Xbox, put Bethesda back in business, so to speak.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:43 pm

More random stuff you'll never use doesn't make it more complex.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:21 pm

...morrowind came out on the orginal xbox.

My understanding was that Morrowind came out on the PC with a port to the Xbox. While its popularity on the console surprised Bethesda, they also received a lot of flak because the mini maps weren't easy to see, console players had difficulty manipulating the drag and drop inventory, and some people had a hard time knowing what to do or with finding the first person in the main quest (Caius Cosades).

It may be coincidental that following this, Bethesda chose to add quest arrows and other helpful aids.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:41 pm

agreed skyrim is an unbelievable experience but it could have been better if only a few small things where added.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:54 am

Yawn. Get over it. Also Morrowind was not as good as you remember it.
One can't assume that... People here play it all the time. How can it not be as good as remembered if (in some cases) the last time one played was yesterday ?
(This applies to Fallout 1 & 2 as well.)
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:22 am

Spell crafting I miss, everything else I can take or leave. Make little difference to me.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:33 pm

On this note, would anyone else be curious to see what a modern and spiritual successor to Daggerfall would be like?
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April D. F
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:26 pm

I miss levitation and open lock spells. Levitation wouldn't be cheap because you should have to be continually casting for it to work, all the while it is using up magic so you need to be careful or you'll fall to your death. Open lock spells wouldn't be cheap either because they would work just like in Oblivion, you wouldn't be able to open locks until you reached a certain alteration level and then it wouldn't work all the time, some percentage fail rate based on level and perks. This makes open lock not cheap, because you wouldn't even be able to use the spell on master locks till you reach 100 alteration skill level, which would take quite a bit of time, where as I can pick master locks right now in skyrim with a skill level of less than 50, it takes me 20 picks, but since picks are dirt cheap it's no big deal.
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