I don?t think any system ever properly fits both user?s want to express their feelings towards a mod, and the modder?s expectations on how their mod should be experienced. My English fails to express this better than this.

I think all modders would like is to be able to upload without getting abuse and downloaders want to know what they are downloading. This can be achieved and I think the Nexus new system had the potential to do that in that it forces the user to rate in a particular way. It puts the words there for the user. However the words that are used are very bad and that is why it doesn't work. A simple changing of the wording would make a huge difference and this is what I talked about the last time this issue can up. For instance...
[I won't endorse this file] sounds much politer and softer as [I cannot endorse this file]
Some areas should be completely removed such as the conflicts, couldn't get the file to work, the personal taste/standards rubbish and replaced with something that is actually useful to downloaders and modders.
But ultimately negative endorsemants shouldn't be an option. They help no one and just create conflict and competition in a hobby that is supposed to be about fun.
And yes compatibility would be better served not as a means of rating but rather just as info for the downloader.
Anyway, like I said earlier all we can do is let our thoughts be known directly to the owner (who is currently asking for suggestions for the site) and move onto the other good sites out there leaving Nexus to those who are happy with the current rating system. For instance, TESA which is a very well organised and run site.