The stuff marked with red bugs me the most.
-Anyone can give a thumbs down to your mod if it isn't compatible with the popular files. Do i mod to make it compatible with other mods? No. If it isn't compatible with some big, shiny, mainstream mod, i don't care. It is your problem, not mine. Does that change the quality of my mod? No. Why is that a valid reason for thumbs down? Have no idea.
-The second red is really horrible. My mod has to suit people's -PERSONAL- tastes or believes!?!??!?!? WHAAAT!?!??!?!?! This one is simply ridiculous, and greatly offensive to any mod maker. Do i even need to make an argument here? Everyone has his/her own personal believes. Everyone has an option to walk away if they don't like my mod. It doesn't change quality of my mod if someone has his little believes!
The stuff marked with yellow is questionable.
-If the mod is really useless, and it is impossible to make it work, it does deserve a thumbs down. But it's often people's own stuff that is the cause of the problem. I make mods, but that doesn't mean i am obligated to make them work on every OS, and i don't have to explain to anyone how to install it. Does that really fit as a reason for thumbs down?
-I am not obligated to make a description, neither to make a valid description. Deceiving descriptions svck, but it's the mod that matter.
-The file didn't meet your high quality standards? Ok, but how is this helpful to the author? How am i going to improve my mod with that? Also notice the -YOUR- high standards. Not general standards, but someone's personal standards.
Why am i writing this you may ask. I can just take my mods down, i can just disable the ratings ... I am writing this because i care. I have faith that TES Nexus can improve. It is an important site for the whole community, and i think this is really a negative feature of it. I suggest they make an explanation a must when rating. I would like to hear you folks. I am really the only one who sees the problem with the rating?