not going to happen, for a million reasons.
1. balance, in terms of balance, it would make archery even more useless than it already is in game. It is an MMO, Balance is everything (and mind you, part of the reason the game failed is because it was not balanced in anyway). Making it free aim would make archery worse then useless.
2. engine/work/etc. would take WAY too much time to do correctly
3. Balance, again, i will reiterate, not using lock-on would make everyone hate you because you would be nothing more than a HP sponge who does not help at all
4. if they, for some reason, made it kike that, they would do so for the entire game, eveything would have to be forced into unlocked mode.
5. I think it will say it another time, Not having lock-on, while everything else uses it, would maker archery worthless. No, there is no excuse you could make that would change that.
IF you think this is restrictive, or something, osrry to say, welcome to the world of MMO's, where "RP" takes a back seet for mechanics.
TES is not balanced in anyway, example is robes. MEchanically there is literally no reason to use Robes in any game after arena, they are worthless. if any of those games were like an MMO (including skyrim), you would not be using robes at all, no exceptions because they are mechanically inferior to everything ese.
so no, there is not even a glimmer of delusional hope here because it is not that kind of game.
What about Oblvions light and heavy armor spell debuffs....?
at 100 of either, the pentaly is only 5%, literally the only thing that is different is that illusion spells will not work on guards all the time without a potion, otherwise the difference is so little that it does not matter.
I understand you want Skyrim online, but you have to understand, TES is NOT compatible with an MMO. teh skill system is too open and can never be balanced, you would see everyone wearing all the same armor, with basically the same enchants, and the same weaponws/spells.
The openness works in single player games because the games are so easy that you can use worthless things and be fine, it does not work like that in an MMO, whether it is parying up for dungeons, or going against other players the only people who would be grouped or battles against fairly would be the people with the better builds.
Want proof, During the beta of ESO, me and a handfull of other people pointed out that the openess of armor and weapons and skill lines would make the game borked in terms of balance, everyone would use the same amror/weapons/etc. we were told to shut our mouths, that we had no idea what we were talking about, that the game and community would not be like that...........guess what happened. By far, the best thing to use, and thus what most people use are Dragonknights wearing robes and destruction staffs.