I have started to modify some part of the Better Imperial City.esp as it came with the BC 4.5 Omod-ready package from TESNexus.
And I did notice a strange thing: the right fakelight at the City Door to the Arena got two BBCFireTorchLarge520 attended.
But as removing them, there seems to be still another BBCFireTorchLarge520 torch I am not able to see in the TES CS, as shown on the screenshots.
I already tried to run TES4Edit and selcect only Better Imperial City.esp, appled the filter with only "conflict status inherited by parent" checked,
used 'Remove "Identical to Master" records' and 'Undelete and Disable Reference', finally saved the esp, but I didnt solve that the light isnt visible in TES, even not as
object in the cell view, within Market District 01-04.
The same problem is ocuring relating a barrel and some flower, still they are in-game, but not in TES CS.
I saved the game several times outside the IC, and reloaded, to be sure the changes made are taken over, i only changed the fakelight because I wanted the remove it,
and noticed this strange problem.
As I do not see the light in TES CS i have no ID to look for, and I am not so experienced in TES4Edit to find the record likely to cause this error.