So as the topic says, I wanna see what real-life races correspond to TES races. Here are some of my ideas
Khajiit-Arabian/Middle Eastern
Bosmer-Native Americans
That's what I've got so far. Thoughts? races you'd change?
Argonians-Their culture of worshiping trees and having naming rituals seems pretty tribal. They also reject any forms of a unified government and live in places that only they can survive due to the diseases. It sounds like the "people who reside in jungles" sort-of race.
Bretons-Aren't actual like the French Bretons. They're more... Renaissance mixed with Wizards. They're magical, have a thing for fashion and art, are abstract thinkers, like poetry and are prone to eccentric. They're essentially the "right-brained" people of Tamriel. Think European attitude during the Renaissance. Many artists, abstract thinkers, poets, eccentric people, etc.
Orcs-Now, here's the interesting thing. Orcs seem to have a very militaristic society, they've also got equal treatment among the sixes and have their "berserker rage". They're kinda the stereotypical "Huns", minus the equal treatment thing. People even called the Huns ugly and said that they were stupid. :shrug:
Imperials-Imperials are like Romans, but at the same time they're like the imperialistic countries during the time every country was colonizing something. They've got the attitude to bring their culture and their views into everyone they take over's lives, and don't take things over in a militaristic way but instead take them over economically or diplomatically. However, they've also got Counts and Countesses, so they're sort-of like Europe during the middle ages.
Redguards-They're desert-dwelling warriors. I honestly haven't been able to think of many things for them... I found it kind-of ironic that they made them have "quickness of foot" in their description no matter what though.
Nords-The Nordic people of Scandinavia.... they've even got the accent and the facial features. :shrug:
Altmer-They're kind-of like the stereotypical "magical elf" race. They're tall, haughty, and they're obsessed with magic. They don't trust the other races and view the other elves that aren't like them as "Fallen", they don't let many people outside of their race have many rights in their country, and they feel they deserve special privileges. Maybe China from their ethnocentrism days, where people who weren't Chinese were viewed as "lesser" and they believed themselves to literally be the center of the world.
Bosmer-The other kind-of "stereotypical elf" race. They're short, quick, live in nature, and are very odd. The females are taller than the males, they're cannibalistic (somewhat), and have some ritual where people become ravenous beasts. They're probably closest to the people of Central America, if you account in the odd customs and the cannibalism.
Dunmer-With the Great Houses competing, ethnocentrism, and other things, I'd be guessing they're very close to 1800's America, surprisingly. The Great Houses are like Political factions, the ethnocentrism has gotten very high at times, people used to (and a few still do) talk to people from outside of the country sort-of like they're an "outlander", the slavery, etc. They're also similar to China in that everybody who isn't like them is viewed as an "outsider".
Khajiit-Nothing I can really think of. Probably Middle-Eastern, and it's not about the sand. They've got a lot of things similar in culture.
All-in-all, however, I think Bethesda made some pretty original races.
People don't make races to be similar to real-life ones usually. I mean, when I make up a race (don't worry, not for TES

), I just get a basic idea and go with the flow of how it just seems to fit right.