TES V: Skyrim...wow I havent posted as Knight777 for a long time...anyhoo please read below and discuss. What would you like to see new?
1) IMPERIAL LEGION JOINABLE with correct rewards as you are promoted such as guards address you as sir or something like that.
I honestly don't care.2) Level Scaling like Morrowind, not like Oblivion, or even better probably NO level scaling - Oblivion's level scaling is VERY annoying. In Morrowind if you went up against someone you couldnt handle yet you would need to level up to be able to beat that person. On the other hand if you level up to your max basically no one is a match for you, but certain people should still give you a little bit of a challenge, people who would be like the Her Hands Guards and Umbra and boss level people like Jyggalag and Umaril. Also with loot and armor weapons etc, when you are at level 1 you should still be able to find Ebony armor, you should encounter enemies with ebony armor and weapons too... also when you are say level 50 you should still encounter more people will iron armor and weapons, especially bandits if there are any!
If the above suggestion is followed I think there will be more reward to leveling up IMO.
Level scaling is confirmed to be that of Fallout, which is a good system to me.3) Maybe a side note of 2, things like Goblins, Minotaurs, Ogres, Grummites, Liches should NOT TAKE 5 MILLION HITS TO KILL! They certainly should not have more hitpoints than boss level npcs. It is so stupid that it took me SO much more time to kill an Ogre than it took me to take out Umaril...
Bosses should have more HP. Epic long one-on-one battles.4) Quests like Becoming the Duke/Duchess of Mania or Dementia should have a better way to play for the good character. I chose to become the duke of Dementia because I wasnt going to poison Thayden's food... and I could pretend that I was trying to find a peaceful solution with Syl but she just kept trying to kill me, and so she died at the end (actually from her own blow since I had reflect damage 101). Another quest was when you had to remake the gatekeeper, you should be able to free those people that dark elf was torturing! It seems you were able to free the the people near her but if you went back into a prior chamber before you reached her you would see that the woman below the floor and the man in the water were killed! You should be able to free them all maybe yourself, and either get the dark elf to stop permanantly or keep arguing till she attacks you and then you would obviously stop her by killing her or inprisoning her (see number 7 below
TL;DR5) Fast travel the way it should be...by guild guide or a boat or ship or carriage or something like that...you should be able to take you horse on a ship too. Also I guess you could click on your own horse and have the option to fast travel...
There should be a transportation chain and fast travel "toggle-able" to please everyone.6) Ability to train with trainers more, and the ability to train people yourself for money or for free.
Do not want.7) People should submit to you during battle (Not all maybe but at least some)! If they submit perhaps you should be able to have magic and/or metal handcuffs or something like that and:
Either they should put the handcuffs on, or last minute pull a sneak attack which you should be able to block, and then continue the fight
If they put the handcuffs on you should be able to take them to a guard and have them arrested, or arrest them yourself and take them to the prison if you are in the Legion.
agree with the submitting, but handcuffs? I can't imagine my dragonborn hero taking POW's. You should be able to either let them go, or finish them, like in Assassin's Creed.8) Ability to pick people/things up and throw them would be cool
Don't care. I never used the "Pick up" system. Should be used for something better.9) I like to have game music off. But there should be in game music heard coming from taverns for example.
wat?10) Ability to turn off the compass PLEASE. Not even have it showing on the screen. And ability to get enough information from npcs and/or books etc to finish a quest without compass.
Also confirmed that you can turn off the enitre HUD. I'll be keeping it on. For me, realism =/= fun.11) Ability to sleep in the wild, perhaps have a bedroll in your inventory. Once you set up the bedroll you also set up a camp fire.
Would make a hardcoe mode too easy, but not a bad idea.12) A realistic difficulty option which basically would negate leveling. Like having people die realistically after 10 or less hits most in around 1-3. Maybe same for player...you can be killed realistically easier. Maybe have area damage? If you hit the head it is much worse for the npc than hitting the hand, etc.
Nah, save that stuff for mods. This isn't Super Mario Brothers, where we die in one hit.13) If you are a good character you should have quests to eliminate the dark brotherhood and thieves guild.
Sure?14) Assasins should attack you at times (at least one in the game) whether you are trying to take down the dark brotherhood or not.
If they implement a system like in New Vegas, the opposing factions occasionally send people to try to kill you.15) You should be able to bring a homeless person out of there poor state by giving as much money as you like. You should be able to give anyone money just out of kindness possibly moving them up to a better lifestyle (see them move into a better home), you should be able to let people keep their rewards for you completing quests.
Nice idea, but doubt it would make it.I may think of more in the future...if so I may post them here or make a new thread.
iI Procelyte Ii