The best option for now is to take a break, from any speculations and spending time in this thread. This only makes waiting experience really booring. We must try to "forget" about TESV and not think about it so much - this will make the waiting pierod much easier to "survive". There will be a nice "distraction" in form of the Fallout New Vegas - Playing that game will help us to "survive" the waiting pierod for TESV. So my point is - the more we think about TESV, the more booring and painful waiting pierod is. I really wish to have a machine, that can erase any information about Oblivion from the brain

. That would be great to play Oblivion again, but the "first time".
My way to survive the waiting is that i have forced my brain, to believe that TESV will be released in 2012 - this really helps.
Go go Bethesda!! So many people just can't survive much longer without any information about TESV - just some confirmation that it is under production will be very valuable.