I imagine this question must have come up before over the years, and likely even has an official answer. Still, Google turned up nothing for me:
What do you call the unit of weight used in Tamriel/The Elder Scrolls games? In my mind, I say "pounds" because I'm American, "feathers" because of the icon (at least in Oblivion), or "stones" because it sound old-timey British ("kilograms" sounds new and modern, so that's out). And every time I do, I doubt myself. Inquiring mes want to know.
Some thing was mentioned in the book about Orcs, called,
The Pig Children...Orcs are thankfully easy to recognize from other humanoids by their size -- commonly forty pertans in height and fifteen thousand angaids in weight -- ...
Angaids seems to be weight, and pertans in height. ALthough I have no idea what these translate too.