If I had to narrow down all my wishes to just 5 I think it would be something like this:
1. An improved leveling system - I think pretty much everyone can agree on this, bandits in glass armor and ebony just breaks immersion, which leads me to my next point....
2. Immersion - I'd like to see a bit more variety. No two dungeons should ever look the same and they should all have a different story to tell. Furthermore, there should be greater variation in landscapes and cities. I'd also like to see some quest lines that deeply explore certain parts of Elder Scrolls lore.
3. Improved Features - I think the magic system is in need of a huge overhaul. I'd like some new spell effects and new ways to practice magic. New effects could be something like flamethrower, traps, mind control, transmutation or necromancery (or whatever necromancers want to call it

) In ways of practice I'm thinking that some spells should be charged up, some should be prepared. Or power attacks with spells; press and hold the cast button to charge up your spell and deliver even more destruction.
For alchemy while making the potions; I'd like a list of available effects that I can just click on and the game will automatically select the needed ingredients, It's actually somewhat bothersome to look through a large load of junk in order to find a particular effect. (Besides, this one sounds pretty easy to code)
Improved Features also include dialogue, combat and so forth.
4. Improved graphics - I'm an artist so graphics is pretty important to me. I don't want my character to look like something my dog chewed on. Nor do I want ugly animations (Bethesda you need to get your hands on some good animation products like Natural Motion, or hire another team of animators. Most of what I've seen so far is pretty ugly, and that's a damn shame)
I also want a unique world that doesn't borrow too much from Lord of the Rings and the Roman Empire. I want an
inspiring world.
5. An improved Construction Set - As always the CS is one of the best things about TES. I wish it to be better and more powerful, with a larger arsenal of tools, basically as close to open-source as possible. Here's an idea, make the dialouge system node-based. It would be much more user friendly, rather than looking through and endless list of responses and references.