Caterina: What about Proudmoore? He caused problems too, and the other smaller Alliance settlements attack the Horde too. Overall, I'd say Jaina is alone in her want to be neutral with the Horde, everyone else is just too caught up in revenge.
That's what I am saying. On hordeside we got the Burning Blades on Allianceside we have Admiral Proudmoore's followers. Well it's of course more complex than that. Territory and ressources do play a role, like always (Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley), but Horde and Alliance are not at war.
*More about Proudmoore. In RoC we learn that the king ignores Medivhs warnings and gets killed by betrayed Arthas. Jaina leads
some of the humans to Kalimdor, the rest gets mostly eaten by the Scourge. In the end Jaina allies Thrall, but Proudmoore (her father) was against this at all costs, I can't exactly recall what she did with him, but it was not nice

. The people and soldiers who fought under Proudmoore are not happy with it at all and since there is no Burning Legion threatening at their doors anymore, they remember the good old days, when every orc was a thrall, at best and they of course remember all the deaths when Thrall freed and united the Horde. Especially that cunning, fierce, cruel and merciless Grom Hellscream, last of the free orcs.
Imo Jaina and Thrall got a nice task over there, keeping peace with this kind of explosives. :]
On the other hand, there are enough people who just want to live in peace, I guess. As for the horde, some elder's are not happy with Thrall's peaceful way either and want to bring back the old days. I doubt they will ever succeed, praise THE WARCHIEF. They won't start to revolt against him. We must remember that Ogrim Doomhammer himself supported Thrall and called him warchief. Well, this and Mannoroth's influence gone...
I'm very interested in the nightelve's opinion on that matter. Lorewise they shouldn't be part of the alliance but rather a third faction by themselves, just like the bloodelves should. It's also somehow open, who reigns the nightelves nower days, Tyrande is only a highpriestess (strongly gifted no doubt) after all.
(It's really hard for me to talk about this in English, excuse bad spelling, grammar and repetitive style =P)