Well we do need a weapon list, also, Lost Battalion is awesome, i have it on my pc
meh bro got it for me.
Also regarding the above, i notice you said the weapons all seem to be "1-hit" weapons. What do you mean by this? Do you expect me to make this liek a video game? Your not goona get hit in the leg and lose 25% of your health, your goona get hit in the leg, have the knee blown apart from the bullet, and as your falling, have a mortor shell land right behind you and blow up, sending mud flying, as well as you, into a small dirty puddle, where you'll sit there with a nearly blown off leg, and a back riddled with shrapnel, wonderng wether it'd be better to die, or call of for a stretcher bearer.
Also, i too like character development and such. I've been lookign for a World War 2 or Vietnam roleplay that'll have just as much of the R&R as the combat, which will be what this is. When your not shooting at a random stragler in no-mans land, you'll be sitting in a dugout playing cards, or out on watch in the middle of the night. Suddenly, the wind blows! on the other side of No-mans land, you here the rattling of cans. A flare flies up from the enemies trenches, and a small firefight ensues between all the men on guard. While this is going on, you take a cautious peek over no-mans land and notice the enemies barbed-wire has cans strung about it, so anybody that so much as moves the barbwire, will cause the cans to clang together and make sounds...
Yes, little things like this will also be there, as well as the locals. During war, no villages and such were empty. The locals were stil about, they would hide in the cellars and basemants, only coming up to get food or to yell at soldiers for tramping about there lawn. Romance may also be invovled. It wasn't unlikly for a soldier to fall in love with a local. Just make sure you arn't a femal in an occupied country dating a German! OR a german female in russian occupied country. Not a good mix whatsoever.
Lycan, what do you prefer for the battle? Paschendeale or Vimy Ridge? Or the Somme? We need to make an anological battle for the RP to take part in. I kinda want a Paschendale related RP, for the coming of the movie. Vimy I just want cause Canada was in it...quote from hitler; "Of all the World War 1 monuments, this is the only one worth destroying" cause, well, he was at Vimy was he not when the Canadians attacked? Hm.
Anyways, what do you prefer?