though 3 things happened. 1. Lycan dissapeared/internet down? Maybe we'll never know, he's mysterious that way..
2. My internet failed completly for about half a month, or 2 weeks for you literal types out there.
3. Lost the .txt file containing all the info when we installed our ($89)500gb internal harddrive to the pc about a month ago.
So now im blind, and Lycan, need your help. I think this RP has serious possibilities.
I dont have much time right now, so I'll be back later but basically, here was the main context of the RP;
it's the 6th Era, and the ruler/headhauncho/heir to the throne of (Austrian related provine in Tamriel placed here) has just been assassinated while driving by a sandwhich shop. In the months to follow, Tamriel is throwninto political turmoil as war breaks out. Young men and mer are sent to fight in dirty, smelly rat filled trenches for there nations. Magic is now mostly used for medical purposes, and fire arms have been invented
I believe we were goign to use actual firearms used in the real war like Lee Enfields and Kar98's.
I beleive we were also going to distribute the ranks to the players, rather then them choosing it.
Agh, have to go Lycan, if you see this, please try and refresh my memory. Never was good at remembering stuff. Now then, I have to go drive about. Never goona get 24 hours of practice driving for my drivers license in June sitting around here, wot?
(tee hee)