tes3cmd modify -t cell -e 'my $mod = 0; foreach my $subrec (@$r) { if (exists $subrec->[1]->{Fog_Density} and $subrec->[1]->{Fog_Density} == 0) { $subrec->[1]->{Fog_Density} = 0.01; warn "Fogbug fixed for $subrec->[0]\n"; $mod = 1; } }; $mod;' dh_thriftshop.esp
tes3cmd modify -t cell -p fix_fogbugs.pl dh_thriftshop.esp
perl tes3cmd fogpatch -D > debug.txtwhich outputs the list of cells to fix in the debug.txt file; You need to open and fix the single cells by hand using TESCS, but it is still a great aid.
perl tes3cmd fogpatch -D > debug.txtusing last tes3cmd Version: 0.37, but it does not seem to work
perl tes3cmd fogpatcha must for the mod list of any user affected by the fog bug :thumbsup:
use strict;sub main { my($record_type, $record_ref, $unknown, $flags) = @_; my $modified = 0; foreach my $subrecord (@$record_ref) { my($type, $subrecord_ref) = @$subrecord; if (exists $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} and $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} == 0) { $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} = 0.01; $modified++; } } return($modified);}
perl tes3cmd mod -t cell -p fixfog.pl myplugin.esp
use strict;sub main { my($record_type, $record_ref, $unknown, $flags) = @_; my $modified = 0; foreach my $subrecord (@$record_ref) { my($type, $subrecord_ref) = @$subrecord; if (exists $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} and $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} == 0) { $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} = 0.01; $modified++; } } return($modified);}
perl tes3cmd mod -t cell -p fixfog.pl myplugin.esp
use strict;sub main { my($record_type, $record_ref, $unknown, $flags) = @_; my $modified = 0; foreach my $subrecord (@$record_ref) { my($type, $subrecord_ref) = @$subrecord; if (exists $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} and $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} == 0) { $subrecord_ref->{Fog_Density} = 0.01; $modified++; } } return($modified);}
perl tes3cmd mod -t cell -p fixfog.pl myplugin.esp
FOR %%A IN (*.es?) DO perl tes3cmd.pl mod -t cell -p fixfog.pl "%%A"
perl "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3cmd\tes3cmd.pl" mod -r "/as_b_v_nord_f_head_01/zz_test/" "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files\Copy of vampireHeadsEtc_005.esp"pause
perl "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3cmd\tes3cmd.pl" mod -s body.name -r "/as_b_v_nord_f_head_01/zz_test/" "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files\Copy of vampireHeadsEtc_005.esp"pause
perl "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3cmd\tes3cmd.pl" mod -t body -r "/as_b_v_nord_f_head_01/zz_test/" "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files\Copy of vampireHeadsEtc_005.esp"pause