[RELz] tes3cmd, a tool for editing TES3 plugins, and much mo

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:25 pm

Instances of objects that have persistent flag should not be cleaned. The main reason to make objects persistent is to be able to reference them in scripts. Tes3cmd removes those object instances from cells during cleaning. And when you load the game it crashes if a script could not find object instance it needs.
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Angela Woods
Posts: 3336
Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:15 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:28 pm

Could you send me an example plugin that is affected by this?

tes3cmd mostly should only clean duplicate object references, which means the reference should still be in the cell, just provided by one of the plugin's masters intead of the cleaned plugin.
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Posts: 3393
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:35 am

Say what now? That's awesome, how have I never known of that shortcut? That will make running these programs so much more convenient. Thanks Dragon32!
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Posts: 3414
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:43 pm

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28753474/Dwemer%20lights.esp . Script DWEMERLIGHTSOFF wont work after you clean the plugin.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
Posts: 3497
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:10 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:14 pm

When I clean that plugin (tes3cmd clean "Dwemer Lights.esp"), all it cleans is Evil GMSTs, no object references. What command line did you use?

Edit: If you could, report the tes3cmd version number and include the output of the cleaning command too, as that will help me narrow things down. Thanks
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Trey Johnson
Posts: 3295
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:00 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:38 pm

the same
tes3cmd v0.37s

CLEANING: "Dwemer lights.ESP" ...
Loaded cached Master: /morrowind.esm
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: steleportdisabled
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: slevitatedisabled
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfrefusal
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfpopup
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfrestmessage
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: swerewolfalarmmessage
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: smaxsale
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: sdeletenote
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seditnote
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: sprofitvalue
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionshare
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningmessage
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningbuttonone
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: scompanionwarningbuttontwo
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfrunmult
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsilverweapondamagemult
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolfbounty
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfstrength
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfagility
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfendurance
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspeed
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfhandtohand
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfunarmored
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolfleveltoattack
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolffightmod
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: iwerewolffleemod
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfathletics
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfacrobatics
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfhealth
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolffatigue
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmagicka
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfintellegence
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfwillpower
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfpersonality
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfluck
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfblock
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfarmorer
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmediumarmor
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfheavyarmor
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfbluntweapon
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolflongblade
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfaxe
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspear
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfdestruction
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfalteration
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfillusion
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfconjuration
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmysticism
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfrestoration
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfenchant
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfalchemy
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsecurity
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfsneak
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolflightarmor
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfshortblade
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmarksman
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfmerchantile
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fwerewolfspeechcraft
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: fcombatdistancewerewolfmod
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: ffleedistance
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: seffectsummonfabricant
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature01
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature02
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature03
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature04
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: seffectsummoncreature05
Cleaned Evil-GMST Tribunal: smagicfabricantid
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature01id
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature02id
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature03id
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature04id
Cleaned Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: smagiccreature05id
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 204882) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 204912) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207288) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249599) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249607) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249609) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249610) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249611) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249612) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249620) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249621) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249623) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 249624) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354492) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354493) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354498) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354499) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354500) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354501) from CELL: aleft
Cleaned junk-CELL: aleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369120) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369132) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369133) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369190) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369191) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369192) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369193) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369194) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369195) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369197) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369198) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468325) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468326) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468327) from CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, cells of hollow hand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369236) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369237) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369325) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468429) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468430) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468431) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468432) from CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, deep ore passage
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369395) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369414) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369434) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369582) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369583) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369586) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369587) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369588) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468529) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468530) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468531) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468532) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468533) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 484352) from CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, hall of centrifuge
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369600) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369607) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369608) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369611) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369612) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369669) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369670) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369671) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468587) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468588) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468594) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468595) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468596) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468597) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468598) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468611) from CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, heaven's gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369716) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369717) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369718) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369719) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369720) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369721) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369722) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369723) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369724) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369725) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369826) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369827) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369828) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369834) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369835) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369856) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 468614) from CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, land's blood gallery
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369863) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369864) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369869) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369870) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369873) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369874) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369981) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369982) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369983) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369984) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369985) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369986) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369988) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369989) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369990) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 369991) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 469742) from CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthand, weepingbell hall
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374764) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374767) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374768) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374772) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374773) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374774) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374778) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374781) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374881) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374884) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374888) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374890) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374893) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 374894) from CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned junk-CELL: arkngthunch-sturdumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205323) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205324) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205331) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205359) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205360) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205373) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205374) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205378) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205381) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205382) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205383) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205391) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205392) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205401) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205413) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205426) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354634) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354635) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354636) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354637) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354638) from CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned junk-CELL: bthanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205509) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205526) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205527) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205544) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205567) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205580) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205581) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205644) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205651) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205673) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205674) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207291) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354640) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354641) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354642) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354643) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354644) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354645) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354646) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354647) from CELL: bthuand
Cleaned junk-CELL: bthuand
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205977) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205978) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205979) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205996) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354658) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354659) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354660) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354661) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354662) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354663) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354664) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354665) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354666) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354667) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354670) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354671) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354672) from CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned junk-CELL: bthungthumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214392) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214398) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214399) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214400) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214401) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214404) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214405) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441480) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon02 FRMR: 441490) from CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagon fel, andre maul's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213787) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213788) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213789) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213791) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213792) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213793) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213794) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213796) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213797) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213799) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213800) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 213801) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441602) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441603) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441604) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441607) from CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagon fel, sorkvild's tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214223) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214224) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214225) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214226) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214227) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214228) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214233) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214239) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 214249) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 441624) from CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagon fel, vacant tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234401) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234402) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234404) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234405) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234406) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234407) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234409) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234410) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234411) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 364733) from CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagoth ur, inner facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234678) from CELL: dagoth ur, lower facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 371351) from CELL: dagoth ur, lower facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 371352) from CELL: dagoth ur, lower facility
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagoth ur, lower facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211060) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211061) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211062) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211063) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211074) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211075) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211076) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211077) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211078) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211079) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211080) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 211081) from CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned junk-CELL: dagoth ur, outer facility
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194705) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194706) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194707) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194708) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194709) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194772) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194789) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194790) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194805) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194806) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196615) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196617) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196618) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196619) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196620) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196621) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306799) from CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned junk-CELL: druscashti, lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194565) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194566) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194567) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194568) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194569) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 194667) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196607) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196608) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196609) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306781) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306786) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306790) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306791) from CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned junk-CELL: druscashti, upper level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257836) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257837) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257838) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257839) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257840) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257841) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257842) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257843) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257844) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257845) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257846) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257847) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257848) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 257936) from CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned junk-CELL: endusal, kagrenac's study
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250222) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250227) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250228) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250230) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250232) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250251) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250284) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250297) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 250298) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 281643) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 281644) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306948) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 306949) from CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned junk-CELL: galom daeus, entry
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196861) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196886) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196887) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196889) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196890) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196897) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196900) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196902) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196906) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196936) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196937) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 196938) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 281638) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 281640) from CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned junk-CELL: galom daeus, observatory
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 291448) from CELL: gnisis, bethamez
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 291517) from CELL: gnisis, bethamez
Cleaned junk-CELL: gnisis, bethamez
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425770) from CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425771) from CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425772) from CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425773) from CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425774) from CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned junk-CELL: mudan, central vault
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425901) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425902) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425903) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425904) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425905) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425906) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425907) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425908) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425909) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425910) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425911) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425912) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425913) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425914) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425915) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425916) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425917) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425918) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425919) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425920) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425921) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425922) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425923) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425924) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425925) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425926) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425927) from CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned junk-CELL: mudan, lost dwemer checkpoint
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425985) from CELL: mudan, right tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 425986) from CELL: mudan, right tower
Cleaned junk-CELL: mudan, right tower
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206025) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206048) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206049) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206063) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206067) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206076) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206077) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206086) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207292) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354677) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354680) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354681) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354682) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354684) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354685) from CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned junk-CELL: mzahnch
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207151) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207152) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207161) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207170) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354687) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354690) from CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned junk-CELL: mzahnch lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205027) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205054) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205055) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205090) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 205109) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207289) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354707) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354708) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354709) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354711) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354712) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354713) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354714) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354715) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354716) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354717) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354718) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354719) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354720) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354721) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354722) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354724) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354725) from CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned junk-CELL: mzanchend
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221770) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221771) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221772) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221774) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221775) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221776) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221808) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221809) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221831) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221848) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221852) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 221893) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354731) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354732) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354733) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354734) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354739) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354740) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354741) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354742) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354743) from CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned junk-CELL: mzuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227531) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227555) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227602) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227603) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227604) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227656) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 227658) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354744) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354745) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354746) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354747) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354748) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354749) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354750) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354751) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354752) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354753) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354754) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354755) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354756) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354757) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354758) from CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchardahrk
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206166) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206202) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206218) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206222) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206227) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206233) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206234) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 206243) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207293) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354759) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354760) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354762) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354763) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354765) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354766) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354767) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354768) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354769) from CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchardumz
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207214) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207215) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207216) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207226) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207231) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207257) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354783) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354785) from CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchardumz lower level
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207481) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207504) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207518) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207537) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207538) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207556) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207586) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 207591) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354818) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354819) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354820) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354821) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354822) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354823) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 354824) from CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchuleft
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193200) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193242) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193243) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193256) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193261) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193281) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193282) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193283) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193287) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193288) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193297) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193298) from CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchuleftingth, lower levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193162) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193165) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193167) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193168) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193169) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193170) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193171) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193172) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476681) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476695) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476696) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476697) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476701) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476702) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 476703) from CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchuleftingth, test of pattern
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193003) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193007) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193058) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193067) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193070) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193095) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193096) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193098) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193100) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193101) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193102) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193103) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 193110) from CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchuleftingth, upper levels
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469376) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469377) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469378) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469379) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469380) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469381) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469382) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469394) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469395) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469401) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469402) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469405) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469406) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469512) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469513) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469514) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 469515) from CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned junk-CELL: nchurdamz, interior
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258004) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258005) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258006) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258007) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258008) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258009) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258010) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258011) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258012) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258013) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258014) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258015) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258016) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258017) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258071) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258072) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258073) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 258074) from CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned junk-CELL: odrosal, dwemer training academy
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383872) from CELL: tureynulal, bladder of clovis
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383873) from CELL: tureynulal, bladder of clovis
Cleaned junk-CELL: tureynulal, bladder of clovis
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383929) from CELL: tureynulal, eye of duggan
Cleaned junk-CELL: tureynulal, eye of duggan
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383953) from CELL: tureynulal, eye of thom wye
Cleaned junk-CELL: tureynulal, eye of thom wye
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234770) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234771) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234772) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234773) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234774) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234775) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234776) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 234777) from CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned junk-CELL: tureynulal, kagrenac's library
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383986) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383987) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383988) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383989) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383990) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383991) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383992) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383993) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383994) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383995) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383996) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383997) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383998) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 383999) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon01 FRMR: 384000) from CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned junk-CELL: vemynal, hall of torque
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258185) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258187) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258189) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258190) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258192) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258193) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258194) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258195) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned duplicate object instance (light_dwrv_neon00 FRMR: 258196) from CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Cleaned junk-CELL: vemynal, outer fortress
Output saved in: ".\Clean_Dwemer lights.ESP"
Original unaltered: "Dwemer lights.ESP"

Cleaning Stats for "Dwemer lights.ESP":
Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: 61
Evil-GMST Tribunal: 11
duplicate object instance: 582
junk-CELL: 45

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Posts: 3435
Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:40 am

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:48 pm

Is there a way to get the position values of all the NPCs in a cell , for use in positioncell ?

Also, on a different note, where does output of dump endup? I havent found it where tes3cmd resides..
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Posts: 3319
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:59 am

Yes. Just dump the cell and look for the ID of the NPC. Their position will follow in a DATA sub-record.
For example, you can look at the cell "Balmora, Guild of Mages"
tes3cmd dump --type cell --id "Balmora, Guild of Mages" Morrowind.esm > output.txt
(and then look at the output which is in the plain text file "output.txt")

The output goes to the screen (a/k/a "stdout") by default. There are two general strategies...
The example above puts the output in a file, which can be viewed with a text editor.

Or, you can look at the output one page at a time by piping it to the "more" command (hit space to get next page):
tes3cmd dump --type cell --id "Balmora, Guild of Mages" Morrowind.esm | more

The information for a particular NPC in a cell looks like this:
*FRMR: ObjIdx:67621  MastIdx:0  NAME: Name:galbedir  DATA: X:-549.60  Y:-73.19  Z:13.57  X_Angle:0.00  Y_Angle:0.00  Z_Angle:1.53

Note that this gives the NPCs starting position. Current positions are stored in your savegames, of course.
Hope that helps.
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Rachell Katherine
Posts: 3380
Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:21 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:48 pm

John, did you figure out why we get different results when using the same command?
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des lynam
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Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:07 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:35 pm

I'm working on it. Sorry for the delay, but my life is complicated /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> tes3cmd should definitely not screw up a plugin on the clean command. I'm going to try to devote time to it this weekend. The information you provided should let me figure it out. I just need to get a few hours without interruptions /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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DAVId Bryant
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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:41 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:02 am

Yeah, I see.
Looks like it doesn't differentiate between NPCs and others, too bad.

I suppose its a long shot but is there a way to narrow the list down, like may be only gives output of things with disposition or something.

Come to think of it, it only saves reference CELL record i guess, so no way to differentiate between them i suppose /unsure.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

Still, its a lot of work reduced, thanks john /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':biggrin:' />
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Izzy Coleman
Posts: 3336
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:34 am

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:17 pm

Hello. Just one question (sorry I could not find the answer on Tes3cmd wiki nor in examples given above):

Does the global search/replace function allow to replace a static ID by another? I.e., I would like to replace a tree model in a whole area by another model (using another static ID linking to a new mesh).
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Kerri Lee
Posts: 3404
Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:37 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:07 am

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Britta Gronkowski
Posts: 3475
Joined: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:14 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:09 pm

Yes. The search and replace basically allows any text string substitution, and object names are text strings.

Here is a quick example:
tes3cmd modify --type cell --id "seyda neen" --replace "/fargoth/bolvyn venim/" test.esp

by adding: --type cell --id "seyda neen"
we narrow which records the replace operates on. The important thing here is to make sure that we don't accidentally modify records that are not relevent.

the replace "/A/B/" means replace Perl regular expression A with the string B. Perl regular expression are like pattern matchers on steroids. If you avoid special characters (stick to letters number ...) then it will mostly act like a substring match. If something unexplected happens, let me know and I'll help you out.

when tes3cmd does the replace, it prints the new record as it has been changed. For CELL records, this can be a bit of output. You can redirect the output to a file by appending "> output.txt" to the end of the command line, and then view the file "output.txt" in any text editor.
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Kaley X
Posts: 3372
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:46 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:07 pm

Thank you for the very fast answer john.moonsugar, I will try this ASAP and report any unexpected behaviour.

BTW, it is possible to replace the cell name by exterior cell coordinates? If so, what will be the typo?
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Kelsey Anna Farley
Posts: 3433
Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:33 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:52 pm

If you mean is it possible to specify a specific exterior cell by coordinates, the answer is yes. Here is how I would change the previous example:
tes3cmd modify --type cell --id "\(-2, -9\)" --replace "/fargoth/bolvyn venim/" test.esp

Note that since parenthesis are special characters in regular expression patterns, they need to be "escaped" with a preceeding backslash to make them plain characters (to make them act more like a string match). Note that there is one space after the comma, and that it is necessary (at least, for doing simple matching) to format the coordinates like I show in the example (with parentheses and one space after comma).
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:11 pm

It sounds very clear, thank you again!
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Isaac Saetern
Posts: 3432
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:46 pm

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:00 pm

Hi qqqbbb,
Sorry for the delay. Please try cleaning your dwemer lights plugin with this new tes3cmd:

Morrowind sometimes works in mysterious ways. The previous cleaning philosophy was that if the group of subrecords for an object instance (reference) in a cell were exactly the same as in the plugin's masters, then it could be cleaned as a "duplicate reference". You found a case where this is not true: when the persistence flag for the object has been switched on. It seems illogical that we can't clean the reference, since the data in the master is exactly the same, but Morrowind must be doing something different internally that we can't see from the bare data in the plugins involved. Perhaps names of non-persistent objects instances are internally only kept with the 8 byte hex suffix and persistent objects are kept without the suffix.

In any case, tes3cmd 0.37t now checks your plugin to see which objects are marked persistent, and any instances in cells are no longer cleaned.

I hope to put out a more fully realized and debugged 0.38 version sometime in the fairly near future. But I supposed I should never commit to deadlines as I am constantly unable to make them /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Let me know if you encounter any more problems.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:50 pm

Thanks for the update, John.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:21 pm

I've been meaning to download this, and I must say - you are a golden god among morrowmen. What effect does not removing "redundant AMBI, WHGT" have? I understand it's the ambient light / water height, but how does nearly every plugin have this?

Edit: Also, a lot of ####~1.esp backups have been made, is there anyway to send these to a backup folder after they're already created? Nevermind, managed to move them all manually because I'm that dedicated.

Now I'm getting things like Unable to find referenced object "jo_ashl_door_02_yanit" in script jo_KaushtababiCamp_Script. which I never got before, and a ton of

Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load1 (this is from Uvirith's Legacy I know for sure) that I never got before
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:00 pm

I think whenever you remove/add/renumber a reference in a mod the scripts looking for a persistent object belonging to that mod can't find it no more when you load previous save. Ignore messages, re-save after loading, exit Morrowind, load the new save and see if messages go away, else try Mash repair all on your save
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GEo LIme
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:54 am

Light mods modify AMBI. Any dirty mod loaded after your light mod will reset AMBI settings to vanilla.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:37 pm

The CS puts those sub-records in the CELL records. To avoid conflicts with lighting mods, you can use tes3cmd to clean them.

You can look at the --hide-backups and --backup-dir options. These will stash the backups away in a place of your choice.

If you are not using the latest version (0.37t), then please try re-cleaning with that version. Previous versions were cleaning duplicate refs that had been made persistent, but it turns out that is not correct.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:19 pm

I am using the most current version. I ended up fixing the immediate errors by replacing the cleaned files with the originals for now
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:49 pm

I cleaned Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0 and loaded game with no problems.
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