[RELz] tes3cmd, a tool for editing TES3 plugins, and much mo

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:33 am

Edit: It's removing two yurts from LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp that should definitely be there. It's the most major difference between the two files. Do you know why it is removing things like this?

Unable to find referenced object "jo_ashl_tent_02_kanit" in script jo_KanitYurtScript.Unable to find referenced object "jo_ashl_door_02_yanit" in script jo_KaushtababiCamp_Script.Unable to find referenced object "uvi_centurion_sphere_1" in script uvi_robot_cent1.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load1.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load10.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load11.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load12.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load2.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load3.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load4.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load5.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load6.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load7.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load8.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Load9.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload1.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload10.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload11.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload12.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload2.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload3.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload4.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload5.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload6.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload7.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload8.Unable to find referenced object "alchemy_table_dhm" in script DHM_Alchemy_Unload9.Unable to find referenced object "uvi_meiree_away2_d1" in script Uvi_Meiree_Wander2.Unable to find referenced object "in_t_movable_plug01" in script Uvi_Open_hallplugs_UT.Unable to find referenced object "uvi_meiree_away2" in script Uvi_TowerTravel_CreatureInviso.Unable to find referenced object "uvi_wc_device" in script Uvi_WC_ItemCounter.Unable to find referenced object "furn_de_r_table_uvi" in script Uvirith_Verena.Unable to find referenced object "uvi_crystal_ball_01" in script Uvirith_Verena_ScampInvocation.Expression Error Unable to find race id "msivi intervention" in script SCGCDSklUar.

This is my error list after running fixit on this list of plugins:
The final error was a CTD

[Game Files]GameFile0=Animated Morrowind.espGameFile1=AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.espGameFile2=Barabus' fireplaces 2.espGameFile3=Better Bodies.espGameFile4=Better Clothes_v1.1.espGameFile5=Better Skulls.ESPGameFile6=Better Weapons and Armors.espGameFile7=BetterClothesForTB.espGameFile8=Better_Sounds.espGameFile9=Bloated Caves.espGameFile10=Bloodmoon.esmGameFile11=Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.espGameFile12=Book Jackets - Morrowind.espGameFile13=Book Jackets - Tribunal.espGameFile14=Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESPGameFile15=CliffRacersV1.espGameFile16=Creatures (Semi).espGameFile17=Creatures Great House Dagoth Patch.espGameFile18=DA_Sobitur_Facility_Clean.ESPGameFile19=DA_Sobitur_Quest_Part_1 Clean.espGameFile20=DA_Sobitur_Quest_Part_2 Clean.espGameFile21=DA_Sobitur_Repurposed_1.ESPGameFile22=DB_Attack_Mod.espGameFile23=DN-GDRv1 (BTB Edit).espGameFile24=DX_Thedungeon.espGameFile25=Deus Ex Machina - A Steampunkyish Mod.ESPGameFile26=Djangos Dialogue.ESPGameFile27=ExcellentMagicSounds.espGameFile28=Female Armor - Complete.espGameFile29=GCDLean204STD.espGameFile30=GDR_MasterFile.esmGameFile31=Ghostpath 1.41a.espGameFile32=Golden Gold Patch v1.0.espGameFile33=Golden Gold.espGameFile34=Graphic Herbalism Extra.espGameFile35=Graphic Herbalism.espGameFile36=Great House Dagoth.espGameFile37=Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.espGameFile38=Illuminated Order v1.0.espGameFile39=Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.espGameFile40=Immersive Chargen.espGameFile41=JEB_muffin_fix.espGameFile42=KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_1.3.espGameFile43=Key Replacer Trib & BM.espGameFile44=LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.espGameFile45=LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.espGameFile46=LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_22_suppl.espGameFile47=LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.espGameFile48=LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.espGameFile49=LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.espGameFile50=LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.espGameFile51=LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.espGameFile52=LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.espGameFile53=LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.espGameFile54=LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_31.espGameFile55=LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.espGameFile56=LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.espGameFile57=LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.espGameFile58=LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_20.espGameFile59=LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_61.espGameFile60=LeftGloves_Addon_v2.espGameFile61=Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.espGameFile62=Less_Generic_Nerevarine.espGameFile63=Less_Generic_Tribunal.espGameFile64=Lgnpc_SN.espGameFile65=MA_snowprincetomb_v3.espGameFile66=MCFC_1.0.espGameFile67=MW Containers Animated.espGameFile68=Moons_Spawn_V1.3.3_Non_Patched.espGameFile69=More Better Clothes.ESPGameFile70=Morrowind Patch Compilation Full 1.2.esmGameFile71=Morrowind Rebirth 2.0 - Balmora Underworld - Addon.ESPGameFile72=Morrowind Rebirth 2.01 - Racial Diversity - Addon.ESPGameFile73=Morrowind Rebirth 2.01.espGameFile74=Morrowind.esmGameFile75=Museum of Artifacts Improved Expanded.espGameFile76=Nasty Camonna Tong.espGameFile77=Neo's Unique Creatures.espGameFile78=New Bodies - Mature.espGameFile79=New Voices.espGameFile80=NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.espGameFile81=Nymeria's Faster Walk.espGameFile82=OTR_Coast_variety.espGameFile83=Particle Arrow Replacer.espGameFile84=Psy_UniqueDremora_T.espGameFile85=Psy_VGR_Armour.espGameFile86=QOTW Season One.ESPGameFile87=QOTW Season Two.ESPGameFile88=Rise of House Telvanni.esmGameFile89=SNR_ThievesStep_Standart.espGameFile90=STA_guides_replacer.espGameFile91=Shieldfx.espGameFile92=SirLuthor-Tools.espGameFile93=Sleepers, Awake!.espGameFile94=Starfires NPC Additions ver-1.11.espGameFile95=Statue Replacer - Normal.espGameFile96=Suran_Underworld_2.5.espGameFile97=TLM - Complete.espGameFile98=TR_Data.esmGameFile99=TR_Detailing_A6_Almamerge.espGameFile100=TR_Mainland.espGameFile101=TR_Map4v.985.ESPGameFile102=TR_Map5Merge.ESPGameFile103=TR_Map6_heightmap.espGameFile104=TR_Map_3_Detailing_A1_10.espGameFile105=TR_Map_3_Detailing_A2.espGameFile106=TR_Map_3_Detailing_A3.espGameFile107=TR_Map_3_Detailing_A8_arv.espGameFile108=Telvanni Vault Extended.ESPGameFile109=The Tribe Unmourned (GHD).espGameFile110=Tribunal.esmGameFile111=UFR_v3dot2.espGameFile112=UF_HortRobeF001.espGameFile113=UL v2.0 RoHT v1.52 Compatibility.espGameFile114=UL_TLM_ambiance.espGameFile115=Unique Banners and Signs.espGameFile116=Unique Jewelry and Accessories.espGameFile117=UniqueFinery.espGameFile118=Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.espGameFile119=Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.espGameFile120=Vampire_Embrace.espGameFile121=Vampiric Hunger - SU.espGameFile122=Vampiric Hunger Base.espGameFile123=Vampiric Hunger Extended.espGameFile124=Village of Mora Uvirith v1.1.espGameFile125=Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul.espGameFile126=Vurt's Grazelands Trees.espGameFile127=WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESPGameFile128=Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.espGameFile129=Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.espGameFile130=Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.espGameFile131=Windows Glow.espGameFile132=abotWindowsGlow.espGameFile133=almalexia armor.espGameFile134=animchest.espGameFile135=bones.espGameFile136=correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.espGameFile137=ghostpath_fix.espGameFile138=guarskin_drum_replacer.espGameFile139=imperial chain fix.espGameFile140=lin_lockBashBeta.espGameFile141=marcMoriEstate.espGameFile142=multipatch.espGameFile143=quarraclan.espGameFile144=t_lostheir.esp
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:20 pm

If you get those error messages after cleaning your plugins then its definitely a bug in tes3cmd. Post your cleaning output for Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp. And run tes3cmd without any parameters to see what version you are using.
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:49 pm

I think I found the problem. Try new version: http://code.google.com/p/mlox/downloads/detail?name=tes3cmd-0.37u-2012.12.10.7z&can=2&q=
I made a horrible mistake when trying to prevent the cleaning of persistent refs. Let me know how 0.37u works out with your system.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:34 pm

If I have all of the backups is there a way to undo the changes or rename all of the old files (thus taking out the ~1 so mlox will recognize them)?
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:04 am

If you use Mash, just reinstall via the Installers tab.
Otherwise, you would have to use the normal operating system functionality to rename the files.

Edit: Well, I remembered there is a hidden feature of tes3cmd, that allows you to run a rudimentary Perl command shell.
You could try the following, but it is an unsupported feature and I hope it doesn't screw things more up:

Start a Perl shell in your "Data Files" directory:
tes3cmd -shell

This allows you to type perl code, at the ">" prompt. So try the following stuff:

foreach my $p (glob("*~1.es[mp]")) { my $n=$p; $n=~s/~1//; rename($p, $n) || warn "Error: $n ($!)\n"; }; exit;

I tried this on my XP system and it worked, but like I said, it is not really a supported feature and it has the potential to fail. Worst case, though, you just have to reinstall the original plugins.
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:24 pm

I do believe it solved it without having to resort to that. I went through and manually changed the names of close to 50 esp's just to revert 'em. If 0.38 (or 1.0) had a 'revert to saved backup' function that would be incredible.

BUT, it looks like the problem is solved.

What was the problem more specifically in non-perl terms?
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:08 pm


Well, I'm old and forgetful and don't get enough sleep is the problem /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
But to be more specific, that part of the code needed me to pass through unaltered refs for persistent objects, and I forgot to do that, so they just disappeared, which was bad. Just a dumb coding mistake. Code evolves over time, and as I learn about the vagaries of the Morrowind engine requirements, tes3cmd gets more complex. Every once in a while old ways of doing things become unsustainable and so it is time to refactor the code. It's getting to that point with the cleaning code.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:52 pm

I sure hope you're documenting as you go along, john. /wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:20 pm

Hello John, sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to ask a small question.

Is there a way to remove records of items from a plugin based on whether its from morrowind.esm or tribunal.esm.

What I mean is, say for example, I make mod that modifies some weapons which includes weapons added by Tribunal expansion. Now I want to make that mod depend only on Morrowind and not tribunal. I can do that easily using wyre mash. But then weapons added by tribunal.esm would still be present. I want to remove those weapons from the plugin so that there are no errors.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:43 pm

I don't fully understand your question. There are 2 sorts of objects in a plugin: object definitions and object instances placed in the game world, in standard Morrowind parlance, they are "objects" and "references", respectively.

The easy way to remove an object definition from a plugin that is a duplicate of a definition in one of the plugin's masters is to use "tes3cmd clean".

There is also a way to clean a plugin of references (object instances placed in cells) that came from a master. First, you can list these references to see what they are:
tes3cmd dump --instance-match "mastidx:[^0]" myplugin.esp
What that does is list all object references that do not originate in this plugin, i.e. those whose FRMR MastIdx field is not zero.

If they look like something you want to remove, you can remove them:
tes3cmd delete --instance-match "mastidx:[^0]" myplugin.esp

If none of that is exactly what you want, maybe you could give me a specific example of one of these objects you would like to be removed from your plugin. There are other ways to delete things, but how diffictult it is to do so depends on what things you want to delete.
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lacy lake
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:22 pm

I am not talking about references.

I made a mod that modifies stats of weapon, just stats, doesn't change references, for example, I modified, "steel mace", "iron mace" and "adamantium mace".So only WEAP data is changed.But no new weapons created.

Now this plugin works if you have tribunal . Now I want remove info, i.e, WEAP data, of "adamantium mace" so that players without Tribunal installed can use it too.
I know you can remove that using "Details" button in CS.But its just that there are too many weapons.

EDIT : Just looked over the tes3cmd site and found the "common" command. Its exactly what I was looking for except it just can dump but not delete. Is there a way to use that dump to delete?
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:25 pm

It should not be so difficult to do from the CS details: sort by WEAP clicking ID column header so you have all changes together, shift or ctrl + click to highlight entries to discard, press Delete key to set weapon changes as ignored...
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:06 pm

hollaajith, I think abot's solution using the CS "details" screen sounds like the easiest solution.

So, the basic answer is "no", tes3cmd can't simply remove object definitions that also occur in one of your plugin's masters. On the other hand, you can remove things by ID substring, and removing a list of object definitions by ID isn't too hard, you could do it by creating a batch (.bat) file in a text editor.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:35 am

If its the easier method, then I have tedious crosschecking work ahead of me.

Thanks anyway for replying John and Abot.

Really? Sorry to be a noob but I have almost 0 knohow on BAT files.

EDIT : I got this list of ID's which are to be deleted using common command. Its like this.
WEAP: gravedigger
WEAP: silver dagger_droth_unique
WEAP: longsword_umbra_unique_x
WEAP: ebony_bow_auriel_x
WEAP: daedric warhammer_ttgd_x
WEAP: mace of molag bal_unique_x
WEAP: longbow_shadows_unique_x
WEAP: katana_goldbrand_unique_x
WEAP: claymore_iceblade_unique_x
WEAP: claymore_chrysamere_unique_x
WEAP: warhammer_crusher_unique_x
WEAP: staff_magnus_unique_x
WEAP: staff_hasedoki_unique_x
WEAP: ebony war axe_elanande
WEAP: ebony shortsword_soscean
WEAP: silver spear_uvenim
WEAP: goblin_club
WEAP: mace of slurring
WEAP: bipolar blade
WEAP: ebony scimitar
WEAP: spite_dart
WEAP: king's_oath
WEAP: ebony scimitar_her
WEAP: her dart
WEAP: king's_oath_pc
WEAP: dwarven mace_salandas
WEAP: bipolar blade_x
WEAP: mace of slurring_x
WEAP: spring dart
WEAP: bleeder dart
WEAP: carmine dart
WEAP: black dart
WEAP: fine black dart
WEAP: fine carmine dart
WEAP: fine bleeder dart
WEAP: fine spring dart
WEAP: goblin_sword
WEAP: centurion_projectile_dart
WEAP: adamantium_shortsword
WEAP: adamantium_claymore
WEAP: adamantium_axe
WEAP: adamantium_spear
WEAP: adamantium_mace
WEAP: nerevarblade_01
WEAP: bladepiece_01
WEAP: sword of almalexia
WEAP: ebony dart_db_unique
WEAP: ebony arrow_sadri
WEAP: stendar_hammer_unique
WEAP: stendar_hammer_unique_x
WEAP: centurion_projectile_dart_shock
WEAP: nerevarblade_01_flame
WEAP: daedric dagger_bar
WEAP: adamantium_shortsword_db
WEAP: silver dagger_othril_unique
WEAP: silver dagger_iryon_unique
WEAP: silver dagger_rathalas_unique
WEAP: ebony spear_blessed_unique
WEAP: glass dagger_symmachus_unique
WEAP: glass dagger_symmachus_unique_x
WEAP: silver dagger_droth_unique_a

How can I use this in tes3cmd to delete those data. I dont want to use "Details" button because I modified more than 300 weapons and looking between them is really time consuming, so I was hoping since I got list of ID's tes3cmd could use it to remove those records.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:46 am

a somewhat creative solution, so make a backup of yourmod.esp for safety first
1. Open Mash, select Tribunal.esm, copy to .esp
2. Open the CS, load Tribunal.esp, File\Export Data\Weapons\New Weapons, save it as trib_weap_orig.txt, close CS
3. Open the CS, load yourmod.esp, File\Import Data\Weapons, select trib_weap_orig.txt, save your mod, close CS
4. run tes3cmd.exe clean --replace yourmod.esp
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:24 pm

Thanks a lot. It worked like a charm /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':biggrin:' />
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Roy Harris
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:17 pm


This may or may not be possible/feasible, but if there's a programmatic solution it would save me a ton of time. I'm in the process of cleaning up an older mod (marksman1.46), and slowly digging through it to get rid of junk. What I want to do is have a program (tes3cmd?) go through the esp, and generate a list of all items in the mod file NOT referenced in the world somehow. In other words, if there's a weapon defined, but it's NOT on any leveled list or NPC or placed anywhere in the cells, I want to know so I can decide whether to delete it OR see about adding it somewhere. I can of course do this by hand in EE, one item at a time, but that's a bit tedious.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Rochndil, working towards a rebuild again...
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:32 pm

I find it easy enough to do from CS, just sort items tabs clicking Count header and delete everything with a starred 0* as count (and/or right click item info to decide)
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:24 pm

And that's why you ask questions. Thanks for the brilliantly simple solution, Abot. I never even thought of using TESCS, but that should be the right tool to simplify this project. Now I just need to take a closer look at all those scripts.

Rochndil, who doesn't like a lot of unnecessary scripts running...
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:50 am

Question is, does that "0" reflect items the level lists or just items already (hand) placed in the world ? And even trickiers how about items added by scripts? Technically the item wouldn't exit in the world till it is spawned thus would be a "0" in the CS. That could be the case with both but I'm unsure about the level list part.

EDIT: just reread it. If right clicking it would tell you if it's in a leveled list so that's simple. Still not sure about the scripts though.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:45 pm

Good question.
Leveled lists info is showed in the CS. For scripts you will need CS text search or (better) MWEdit (same right click/uses info)
CS pros: object references count works in tabbed view, so 0* (0 starred) objects are not used as rferences in cells/containers/leveled lists
MWEdit pros: right click uses info looks into scripts source also
CS cons: right click uses info does not look into scripts source
MWEdit cons: object references count is always 0 in tabbed view

A safety measure after deleting 0* objects would be to recompile all* scripts and see if some needed object has been deleted, both CS and MWEdit should be able to detect missing referenced objects when compiling/saving a script.
* paying some http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1140559-smartmerger/page__view__findpost__p__16680349

[edit]More in details with CS: after deletion of objects from mod test_copy.esp
1. exit CS, delete file Morrowind\Warnings.txt
2. load test_copy.esp in CS, Gameplay\Edit Scripts\Script\Recompile All, keep pressing OK until done (no need to write down errors, they are written to Warnings.txt)
3. exit CS, open Morrowind\Warnings.txt, look for script error messages
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:49 pm

Since I'm still working through this process, let me drop a couple of pieces of information.

I primarily use EE (which is good and bad) for editing, and its text search does search script references, BUT (and this can be a big deal) it searches on text string and NOT ID. So you'll get false positives if an ID you're looking for is contained in a longer ID or text reference. EE also doesn't understand scripts attached to some types of objects (containers I think, possibly more) and that also limits its search effectiveness. EE (under 7 for sure, probably XP too) has a pretty severe memory leak (or something) such that USING the search function corrupts the file you're working on, requiring frequent save progress/close/reopen cycles. All that said though, EE is (at least in my experience) the best tool for cleaning up unwanted changes (deleting deletions, etc) as long as you proceed carefully.

Now here's a weird thing. In MM1.46 (the mod I've been cleaning up) there are new spells added to cliff racers (I know that many folks hate this). Well, in my re-work of the mod (for personal use) I removed them from all but the blighted racers (super blight powers go!). In TESCS, though, the count on those spells shows *0. I checked the critter, and they're listed. I deleted the spells from the critter, and checked the count - which now read *-10?? I abandoned that change, and ran a test game, consoled in some blighted racers, and they were using the spells fine. SO, I went into EE, completely deleted all the changes to the blighted racers, saved the cleaned mod, and went back into the CS to edit it fresh. Added the spells, and checked, and yes, count was now *10 like it should be. Saved the plugin, tested, again good, went back in to look, and damned if the count on that spell wasn't back to *0. It's obviously some kind of glitch, but it doesn't seem to actually break anything...unless you rely entirely on that count number to make mod-altering decisions. Take it with a grain of salt and check before deleting.

Rochndil, who is almost done, finally...and then has three more projects to tackle.
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:43 am

OK, new odd question. What would be the easiest way to generate a list of ALL the creatures added to the game by ALL mods in a load? The first that comes to mind is parsing the LEVC entries out mashed lists, which (I think) have most/all, or at least all the ones that are included in a leveled list. Is there a better/easier/more complete way?

Rochndil, considering updating the Hunter's Achievements script...
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Harry Leon
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:35 am

this will dump creatures defined in any .esp or .esm in the folder
tes3cmd.exe dump --type crea "*.es?" > out.txt
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:43 am

Thanks again, Abot. I'll give that a try tonight and see just how much work I'm trying to bite off.

Rochndil, who has all 255 slots filled...
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