[MOD-INF]: ID=276181128340255511(Topic:little secret) tribunal.esm----->|DATA|FNAM:Fighters Guild|NAME:You like to poke your nose into doors out in the backcountry? A little suggestion. The places that look like they're made of a golden metal? With spires and towers? Those are Dwarven ruins. They're kinda dangerous -- partly because of the old Dwarven machines in them, and partly because of the kind of things that like to hide out in such old ruins. All the old ruins inside the Ghostfence, for example, are ancient Dwarven ruins. And I hear that vampires like them, too.|SCVR:02sX4Random100|INTV|SCVR:1CsX0nolore|INTV: entertainers.esp->|DATA|NAME:Oh. Do you play the lute? You might talk to Dulnea Ralaal in Balmora, at the Eight Plates Cornerclub. I hear she hires performers to entertain her patrons.|SCVR:02sX4Random100|INTV|SCVR:1CsX0NoLore|INTV:|SCVR:25IX3misc_de_lute_01|INTV[MOD-IID]: ID=6543141622156630875 entertainers.esp->You like to poke your nose into doors out in the backcountry? A little suggestion. The places that look like they're made of a golden metal? With spires and towers? Those are Dwarven ruins. They're kinda dangerous -- partly because of the old Dwarven machines in them, and partly because of the kind of things that like to hide out in such old ruins. All the old ruins inside the Ghostfence, for example, are ancient Dwarven ruins. And I hear that vampires like them, too.
..\Data Files\LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp: DUP-REC EXP-DEP MENUMOD MOD-INF OVR-REC [EXP-DEP] Expansion Dependency: Tribunal Functions: SCPT(lgnpc_meb_shirtscript_02) hasitemequipped SCPT(lgnpc_pela_enceamulet_sc_01) hasitemequipped SCPT(max_lgnpc_pela_bragor_sc_01) hasitemequipped [MENUMOD] Scripts not checking menumode: SCPT(LGNPC_pelagiad_counter_sc_01) SCPT(LGNPC_pelagiad_counter_sc_02) SCPT(lgnpc_Pub_Pelagiad_Halfway) SCPT(lgnpc_meb_shirtscript_01) SCPT(lgnpc_mebestian_sc_01) SCPT(lgnpc_pela_ShirtSwitch) SCPT(lgnpc_pela_enceamulet_sc_01) SCPT(lgnpc_pela_enceamulet_sc_02) SCPT(lgnpc_pela_flyer_sc_01) SCPT(lgnpc_pela_murbdoor_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_adanja_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_disableonce_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_farusea_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_jernelle_blood_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_couponcont_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_02) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_03) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_04) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_05) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_06) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_10) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_20) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_payday_sc_21) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_raoulG_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_rat_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_meb_rat_sc_02) SCPT(max_lgnpc_monty_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_murb_ring_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_murberius_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_nelos_bag_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_pela_guarddis_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_pela_guarddis_02) SCPT(max_lgnpc_pela_job_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_pela_shoestrans) SCPT(max_lgnpc_raoulreceipt_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_shadbak_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_tonii_sc_01) SCPT(max_lgnpc_yakumnote_sc) SCPT(max_lgnpc_ygfa_sc_01) [OVR-REC] Overridden Records: From Master Type Name bloodmoon.esm DIAL blades bloodmoon.esm DIAL greeting 4 bloodmoon.esm DIAL imperial law bloodmoon.esm DIAL service refusal morrowind.esm CONT chest_small_01_tgbb morrowind.esm DIAL ahnassi morrowind.esm DIAL ald'ruhn morrowind.esm DIAL altmer morrowind.esm DIAL argonian morrowind.esm DIAL ash yam morrowind.esm DIAL ashlanders morrowind.esm DIAL bad people morrowind.esm DIAL balmora morrowind.esm DIAL beluelle's silver bowl morrowind.esm DIAL bosmer morrowind.esm DIAL breton morrowind.esm DIAL cave rat morrowind.esm DIAL clothes morrowind.esm DIAL cyrodiilic brandy morrowind.esm DIAL daedra morrowind.esm DIAL dagoth ur morrowind.esm DIAL dunmer morrowind.esm DIAL dwemer morrowind.esm DIAL enchantments morrowind.esm DIAL flin morrowind.esm DIAL foyada morrowind.esm DIAL frost salts morrowind.esm DIAL ghostfence morrowind.esm DIAL great houses morrowind.esm DIAL greef morrowind.esm DIAL greeting 2 morrowind.esm DIAL guild guide morrowind.esm DIAL help me morrowind.esm DIAL high rock morrowind.esm DIAL house hlaalu morrowind.esm DIAL house telvanni morrowind.esm DIAL hrordis morrowind.esm DIAL imperial morrowind.esm DIAL imperial cult morrowind.esm DIAL imperial legion morrowind.esm DIAL khajiit morrowind.esm DIAL kiss morrowind.esm DIAL llovyn andus morrowind.esm DIAL manat varnan-adda morrowind.esm DIAL maurrie and nelos morrowind.esm DIAL mazte morrowind.esm DIAL moon sugar morrowind.esm DIAL n'wah must die morrowind.esm DIAL nelos onmar morrowind.esm DIAL nels llendo morrowind.esm DIAL news morrowind.esm DIAL nord morrowind.esm DIAL orc morrowind.esm DIAL pelagiad morrowind.esm DIAL price on your head morrowind.esm DIAL red mountain morrowind.esm DIAL redguard morrowind.esm DIAL shein morrowind.esm DIAL silt strider morrowind.esm DIAL sixth house morrowind.esm DIAL skooma morrowind.esm DIAL slave morrowind.esm DIAL sugar-lips habasi morrowind.esm DIAL sujamma morrowind.esm DIAL telvanni bug musk morrowind.esm DIAL temple morrowind.esm DIAL thieves guild morrowind.esm DIAL valenwood morrowind.esm DIAL verethi gang morrowind.esm DIAL vivec morrowind.esm NPC_ adanja morrowind.esm NPC_ dralas gilu morrowind.esm NPC_ farusea salas morrowind.esm NPC_ junal_lei morrowind.esm NPC_ mash gro-burol morrowind.esm NPC_ mebestian ence morrowind.esm NPC_ murberius harmevus morrowind.esm NPC_ new_shoes bragor morrowind.esm NPC_ shadbak gra-burbug morrowind.esm NPC_ yakum hairshashishi morrowind.esm NPC_ ygfa tribunal.esm DIAL background tribunal.esm DIAL beds tribunal.esm DIAL camonna tong tribunal.esm DIAL greeting 1 tribunal.esm DIAL greeting 5 tribunal.esm DIAL greeting 7 tribunal.esm DIAL guard tribunal.esm DIAL latest rumors tribunal.esm DIAL little advice tribunal.esm DIAL little secret tribunal.esm DIAL morrowind lore tribunal.esm DIAL my trade tribunal.esm DIAL nerevarine tribunal.esm DIAL services tribunal.esm DIAL someone in particular tribunal.esm DIAL specific place[MOD-INF]: ID=1926254563774775(Topic:dagoth ur) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:It is the Hour of Wakening. He comes forth in his glory, and his people shall rejoice, and his enemies shall scatter like dust.|SCVR:04JX3A2_2_6thHouse|INTV:2|SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|BNAM:;Sleepers; Journal A2_2_6thHouse >= 50; Dagoth Fovon not dead LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:It is the Hour of Wakening. He comes forth in his glory, and his people shall rejoice, and his enemies shall scatter like dust.|SCVR:04JX3A2_2_6thHouse|INTV:2|SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; Journal A2_2_6thHouse >= 50; Dagoth Fovon not dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; re-filtered not to appear[MOD-INF]: ID=27080241158521748(Topic:services) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:ygfa|NAME:You can find Imperial cult services in Fort Buckmoth, Fort Moonmoth, Fort Pelagiad, Fort Darius, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, Vivec Foreign Quarter, and Imperial chapels in Ebonheart. Seek training at Wolverine Hall, Fort Buckmoth, Fort Moonmoth, Ebonheart Imperial Chapels, Governor's Hall in Caldera, and Ald Velothi Outpost. Many Imperial cult locations have healing altars. LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:ygfa|NAME:You can find Imperial cult services in Fort Buckmoth, Fort Moonmoth, Fort Pelagiad, Fort Darius, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, Vivec Foreign Quarter, and Imperial chapels in Ebonheart. Seek training at Wolverine Hall, Fort Buckmoth, Fort Moonmoth, Ebonheart Imperial Chapels, Governor's Hall in Caldera, and Ald Velothi Outpost. Many Imperial cult locations have healing altars.|SCVR:32sX4Random100|INTV:2|BNAM:; re-filtered for LGNPC Pelagiad[MOD-INF]: ID=91127355340130582(Greeting:greeting 1) tribunal.esm------------->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:I feel as though I've just awakened from a dream... a terrible dream of the Sixth House.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:I feel as though I've just awakened from a dream... a terrible dream of the Sixth House.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled[MOD-INF]: ID=106822524524143702(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Do you mean... have I been... under a spell? A curse? And this was caused by Sixth House cultists? Good grief. What have I done... I hope... but I haven't thanked you. Please forgive me. I have nothing to offer but my thanks. But I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead player->ModReputation 1 Journal A1_Sleepers_Dralas 1 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Do you mean... have I been... under a spell? A curse? And this was caused by Sixth House cultists? Good grief. What have I done... I hope... but I haven't thanked you. Please forgive me. I have nothing to offer but my thanks. But I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled player->ModReputation 1 Journal A1_Sleepers_Dralas 1[MOD-INF]: ID=759714111504811569(Topic:dagoth ur) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:He is the Lord, and Father of the Mountain. He sleeps, but when he wakes, we shall rise from our dreams, shall sweep our land clean of the n'wah. Why have you denied him? As Lord Dagoth has said. 'All shall greet him as flesh, or as dust.'|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10;; Dagoth Fovon not dead LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:He is the Lord, and Father of the Mountain. He sleeps, but when he wakes, we shall rise from our dreams, shall sweep our land clean of the n'wah. Why have you denied him? As Lord Dagoth has said, 'All shall greet him as flesh, or as dust. '|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10;; Dagoth Fovon not dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; modification of official entry[MOD-INF]: ID=766510841054417088(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Thank you again. I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|SCVR:24JX3A1_Sleepers_Dralas|INTV|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Thank you again. I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|SCVR:24JX3A1_Sleepers_Dralas|INTV|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled[MOD-INF]: ID=1703220502371112246(Topic:dagoth ur) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Devil Dagoth Ur is dead, and all his kin. And the Blight has gone, too, and the skies are blue over Red Mountain.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Devil Dagoth Ur is dead, and all his kin. It only proves that no one can avoid death.|SCVR:04JX3C3_DestroyDagoth|INTV:2|BNAM:; LGNPC Pelagiad ; slight modification of official entry[MOD-INF]: ID=1708521252295971279(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Thank you again. I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV|SCVR:24JX3A1_Sleepers_Dralas|INTV|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Thank you again. I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV|SCVR:24JX3A1_Sleepers_Dralas|INTV|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled [MOD-INF]: ID=2171077941547022148(Topic:n'wah must die) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:You, foreigner! You must die. Beasts and men, outlander mer, all must die. Flee his wrath and quit this land, if you would live, or your flesh shall feed the earth.|SCVR:04JX3A2_3_CorprusCure|INTV:2|SCVR:11450|INTV:|SCVR:26DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|BNAM:;sleeper; Journal A2_3_CorprusCure >= 50; not dunmer; Dagoth Fovon not dead ModFight 10 ModDisposition -10 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:You, foreigner! You must die. Beasts and men, outlander mer, all must die. Flee his wrath and quit this land, if you would live, or your flesh shall feed the earth.|SCVR:04JX3A2_3_CorprusCure|INTV:2|SCVR:11450|INTV:|SCVR:26DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;sleeper; Journal A2_3_CorprusCure >= 50; not dunmer; Dagoth Fovon not dead ModFight 10 ModDisposition -10 ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled [MOD-INF]: ID=2228820944513115945(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Sixth House, the Sleeping House, House Dagoth, the House of Lord Dagoth. The true house, the one house to welcome all true Dunmer, and drive the n'wah from our land. Take heed, outlander. The day of reckoning is at hand. Take what you can, and leave our place, for when Lord Dagoth comes, this will be no place for you.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:11450|INTV:|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10 ModFight 10 ModDisposition -10 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Sixth House, the Sleeping House, House Dagoth, the House of Lord Dagoth. The true house, the one house to welcome all true Dunmer, and drive the n'wah from our land. Take heed, outlander. The day of reckoning is at hand. Take what you can, and leave our place, for when Lord Dagoth comes, this will be no place for you.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:11450|INTV:|SCVR:21590|INTV:{|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10 ModFight 10 ModDisposition -10 ;Topic impossible to reach - done to prevent the sleeper story as a whole, and avoid straightforward deleting. LGNPC. [MOD-INF]: ID=2238124702247159062(Greeting:greeting 1) tribunal.esm------------->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:I feel as though I've just awakened from a dream... a terrible dream of the Sixth House.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:I feel as though I've just awakened from a dream... a terrible dream of the Sixth House.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled [MOD-INF]: ID=2474714781646417790(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Do you mean... have I been... under a spell? A curse? And this was caused by Sixth House cultists? Good grief. What have I done... I hope... but I haven't thanked you. Please forgive me. I have nothing to offer but my thanks. But I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead player->ModReputation 1 Journal A1_Sleepers_Dralas 1 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:Do you mean... have I been... under a spell? A curse? And this was caused by Sixth House cultists? Good grief. What have I done... I hope... but I haven't thanked you. Please forgive me. I have nothing to offer but my thanks. But I will tell everyone I know how you have saved my life.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:16DX0dagoth fovon|INTV|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; Dagoth Fovon dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled player->ModReputation 1 Journal A1_Sleepers_Dralas 1 [MOD-INF]: ID=2590612561104779013(Topic:services) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:ladia flarugrius|NAME:Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair armorer. Fort Pelagiad has Imperial Legion services. Some folks offer training, but you have to know the right people. And who are the right people? If you don't know, I can't tell you. And they say the Thieves Guild has some people in Pelagiad. But why would I know anything about that?|BNAM:; Ladia Flarugrius LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:ladia flarugrius|NAME:Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair armorer. Fort Pelagiad has Imperial Legion services. Some folks offer training, but you have to know the right people. And who are the right people? If you don't know, I can't tell you. And they say the Thieves Guild has some people in Pelagiad. But why would I know anything about that?|SCVR:32sX4Random100|INTV:2|BNAM:; re-filtered for LGNPC Pelagiad ; Ladia Flarugrius [MOD-INF]: ID=10767131922673432549(Topic:n'wah must die) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The slave and foreigner, beast and man, all must die. All mer must accept our dominion, or flee our wrath.|SCVR:04JX3A2_3_CorprusCure|INTV:2|SCVR:11450|INTV|SCVR:26DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|BNAM:;sleeper; Journal A2_3_CorprusCure >= 50 ;dunmer; Dagoth Fovon not dead LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The slave and foreigner, beast and man, all must die. All mer must accept our dominion, or flee our wrath.|SCVR:04JX3A2_3_CorprusCure|INTV:2|SCVR:11450|INTV|SCVR:26DX0dagoth fovon|INTV:|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;sleeper; Journal A2_3_CorprusCure >= 50 ;dunmer; Dagoth Fovon not dead ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled [MOD-INF]: ID=27838159622142612029(Topic:sixth house) morrowind.esm------------>|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Sixth House, the Sleeping House, House Dagoth, the House of Lord Dagoth. The true house, the one house to welcome all true Dunmer, and drive the n'wah from our land. Rejoice, and join us. Come to Red Mountain, and prepare the way for his coming.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:11450|INTV|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp->|DATA|ONAM:Dralas Gilu|NAME:The Sixth House, the Sleeping House, House Dagoth, the House of Lord Dagoth. The true house, the one house to welcome all true Dunmer, and drive the n'wah from our land. Rejoice, and join us. Come to Red Mountain, and prepare the way for his coming.|SCVR:04JX3A1_2_AntabolisInformant|INTV: |SCVR:11450|INTV|SCVR:51680|INTV:d|BNAM:;Sleepers; A1_2_AntabolisInformant >= 10 ; LGNPC Pelagiad ; intentionally disabled
begin foobar if ( menuMode ) reteurn endif if ( getScale == 1 ) setScale 5 endifend
C:\>cd d:\bethesda softworks\morrowind\tes3lint\C:\>d:D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp -algnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp: DUP-REC [DUP-REC] Duplicate Records: From Master Type Name morrowind.esm NPC_ aryni orethi morrowind.esm NPC_ fathusa girethi"(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat ..\data files\lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp -aError opening ..\data for input (No such file or directory)"(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat -a "lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp""(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat -a "..\data files\lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp""(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat -a "lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp""(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lint.bat "..\data files\lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp"lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp: DUP-REC [DUP-REC] Duplicate Records: From Master Type Name morrowind.esm NPC_ aryni orethi morrowind.esm NPC_ fathusa girethi"(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lintfull.bat "..\data files\lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp"..\data files\lgnpc_indarys_manor_v1_45.esp: DUP-INF DUP-REC MENUMOD MOD-INF NUMRECS OVR-REC [NUMRECS]: number of records in TES3.HEDR (1693) != Actual count (1621) [MENUMOD] Scripts not checking menumode: etc."(Output saved in tes3lint.log)"Press any key to continue . . .
D:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\tes3lint\>tes3lintfull.bat "..\data files\lgnpc_pelagiad_v1_13.esp"