I can't seem to find a readme that will answer my question. If I'm merging two esp's and I want one of them to override the other, what number would I assign to the esp that would override? I've always thought that to override one that the number 1 is assigned and 2 was assigned to the esp that was overriden. My last merge did not work. I altered a heightmap via landscape tools and ended up with tears in the heightmap as well as other settings not applied.
A lower number indicates it will be overridden by a higher number. So that 1 is the base and 2 will be merged over 1.
EDIT: part of readme
Merge Plugins
This function will merge two or more plugin files and create a new merged plugin
file. The output file will be overwritten if it exists. The files will be
merged in the order specified by the assigned priority values. Priority 1 files
will be merged before priority 2 files, priority 2 files will be merged before
priority 3 files, etc. Files with the same priority will be merged based on the
file modification timestamps. A file will not be merged if it has not been
assigned a priority or if the priority value is not valid (priority values must
be greater than zero). Specify priority values by clicking on a row in the
plugin table and then typing in the desired number.
If you check the 'Delete last master record conflict' box, the second
conflicting record will be removed from the merged file. Otherwise, the first
conflicting record will be removed. Two records conflict if they both modify
the same object in the master file.
If you check the 'Edit master leveled list conflicts' box, leveled list
conflicts will be displayed and you will be able to manually merge the leveled
list items. Items can be copied from the plugin leveled list to the merged
leveled list, items can be deleted from the merged leveled list, and the level
and count values for items in the merged leveled list can be changed. If this
box is not checked, leveled list conflicts will be resolved by adding the unique
entries from the second leveled list to the first leveled list (an entry is
considered to be a duplicate of an existing entry if it has the same level
number and item form ID).
Form ID and Editor ID conflicts are resolved by assigning new values. For this
reason, an existing save game may be invalidated if a new merged plugin file is
created and a conflict exists that did not exist in an earlier merged plugin
file. The Form ID and Editor ID will not be changed if there are no conflicts
with the existing values.