I'm really in need of this data dumping feature of Tes5Edit, and if it could do some of the basic importing and exporting (through .csv) below it would really help me out and would be far superior to skyedit.
If anyone could help me out.
Basically I want to utilize this script that comes with Tes5edit: Skyrim - Export and import weapons stats from spreadsheet file.pas
{ Export and import weapons stats from *.csv files. Right click and apply script to selected weapons, weapon group, plugin or several selected plugins.}unit UserScript;var slWeap, slValues, slLookup: TStringList; DoExport: boolean; function Initialize: integer;var i: integer; dlgOpen: TOpenDialog;begin Result := 0; // select Export or Import mode i := MessageDlg('Export [YES] or import [NO] weapons stats from file?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0); if i = mrYes then DoExport := true else if i = mrNo then DoExport := false else begin Result := 1; Exit; end; // strings list with weapons data slWeap := TStringList.Create; // list used to divide imported values slValues := TStringList.Create; slValues.Delimiter := ';'; slValues.StrictDelimiter := true; // don't treat space as a delimiter // lookup list to find formids when importing slLookup := TStringList.Create; if DoExport then begin // Export: add columns headers line slWeap.Add('FormID;Name;Value;Weight;Damage;Speed;Reach;Crit.Damage;Crit.Mult'); end else begin // Import: select file name to import from dlgOpen := TOpenDialog.Create(nil); dlgOpen.Filter := 'Spreadsheet files (*.csv)|*.csv'; if dlgOpen.Execute then begin slWeap.LoadFromFile(dlgOpen.FileName); // remove the first header line if slWeap.Count > 0 then slWeap.Delete(0); // create lookup list (just to speed up the import process) for i := 0 to slWeap.Count - 1 do slLookup.Add(Copy(slWeap[i], 2, 8)); end; dlgOpen.Free; // nothing to import if slWeap.Count = 0 then begin slWeap.Free; slValues.Free; Result := 1; Exit; end; end; end;function Process(e: IInterface): integer;var i: integer;begin Result := 0; // process only weapons, skip other records if Signature(e) <> 'WEAP' then Exit; if DoExport then begin // use square brackets [] on formid to prevent Excel from treating them as a numbers slWeap.Add(Format('[%s];%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s', [ // FixedFormID depends only on explicit masters and not affected by plugin's load order IntToHex(FixedFormID(e), 8), GetElementEditValues(e, 'FULL - Name'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Value'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Weight'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Damage'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM\Speed'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM\Reach'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'CRDT\Damage'), GetElementEditValues(e, 'CRDT\% Mult') ])); end else begin i := slLookup.IndexOf(IntToHex(FixedFormID(e), 8)); // we have a values to import if i <> -1 then begin // split string by ";" char slValues.DelimitedText := slWeap[i]; // there should be 9 columns in each line if slValues.Count = 9 then begin // uncomment if you want to import names //SetElementEditValues(e, 'FULL - Name', slValues[1]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Value', slValues[2]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Weight', slValues[3]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Damage', slValues[4]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM\Speed', slValues[5]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM\Reach', slValues[6]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'CRDT\Damage', slValues[7]); SetElementEditValues(e, 'CRDT\% Mult', slValues[8]); end else AddMessage(Format('Line %d doesn''t have 9 columns', [i+1])); end; end;end;function Finalize: integer;var dlgSave: TSaveDialog;begin Result := 0; if not Assigned(slWeap) then Exit; // save export file only if we have any data besides header line if DoExport and (slWeap.Count > 1) then begin // ask for file to export to dlgSave := TSaveDialog.Create(nil); dlgSave.Options := dlgSave.Options + [ofOverwritePrompt]; dlgSave.Filter := 'Spreadsheet files (*.csv)|*.csv'; dlgSave.InitialDir := ProgramPath; dlgSave.FileName := 'weapons.csv'; if dlgSave.Execute then slWeap.SaveToFile(dlgSave.FileName); dlgSave.Free; end; slWeap.Free; slValues.Free; slLookup.Free; end;end.
I have a cursory understanding of scripting and the function I'm looking for is to basically just make the script work on all record types so I can use it on armor, misc items, scrolls, ingestibles, ingredients, etc..
I need the a script to import and export these basic types of subrecords:
Just those three atm.