I realise this scenario is extremely unlikely but it would certainly give players something to consider.
Sorry mods, I meant to put this in the general discussion section.
So it's either..
Hiking adventure 4 or Magical hiking adventure VI?
I'm gonna go with Hiking adventure 4.
(?° ?? ?°)
Considering you posted this in the Skyrim forums, I would imagine the overwhelming response will be TES 6.
I, myself, will only play TES 6.
Not bothering with FO 4 anyways.
I wouldn't be able to play any as the internet, and indeed, the whole universe would explode.
seriously though, Fallout 4 hands down. I got my fill of TES with Skyrim and fantasy in general with Kingdoms of Amalur.
in all honesty, the Fallout games (at least, 3 and NV) were just Oblivion with Guns..
and give me a sword over a gun any day of the week and twice on Sunday!
Despite it being Bethesda, I'd take anything Fallout over TES.
Make a thread on an Amish forum asking which one to buy only to never receive any reply due to no electricity
A new Elder Scrolls game is always welcomed first.
Would likely depend on the trailers / features list / etc.
I've been waiting for Fo4 for so long I'd definitely throw it in first. TES 6 could wait for its turn.
Both would be mediocre at best, since the dev teams would be stretched too thin.
JK. I'll play one until I get bored, then I'll play the other. Like that will ever happen though.
The last game I bought on Release was Diablo II LoD expansion. If I do buy any on release date it would be both and be playing both of them. Likely I would not buy any of them until Game of the Year bundles appear.
I wouldn't buy TES6.
The only reason I bought Oblivion was because so many people said it was so like Fallout 3 that I wanted to check it out and while I enjoyed Oblivion I did not enjoy Skyrim. As to why I bought Skyrim? Because I wanted a general idea of where the company is headed in terms of design so I can prepare myself for either improvement or further derailment. And considering how Skyrim turned out I'm not too optimistic about Fallout 4. So if the two were released at the same time I wouldn't bother with TES6 since there'd be no reason for me to actually play it. Only played Oblivion out of curiosity. Only played Skyrim to know where they're headed. TES6 would just be a waste of money for me as I don't enjoy quite a lot about the series in the first place.
So I'd buy Fallout 4, play it, criticize it like crazy, accept that Fallout is finally dead and that whatever Bethesda is parading around ain't it and move on to Wasteland completely.
FO4. Tired of anything TES after the Skyrim disappointment.
fallout 4
we already previously had a TES game, and it did not inspire confidence in the direction of the series for me.
maybe FO4 will be disappointing in the same way, time will tell.
After the buildup to Skyrim I decided to pass on it. So glad I did.
And Fallout New Vegas was a trainwreck of bugs, glitches, and ended up about as stable on my 360 as a drunk on a unicycle. Sure, it was made by Obsidian, but with Bethesda on the box it's on them too.
It would take a small miracle to get me to buy either TES6 or FO4
I'd watch a youtube let's play first on both games then decide. If neither are up to a certain standard I have I won't get either of them.