TESIV:POSItive --Performance, Optimiation & Stabilizatio

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:38 pm


I looked through your site (really an extensive effort!) :) I looked at the Popular Outdated Mods list and thought about doing a bit of shameless self-promotion by mentioning Real Sleep Extended. Now I don't know you're exact criteria for putting anything there (Map Marker Overhaul certainly outdates Landmarks With Wells, but does so much more that it may not be natural to list it there), but I think it is fair to list Real Sleep Extended as a replacer for Real Sleep, Real Sleep Updated, and probably Bedrolls (including aaaBorsBedrolls v1.4).

RSE's many new features aside, it fixes the known bug in RS & RSU that makes the attributes start to fly away when the player becomes a Vampire. It also improves upon the other bedroll mods by being the only that is compatible with See You Sleep, and the only which lets you place multiple bedrolls without creating savegame bloat, lets you pick up bedrolls while enemies are nearby or where the beggars place out new bedrolls after some time.

Woah, this is a pleasant surprise. I agree on all points except for Bedrolls (bias here too.) However, when I mention your mod, I will, of course, mention the bedrolls feature. As a number users (I have unfortunately had minor headbuttings with) have expressed, there are those that prefer the "does one thing" mods. The latest Bedrolls mod (is that the one?) still works well, and it is a "does one thing" mod. I will think over how else I could divvy up that page though. There is always the multiple alternatives option, and those alternatives will all have descriptions. Your fixes are making me think twice about it, but I still think the latest version is still worth mentioning for those users. I will simply have to add more description about for the "outdated" aspects. Those bugs you have pointed out can be added, and that would allow the user to choose between the pretty-good, very specific mod and your amazing, advanced, scripts and thingies version. (You do too much for my brain to process when it is dying. I did not read/see the paragraph until...somewhere in the middle of my post, sorry. No hard feelings? :))

*announcement* I am delirious, really...
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darnell waddington
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:35 am

A possible note for this page - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/stabilization/streamline

I say possible because this is something I employ and as far as I have seen in all the conversations/recommendations with regards using Streamline simultaneously with OSR... I dont think anyone else uses it or if it has been realised/mentioned;-

Train of thought, Using Streamlines fps min max - The general consensus or rule of thumb I have seen mentioned a couple of times is to have Streamlines fps min max 5-10% inside of OSR's settings for the same

OSR fps min 12 fps max 40
STR fps min 15 fps max 37

I think there is one flaw with that, streamline also has a setting to increase the fps min and max during combat. Because this setting increases then the fps min is un-affected, but the streamline fps max needs further reducing inside OSR fps max to accomodate streamline increasing its fps max during combat by however much that setting is..

ie if streamline adds 3 to fps during combat, then you need to deduct 3 from 37 above to safely still fall within the 5-10% clearance of OSR max fps during combat...

STR fps min 15 fps max 34

Users with machines that can handle it could obviously increase OSR fps max instead of lowering streamline fps max - But you get the idea, I think its worth a note
(unless someone else jumps in and bites my arris for talking unfounded crap, but logically I think thats how it should be combining the two, alls working well fps wise on my two machines anyway).
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:57 pm

A possible note for this page - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/stabilization/streamline

I say possible because this is something I employ and as far as I have seen in all the conversations/recommendations with regards using Streamline simultaneously with OSR... I dont think anyone else uses it or if it has been realised/mentioned;-

Train of thought, Using Streamlines fps min max - The general consensus or rule of thumb I have seen mentioned a couple of times is to have Streamlines fps min max 5-10% inside of OSR's settings for the same

OSR fps min 12 fps max 40
STR fps min 15 fps max 37

I think there is one flaw with that, streamline also has a setting to increase the fps min and max during combat. Because this setting increases then the fps min is un-affected, but the streamline fps max needs further reducing inside OSR fps max to accomodate streamline increasing its fps max during combat by however much that setting is..

ie if streamline adds 3 to fps during combat, then you need to deduct 3 from 37 above to safely still fall within the 5-10% clearance of OSR max fps during combat...

STR fps min 15 fps max 34

Users with machines that can handle it could obviously increase OSR fps max instead of lowering streamline fps max - But you get the idea, I think its worth a note
(unless someone else jumps in and bites my arris for talking unfounded crap, but logically I think thats how it should be combining the two, alls working well fps wise on my two machines anyway).

That is true. I will mention that, thanks. My preference is to lower SL's range because OSR is the "heavy-duty" smoothing mod. It should have full license to work its magic.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:50 am

I'm doing some more mod cleaning and I noticed on the http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/tunesetup/cleaning, you left out a warning from the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES4Edit_Cleaning_Guide#Section_.232:_Actual_Cleaning_Instructions:
In Step 5, the last line says: "A mod group dialog box might come up. Never tick any boxes for mod groups when cleaning, ever. "
I just encountered this, that's why I brought it up. Otherwise, this page is very helpful. :goodjob:
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:36 pm

I'm doing some more mod cleaning and I noticed on the http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/tunesetup/cleaning, you left out a warning from the http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES4Edit_Cleaning_Guide#Section_.232:_Actual_Cleaning_Instructions:
In Step 5, the last line says: "A mod group dialog box might come up. Never tick any boxes for mod groups when cleaning, ever. "
I just encountered this, that's why I brought it up. Otherwise, this page is very helpful. :goodjob:

Good catch. I do not think that that is usually a problem, since you are only cleaning one plugin at a time, which rarely requires loading more than one or two plugins. However, it is better to be safe than sorry, and that is what this site is about.

Thanks again! I really appreciate all of the feedback you all are offering. It gives the site more value, so thanks. :)
- Tomlong75210

Edit: more reminders...

- link all UL mods individually
- link OMOD installers for all mods (on the Downloading Mods page) for which they are available
- write scripts for those that do not have them
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:00 am

I'm a tad confused with the setting for FPS, you want OSR to correct them, yet it's recomended to set Stremline "Inside" of OSR's range, doesn't that initalize streamline's correction first, if it's in the narrower range??
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:02 pm

I'm a tad confused with the setting for FPS, you want OSR to correct them, yet it's recomended to set Stremline "Inside" of OSR's range, doesn't that initalize streamline's correction first, if it's in the narrower range??

Could you elaborate a little? I do not know what you are trying to say...

*more notes*
- Reference http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294 on Running Oblivion
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:30 am

If you've got Streamline set @20-30 FPS and OSR 15-35, Streamline will do it's thing first...
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:02 pm

If you've got Streamline set @20-30 FPS and OSR 15-35, Streamline will do it's thing first...

Yes it will for the max fps setting, but if you are running both at the same time it has to be this way - See SkyRangers notes in the overview for a brief description on the technicalities....


The only caveat is that Streamline (and other mods that monitor FPS) will not be able to accurately measure FPSes outside of the target range set by this plugin (10 to 30 by default). In fact, even FPSes that merely come close to OSR targets may be difficult to measure. In general, there should be at least a 10% margin between any FPS that you want a mod like Streamline to be able to measure and the OSR target. i.e. If OSR FPS targets are 10 to 30, then Streamline FPS min should be at least 11 and Streamline FPS max should be at most 27.

So if you want more max fps you will have to set OSR's ini setting higher to accomodate an increase for streamline.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:15 am

Yes it will for the max fps setting, but if you are running both at the same time it has to be this way - See SkyRangers notes in the overview for a brief description on the technicalities....


So if you want more max fps you will have to set OSR's ini setting higher to accomodate an increase for streamline.

Ok, what that's saying is that once OSR makes an adjustment other programs will be inaccurate, and their using OSR to pick up what Streamline can't correct for.
For some reason I thought it was the other way around. :facepalm:
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:12 am

Yup which is why I think you should allow a bigger margin between both streamline and OSR max fps, because as mentioned above if streamline adds to its max fps during combat then it encroaches on the OSR max fps, which could potentially take streamlines max fps to equal OSR's or even exceed it depending on the streamline ini adjustment for during combat.
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keri seymour
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:29 pm

Instructions formatting question:

if u are for the OOO part of the OBMM install, do i add OOO AND the patch in one OMOD? ur site doesnt really specify.

My site does say that explicitly, as the two are listed separately. OOO 1.33 is noted as "OMOD-ready" and the other as "needs a quick script". They also have different sections on that page for the more extended instructions. If the format is somehow unclear to you, please quote the section or explain how what I have described here is unclear for you. All people do not think in the same manner, so do not take this as a personal affront. If I can make the site more comprehensible for you and others with similar though patterns, I will try my best. Another reason why a quote and a link would be helpful is because the OOO installation is covered in multiple guides, and I do not know exactly which one you are referencing from this description.

Please, post questions related to the guide in the guide's thread. Thank you.
- Tomlong75210

No problem. Although, I highly recommend skimming pages before doing everything, unless you see the 1, 2, ... format, or there are clearly-divided sections (which is not the case on that page.) The dilemma for me is that I need to balance between reasonable length of instructions and the depth of the details. I figured that that summary at the top was a helpful prelude. Would a label of some sort that lets users know that that is just a summary of the state of the downloads be enough help?

Would you mind if I moved this conversation to my thread, by the way? This is a case where input from more users might help us reach the best "mid-way" solution.

No worries.
- Tomlong75210


Edit: As I mentioned earlier, I am very sleep deprived today, but the weekend is close, and I will open up the "big" formatting discussion then. Content will be addressed in its own thread at a later time. The formatting is more relevant to porting the site. Content can be added easily once I have a framework for the new site coded (which I have not started.)
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:38 pm

I swear I've read this before...And i realize what u wear saying. I kinda skipped the looooong wall of mods list. That wouldve explained my problem.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:09 am

I swear I've read this before...And i realize what u wear saying. I kinda skipped the looooong wall of mods list. That wouldve explained my problem.

What "looooong wall of mods list"? I'm confused now...
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:45 am

What "looooong wall of mods list"? I'm confused now...

The mod archives

* Bob's Armory Oblivion.7z <-- simple package but could use a quick script
* FCOM Convergence-12939.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* FCOM Entropic Order Rebalancez <-- going to use OMOD installer
* FCOM OMOD Installer <-- the FCOM OMOD installer
* Dark Seducer Weapon Fix <-- simple package
* Fran EXEs <-- need to be installed and OMOD-ed
* Loth's Blunt Weapons <-- simple package but could use a quick script
* MMM 3.7b3-17784.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* MMM 3.7 BSA.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* MMM Diverse WaterLife Update <-- going to use the OMOD installer
* MMM OMOD Installer <-- the MMM OMOD installer
* MMM Updates (other) <-- simple packages
* OMOBS.7z <-- could use a quick script
* OOO 1.33 Complete.7z <-- OMOD-ready
* OOO 1.34b5-15256.7z <-- could use a quick script
* OWC.7z <-- simple package
* OWC Patch 1.08b.7z <-- already simple package (or merge onto OWC)
* UOMPS MOBS <-- could use a quick script
* UOP <-- OMOD
* USIP MOBS-17621.rar <-- simple package
* USIP MOBS FCOM-17621.rar <--simple package
* UFCOM <-- going to use OMOD installer

THAT pretty much shows that everything should be seperate. but i skipped it. cuz i assumed it was "these r ur mods and blah". didnt seem important and i was trying to get to the meat of the guide.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:17 am

Good catch. I do not think that that is usually a problem, since you are only cleaning one plugin at a time, which rarely requires loading more than one or two plugins. However, it is better to be safe than sorry, and that is what this site is about.

Thanks again! I really appreciate all of the feedback you all are offering. It gives the site more value, so thanks. :)
- Tomlong75210
No problem. Glad I could help.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:50 am

The mod archives

* Bob's Armory Oblivion.7z <-- simple package but could use a quick script
* FCOM Convergence-12939.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* FCOM Entropic Order Rebalancez <-- going to use OMOD installer
* FCOM OMOD Installer <-- the FCOM OMOD installer
* Dark Seducer Weapon Fix <-- simple package
* Fran EXEs <-- need to be installed and OMOD-ed
* Loth's Blunt Weapons <-- simple package but could use a quick script
* MMM 3.7b3-17784.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* MMM 3.7 BSA.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
* MMM Diverse WaterLife Update <-- going to use the OMOD installer
* MMM OMOD Installer <-- the MMM OMOD installer
* MMM Updates (other) <-- simple packages
* OMOBS.7z <-- could use a quick script
* OOO 1.33 Complete.7z <-- OMOD-ready
* OOO 1.34b5-15256.7z <-- could use a quick script
* OWC.7z <-- simple package
* OWC Patch 1.08b.7z <-- already simple package (or merge onto OWC)
* UOMPS MOBS <-- could use a quick script
* UOP <-- OMOD
* USIP MOBS-17621.rar <-- simple package
* USIP MOBS FCOM-17621.rar <--simple package
* UFCOM <-- going to use OMOD installer

THAT pretty much shows that everything should be seperate. but i skipped it. cuz i assumed it was "these r ur mods and blah". didnt seem important and i was trying to get to the meat of the guide.

My guide is supposed to be spacious and light, not meaty, easy reading, you know... :(
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:01 am

DarNified UI BAIN Installation:

Until someone make a BCF with a BAIN wizard file for this package, there are a few Oblivion.ini tweaks the user must make by hand.

For the color map:
bLocalMapShader  <-- set to 0

Font changes (from the Read Me):
Normal fonts:

Large fonts:

SFontFile_1 will depend on your choice (see 4.4).

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:18 am

I have a few questions that I haven't found the answers to yet and I am pretty sure you are the guy to ask.

The first one is kind of dumb, but what files can I pack into a bsa? Specifically I am interested in if video files can be included.

Next, well I repacked my oblivion bsa before I got to your guide so I have to start again. Is is alright to replace the _far.nif files in the oblivion bsa with those from RAEVWD?

On that same note, would replacing files in the "Oblivion - textures - compressed.bsa" with those from quarl's or corepc's vibrant texture packs directly help with performance?

Finally, are you aware of anyone who has tried de- and re-compiling oblivion.exe to optimize it for multi-threading or increased memory usage on a 32 bit platform? If so, did they publish anything anywhere about the process? (I'm aware of the ini tweaks for multi-threading and the memory increaser for 64 bit os.)

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:08 pm

DarNified UI BAIN Installation:

Until someone make a BCF with a BAIN wizard file for this package, there are a few Oblivion.ini tweaks the user must make by hand.

For the color map:
bLocalMapShader  <-- set to 0

Font changes (from the Read Me):

Actually, all of the DarNified tweaks have been included with the premade INI tweaks available with Bash. Just look in the INI Tweaks tab.

I have a few questions that I haven't found the answers to yet and I am pretty sure you are the guy to ask.

The first one is kind of dumb, but what files can I pack into a bsa? Specifically I am interested in if video files can be included.

Next, well I repacked my oblivion bsa before I got to your guide so I have to start again. Is is alright to replace the _far.nif files in the oblivion bsa with those from RAEVWD?

On that same note, would replacing files in the "Oblivion - textures - compressed.bsa" with those from quarl's or corepc's vibrant texture packs directly help with performance?

Finally, are you aware of anyone who has tried de- and re-compiling oblivion.exe to optimize it for multi-threading or increased memory usage on a 32 bit platform? If so, did they publish anything anywhere about the process? (I'm aware of the ini tweaks for multi-threading and the memory increaser for 64 bit os.)


You can pack all data files in the BSAs, excluding Shaders, Video and Music I'd guess. Why would you need to pack video files in a BSA anyway? Those are the three folders that are left loose with the installation from the CD. (The Textures folder is added as well, but it only contains a duplicate of the terrain noise DDS file for no apparent reason...)

You can repack any files you want. Back up the original, then extract it to some folder, copy the loose files in your Data folder that you want to overwrite those files with into that folder, and then use OBMM's BSA editor to repack that folder (as long as it stays under 2GB; otherwise, you'll need to split it into two or more.)

Even repacking the plain, vanilla BSAs with no compression offers a performance boost. Having only one copy of every file in your Data folder would increase performance as well.

There are no real INI tweaks for multi-core. Those tweaks are not valid. Just leave the Oblivion.exe alone. If you have at least 3.5GB RAM and a 64-bit OS, you can try the LAA patch, however.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:13 pm

Hi all, :wave:
I've been packing mods up into omods for my MMMforOOO install (following your guide). I have learned a vast amount from TESIV:POSItive; but there is a huge amount I still don't know. I'm now at the stage where I need to activate/install the omods. Now when it comes to the order in which to do it; I'm clueless & could really use your help! :brokencomputer: I used your "My BAIN Package List" as a rough guide so I started listing the order in a txt file. But after attempting this I realise I have no idea how to do this; so any help you (or anyone else for that matter!) could give me would be highly appreciated!!

Here's my OMOD list:
adTreeHome Cobl 1.1.1.omod
advlt_BookStore 1.0.omod
All Natural 0.9.9 Fix Pack 2.0.omod
All Natural 0.9.9.omod
Alternative Start by Robert Evrae 1.2.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes 5.1.8.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Textures 5.1.2.omod
Apachii_Goddess_Store 1.5.omod
Apachii_Heroes_Store 1.1.omod
Arrow Replacement Pack 1.0.omod
Bank of Cyrodiil 1.1.omod
Better Grass Without Tiling 1.0.omod
Choices and Consequences + plug ins 2.2.omod
Cities Alive At Night.omod
ClocksOfCyrodiilNoArcane 1.0.omod
Cobl 1.72.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Exnem Bodies.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Robert's Male Bodies.omod
Crossbows of Cyrodiil 9.2.omod
Crowded Roads Revisited 1.1.omod
Cyrodiil Terrain Map 2.5.omod
Dark Dungeons - SI 1.1.omod
DarNified UI 1.3.2.omod
Days&Months 1.0.omod
Dragon Caption - The Elder Council (Cyrodiil Upgrade) 2.3.omod
Dragon Captions CUO (Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul) Resource Pack 1.5.4.omod
DropLitTorchOBSE 2.4.omod
Dude Wheres My Horse 100.0.omod
Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now 2.omod
Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer BETA 1.0.omod
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery 2.4.omod
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs rev4.omod
Dungeon Actors Have Torches DT 1.6.omod
Enhanced Economy 4.0.5.omod
EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM 1.0.omod
Exterior Actors Have Torches DT 1.3.omod
FF Real Thirst, Cobl 1.0.omod
FF_Real_Thirst 1.2.omod
Gates to Aesgaard - Episode II - The Fifth Element 1.0.omod
Gates To Aesgaard 2 Delayer 1.0.omod
GATES TO AESGAARD-Episode One 1.1.omod
Get Wet 1.1.omod
Gold Change II.omod
Harvest [Flora] 3.0.1.omod
ImprovedSigns 1.2.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack - update 0.66.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack 0.59.omod
kuerteeSittableRocks 0.54.omod
Let the People Drink! 2.5.omod
Let There Be Darkness 1.2.omod
Let There Be More Darkness-my plug ins 1.0.omod
Lynges Thieves Highway - OOO 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.2.omod
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b 3.0.omod
Menu Escape 0.7.1.omod
Modular Midas 1.1.omod
Naughty_Joana 1.0.omod
NifScript 0.9.omod
OMOBS 1.0.omod
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul COMPLETE 1.33.omod
Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul 1.34Beta5 0.omod
PersuasionOverhaul 1.43.omod
PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles 1.31.omod
Quest Award Leveller 2.1.0.omod
Real Hunger, Cobl 1.6.1.omod
Real Sleep Extended 2.3.4.omod
RealisticFatigue 2.4.omod
RealisticHealth 1.2.omod
RealisticLeveling 1.13.omod
ReneersGoldMod 1.5.omod
Robert Muscular Frans Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular MMM Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor 1.1.omod
Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1.2.omod
Robert's Muscular OOO Armor 1.0.omod
Roberts Male Body Replacer 5.omod
Ruined Tales Tail 3.1.omod
Shadowcrest_Vineyard_COBL 1.2.omod
Skingrad Market 1.0.omod
Slof's Boners! 5.omod
Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop 1.6.omod
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader 1.4.omod
SM Plugin Refurbish 1.21.omod
Smokable Pipe 1.2.omod
Stealth Entrances 1.0.omod
StealthOverhaul 1.3.omod
StealthOverhaul, Cobl 1.1.omod
Syc_AtHomeAlchemy 1.1.omod
The Lost Spires 14.0.omod
TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne 1.2.omod
Thievery in the Imperial City 1.2.omod
Thieves Arsenal - Mission Zero - Odd Jobs 1.1.omod
Toggleable Quantity Prompt 3.1.1.omod
TOTF Delayer 1.0.omod
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental 3.2.7.omod
UOMP_1-5_MOBS-17621 0.omod
USIP_MOBS_FCOM_1-4-17621 0.omod
Vaults of Cyrodiil 1.0.omod
Woodcutters_Cabin_COBL 1.1.omod

Here's my pitiful attempt at a activation/installation order (OMOD's that I was even more unsure about are at the bottom of the list under Leftovers): :blush:

Dude Wheres My Horse 100.0.omod
DropLitTorchOBSE 2.4.omod
Enhanced Economy 4.0.5.omod
PersuasionOverhaul 1.43.omod
OMOBS 1.0.omod
RealisticLeveling 1.13.omod
Quest Award Leveller 2.1.0.omod
StealthOverhaul 1.3.omod
StealthOverhaul, Cobl 1.1.omod



adTreeHome Cobl 1.1.1.omod
advlt_BookStore 1.0.omod
Bank of Cyrodiil 1.1.omod
Shadowcrest_Vineyard_COBL 1.2.omod
Skingrad Market 1.0.omod
Vaults of Cyrodiil 1.0.omod
Woodcutters_Cabin_COBL 1.1.omod

Robert Muscular Frans Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular MMM Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor 1.1.omod
Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1.2.omod
Robert's Muscular OOO Armor 1.0.omod
Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop 1.6.omod
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader 1.4.omod
Apachii_Goddess_Store 1.5.omod
Apachii_Heroes_Store 1.1.omod
Crossbows of Cyrodiil 9.2.omod
EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM 1.0.omod


Official DLC Plugins
UOMP_1-5_MOBS-17621 0.omod
SM Plugin Refurbish 1.21.omod
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental 3.2.7.omod

Choices and Consequences + plug ins 2.2.omod
Dragon Caption - The Elder Council (Cyrodiil Upgrade) 2.3.omod
Gates to Aesgaard - Episode II - The Fifth Element 1.0.omod
Gates To Aesgaard 2 Delayer 1.0.omod
GATES TO AESGAARD-Episode One 1.1.omod
The Lost Spires 14.0.omod
Ruined Tales Tail 3.1.omod
TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne 1.2.omod
Thievery in the Imperial City 1.2.omod
Thieves Arsenal - Mission Zero - Odd Jobs 1.1.omod
Malevolent 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.2.omod
TOTF Delayer

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul COMPLETE 1.33.omod
Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul 1.34Beta5 0.omod

Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b 3.0.omod

Cobl 1.72.omod

All Natural 0.9.9 Fix Pack 2.0.omod
All Natural 0.9.9.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes 5.1.8.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Textures 5.1.2.omod
ClocksOfCyrodiilNoArcane 1.0.omod
Dark Dungeons - SI 1.1.omod
Let There Be Darkness 1.2.omod
Let There Be More Darkness-my plug ins 1.0.omod

Cyrodiil Terrain Map 2.5.omod
DarNified UI 1.3.2.omod
Toggleable Quantity Prompt 3.1.1.omod
Menu Escape 0.7.1.omod

Arrow Replacement Pack 1.0.omod
ImprovedSigns 1.2.omod

Harvest [Flora] 3.0.1.omod


Roberts Male Body Replacer 5.omod
Slof's Boners 5.omod



Alternative Start by Robert Evrae 1.2.omod
Better Grass Without Tiling 1.0.omod
Cities Alive At Night.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Exnem Bodies.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Robert's Male Bodies.omod
Crowded Roads Revisited 1.1.omod
Days&Months 1.0.omod
Dragon Captions CUO (Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul) Resource Pack 1.5.4.omod
Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now 2.omod
Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer BETA 1.0.omod
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery 2.4.omod
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs rev4.omod
Dungeon Actors Have Torches DT 1.6.omod
Exterior Actors Have Torches DT 1.3.omod
FF Real Thirst, Cobl 1.0.omod
FF_Real_Thirst 1.2.omod
Get Wet 1.1.omod
Gold Change II.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack - update 0.66.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack 0.59.omod
kuerteeSittableRocks 0.54.omod
Let the People Drink! 2.5.omod
Lynges Thieves Highway - OOO 1.0.omod
Modular Midas 1.1.omod
Naughty_Joana 1.0.omod
NifScript 0.9.omod
PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles 1.31.omod
Real Hunger, Cobl 1.6.1.omod
Real Sleep Extended 2.3.4.omod
RealisticFatigue 2.4.omod
RealisticHealth 1.2.omod
ReneersGoldMod 1.5.omod
Smokable Pipe 1.2.omod
Stealth Entrances 1.0.omod
Syc_AtHomeAlchemy 1.1.omod
USIP_MOBS_FCOM_1-4-17621 0.omod

So just to be clear it's the activation/install order I would like help with NOT the load order! (but I'm sure I'll be back! :facepalm: lol)
If anyone could lend their expertise to this I will be extremely grateful. I'm practically salivating over uber-modded oblvion and can't wait to play!! :ahhh:

Thanks in advance & thanks for all the excellent advice in the past.
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carrie roche
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:05 pm

Not new items (and getting overwritten unnecessarily):

Robert Muscular Frans Armor 1.0.omod <-- I have these way late in my install order, after the main body replacer.
Robert Muscular MMM Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor 1.1.omod
Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1.2.omod
Robert's Muscular OOO Armor 1.0.omod
EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM 1.0.omod

Should be in the patches section right after the mod it overwrites.
USIP_MOBS_FCOM_1-4-17621 0.omod

Go back through that LO and make sure you have patches being installed after their main mods. The COBL cosmetic packs are scrambled, and you have the Kuertee backpack updates swapped. Get rid of OBGE bugged (which is not debugged) and grab the new version of the OBGE DLL from the Oblivion Graphics Extender project page. Make sure to rename the new DLL (which has "v2" at the end of it, for no good reason I know of) and rename it to "OBGE.DLL." I recommend you just install OBSE extensions by hand, but if you use and OMOD. You can add the following script (check the exact name):

DontInstallDataFile "\\OBGEv2.DLL"
CopyDataFile "\\OBGEv2.DLL" "OBSE\\Plugins\\OBGE.DLL"
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:50 am

Greetings Tomlong,

Hope you have been well. Listen, I _finally_ got around to getting a sound card for my machine, and the preliminary results have been promising! I took advantage of a Newegg deal on a Creative X-Fi Extreme Audio ($19.99 w/ free shipping... saved about $40). The most noticeable difference is exactly where I wanted to see it: in the slow-downs I'd get w/ lots of scripts running. I still get the slow-down, but it is not as severe, and recovery is faster. Is it a silver-bullet for all my ails? No... but it is definitely worth the $20, probably a few times over.

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted here, and besides the sound card I have made some changes to my build. I've dropped a couple of mods, but added several more, and things are running about as well as they ever have for me. Of course, you must take some credit for that (er, a LOT of credit for that!) If you would like, I will post my latest LO, and get some updated FPS numbers as well.

Thanks again for all your help along the way,
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 pm

That's great news. Sure. I am also in the process of repacking Robert's Male Body Replacer v5 Beta. Now I have to test it, and send it to the source.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:57 pm

Hi tomlong, thanks for the swift response. Ok so I'll swap out my supposedly "debugged" OBGE for the one you mentioned. I just can't figure this install order out, short of drawing a huge flow chart, I just can't seem to see what should be going where.

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