TESIV:POSItive --Performance, Optimiation & Stabilizatio

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 pm

Overall, the order you put together is good. Just look at my package list, and did you read the http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods page?
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:32 pm

Overall, the order you put together is good. Just look at my package list, and did you read the http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods page?

Yeah I'm now reading that link. thanks. Does Cobl main have to be installed before ALL other cobl stuff (coblized houes, real thirst etc)? And should it come after MMM,OOO & body replacers? (to use its added races)


edit: oh and is an install/activation order about the same order as the load order (but with install/activation order differing because it hasn't got all the esp's yet)?
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loste juliana
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:07 pm

Use my BAIN list to answer that first question. COBL needs to precede FCOM. You can reference the first post of the FCOM thread for specific installation instructions with FCOM, COBL, UOP, etc. The same order applies to MMMforOOO. Installation order and load order are not directly related. That's why I put emphasis on that on the installation order pages. See the Load Ordering page (under Finishing the Installation) if you need to place something BOSS does not recognize.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:06 pm

Use my BAIN list to answer that first question. COBL needs to precede FCOM. You can reference the first post of the FCOM thread for specific installation instructions with FCOM, COBL, UOP, etc. The same order applies to MMMforOOO. Installation order and load order are not directly related. That's why I put emphasis on that on the installation order pages. See the Load Ordering page (under Finishing the Installation) if you need to place something BOSS does not recognize.

Thanks again Tom. Ok I'll come back to this tomorrow evening. Once I have done some reading on the subject and have produced a new improved install/activation order, would it be OK to post it here (as I did above) so you could green light it for me? Sorry to keep hassling you but I want to get this right.

Cheers, you help has been indispensable.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:36 pm

Actually, all of the DarNified tweaks have been included with the premade INI tweaks available with Bash. Just look in the INI Tweaks tab.

You can pack all data files in the BSAs, excluding Shaders, Video and Music I'd guess. Why would you need to pack video files in a BSA anyway? Those are the three folders that are left loose with the installation from the CD. (The Textures folder is added as well, but it only contains a duplicate of the terrain noise DDS file for no apparent reason...)

You can repack any files you want. Back up the original, then extract it to some folder, copy the loose files in your Data folder that you want to overwrite those files with into that folder, and then use OBMM's BSA editor to repack that folder (as long as it stays under 2GB; otherwise, you'll need to split it into two or more.)

Even repacking the plain, vanilla BSAs with no compression offers a performance boost. Having only one copy of every file in your Data folder would increase performance as well.

There are no real INI tweaks for multi-core. Those tweaks are not valid. Just leave the Oblivion.exe alone. If you have at least 3.5GB RAM and a 64-bit OS, you can try the LAA patch, however.

Actually, I "didn't" want to pack video files into BSAs. It seems to be one of those things that is common knowledge for people who have been at this for a few years, but I just started all this in-depth mod management a month and a half ago. (I now have a skill of 150 at installing and uninstalling the GOTY edition.) I didn't know what was standard practice and what wasn't. The fact that the video folder from the oblivion install was not in a BSA is what prompted me to ask here. So, thanks! No video, shaders, or sounds in BSAs; check!

I think I was just looking for any value in placing textures from other mods into the default BSA files, and now I am thinking that the only real benefit would be to cut down on the number of BSA files in the data directory which helps avoid the 'soft cap' on number of mods.

I was pretty sure those multi-thread ini tweaks didn't work (no performance difference either way), which was why I was looking for other options. What I was looking for was some patch or process similar to the LAA patch except that it would benefit a 32 bit os install, and since I don't think memory increase would work for 32 bit, I was thinking that the only exe patch that could help would have to be one that broke the oblivion process up for threading. I guess the answer is no, though I may still tinker with the exe a bit, though I am not optimistic about the prospects.

Thanks again!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:44 pm

I was running fine up until yesterday, my system started overheating (High voltages leftover from Overclocking), and my game started crashing, ok I could understand that, however, Now, whenever I get in a Fort or Ruin, Crash....
Tried a new Obliv.ini, rebuilt patch-run LODgen several times, don't notice any problems in the Install, or Mod panels, I had to go back so far ~6 saves just to load..., (until I get to a Dungeon) :unsure2:

*Aside from that, just to verify, to clean my Mods, thay Have to be in the Data directory?, when I Uninstall them through Bain, the Cleaned esps are simply deleted amd my archives still contain the Dirty plugins?...
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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:40 am

Hi tom, I think I've cracked it (my MMMforOOO install/activation order). Could you look it over if you have time & point out any flaws or errors please.

SI, all DLC & official patch applied

NifScript 0.9.omod

Alternative Start by Robert Evrae 1.2.omod
OMOBS 1.0.omod
StealthOverhaul 1.3.omod
StealthOverhaul, Cobl 1.1.omod
PersuasionOverhaul 1.43.omod
PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles 1.31.omod
Quest Award Leveller 2.1.0.omod
Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now 2.omod
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs rev4.omod
Enhanced Economy 4.0.5.omod
Get Wet 1.1.omod
RealisticHealth 1.2.omod
ReneersGoldMod 1.5.omod
DropLitTorchOBSE 2.4.omod
Dude Wheres My Horse 100.0.omod
Dungeon Actors Have Torches DT 1.6.omod
Exterior Actors Have Torches DT 1.3.omod
kuerteeSittableRocks 0.54.omod
Syc_AtHomeAlchemy 1.1.omod
Real Sleep Extended 2.3.4.omod

Crowded Roads Revisited 1.1.omod


adTreeHome Cobl 1.1.1.omod
advlt_BookStore 1.0.omod
Bank of Cyrodiil 1.1.omod
Vaults of Cyrodiil 1.0.omod
Naughty_Joana 1.0.omod
Shadowcrest_Vineyard_COBL 1.2.omod
Skingrad Market 1.0.omod
Woodcutters_Cabin_COBL 1.1.omod
Stealth Entrances 1.0.omod
Lynges Thieves Highway - OOO 1.0.omod
Let the People Drink! 2.5.omod

Crossbows of Cyrodiil 9.2.omod
Apachii_Goddess_Store 1.5.omod
Apachii_Heroes_Store 1.1.omod
Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop 1.6.omod
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader 1.4.omod


UOMP_1-5_MOBS-17621 0.omod
SM Plugin Refurbish 1.21.omod
USIP_MOBS_FCOM_1-4-17621 0.omod
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental 3.2.7.omod

Choices and Consequences + plug ins 2.2.omod
GATES TO AESGAARD-Episode One 1.1.omod
Gates to Aesgaard - Episode II - The Fifth Element 1.0.omod
Gates To Aesgaard 2 Delayer 1.0.omod
The Lost Spires 14.0.omod
Ruined Tales Tail 3.1.omod
Dragon Caption - The Elder Council (Cyrodiil Upgrade) 2.3.omod
TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne 1.2.omod
Thievery in the Imperial City 1.2.omod
Thieves Arsenal - Mission Zero - Odd Jobs 1.1.omod
TOTF Delayer 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.2.omod
Modular Midas 1.1.omod

Dragon Captions CUO (Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul) Resource Pack 1.5.4.omod
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul COMPLETE 1.33.omod
Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul 1.34Beta5 0.omod

Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b 3.0.omod

Cobl 1.72.omod

All Natural 0.9.9.omod
All Natural 0.9.9 Fix Pack 2.0.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes 5.1.8.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Textures 5.1.2.omod
Cities Alive At Night.omod
ClocksOfCyrodiilNoArcane 1.0.omod
Dark Dungeons - SI 1.1.omod
Let There Be Darkness 1.2.omod
Let There Be More Darkness-my plug ins 1.0.omod

Cyrodiil Terrain Map 2.5.omod
Days&Months 1.0.omod
Gold Change II.omod
Menu Escape 0.7.1.omod
Toggleable Quantity Prompt 3.1.1.omod
DarNified UI 1.3.2.omod

RealisticLeveling 1.13.omod
Smokable Pipe 1.2.omod
Real Hunger, Cobl 1.6.1.omod
FF_Real_Thirst 1.2.omod
FF Real Thirst, Cobl 1.0.omod
RealisticFatigue 2.4.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack 0.59.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack - update 0.66.omod
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery 2.4.omod
Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer BETA 1.0.omod

Arrow Replacement Pack 1.0.omod
Better Grass Without Tiling 1.0.omod
Harvest [Flora] 3.0.1.omod
ImprovedSigns 1.2.omod


Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Exnem Bodies.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Robert's Male Bodies.omod

Roberts Male Body Replacer 5.omod
Slof's Boners! 5.omod
Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1.2.omod
Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor 1.1.omod
Robert's Muscular OOO Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular MMM Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular Frans Armor 1.0.omod

EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM 1.0.omod


Cheers :goodjob:
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:50 pm

I was running fine up until yesterday, my system started overheating (High voltages leftover from Overclocking), and my game started crashing, ok I could understand that, however, Now, whenever I get in a Fort or Ruin, Crash....
Tried a new Obliv.ini, rebuilt patch-run LODgen several times, don't notice any problems in the Install, or Mod panels, I had to go back so far ~6 saves just to load..., (until I get to a Dungeon) :unsure2:

*Aside from that, just to verify, to clean my Mods, thay Have to be in the Data directory?, when I Uninstall them through Bain, the Cleaned esps are simply deleted amd my archives still contain the Dirty plugins?...

Have you tried defragging your HDD? As far as cleaned plugin go, I put them in a project, which I may soon turn into a package. Cleaning them and not having them saved anywhere, seems like wasted effort waiting to happen...

Hi tom, I think I've cracked it (my MMMforOOO install/activation order). Could you look it over if you have time & point out any flaws or errors please.

SI, all DLC & official patch applied

NifScript 0.9.omod

Alternative Start by Robert Evrae 1.2.omod
OMOBS 1.0.omod
StealthOverhaul 1.3.omod
StealthOverhaul, Cobl 1.1.omod
PersuasionOverhaul 1.43.omod
PowerAttack Voicemod - The Shivering Isles 1.31.omod
Quest Award Leveller 2.1.0.omod
Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now 2.omod
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs rev4.omod
Enhanced Economy 4.0.5.omod
Get Wet 1.1.omod
RealisticHealth 1.2.omod
ReneersGoldMod 1.5.omod
DropLitTorchOBSE 2.4.omod
Dude Wheres My Horse 100.0.omod
Dungeon Actors Have Torches DT 1.6.omod
Exterior Actors Have Torches DT 1.3.omod
kuerteeSittableRocks 0.54.omod
Syc_AtHomeAlchemy 1.1.omod
Real Sleep Extended 2.3.4.omod

Crowded Roads Revisited 1.1.omod


adTreeHome Cobl 1.1.1.omod
advlt_BookStore 1.0.omod
Bank of Cyrodiil 1.1.omod
Vaults of Cyrodiil 1.0.omod
Naughty_Joana 1.0.omod
Shadowcrest_Vineyard_COBL 1.2.omod
Skingrad Market 1.0.omod
Woodcutters_Cabin_COBL 1.1.omod
Stealth Entrances 1.0.omod
Lynges Thieves Highway - OOO 1.0.omod
Let the People Drink! 2.5.omod

Crossbows of Cyrodiil 9.2.omod
Apachii_Goddess_Store 1.5.omod
Apachii_Heroes_Store 1.1.omod
Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop 1.6.omod
Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader 1.4.omod


UOMP_1-5_MOBS-17621 0.omod
SM Plugin Refurbish 1.21.omod
USIP_MOBS_FCOM_1-4-17621 0.omod
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental 3.2.7.omod

Choices and Consequences + plug ins 2.2.omod
GATES TO AESGAARD-Episode One 1.1.omod
Gates to Aesgaard - Episode II - The Fifth Element 1.0.omod
Gates To Aesgaard 2 Delayer 1.0.omod
The Lost Spires 14.0.omod
Ruined Tales Tail 3.1.omod
Dragon Caption - The Elder Council (Cyrodiil Upgrade) 2.3.omod
TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne 1.2.omod
Thievery in the Imperial City 1.2.omod
Thieves Arsenal - Mission Zero - Odd Jobs 1.1.omod
TOTF Delayer 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.0.omod
Malevolent 1.2.omod
Modular Midas 1.1.omod

Dragon Captions CUO (Cyrodiil Upgrade Overhaul) Resource Pack 1.5.4.omod
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul COMPLETE 1.33.omod
Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul 1.34Beta5 0.omod

Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b 3.0.omod

Cobl 1.72.omod

All Natural 0.9.9.omod
All Natural 0.9.9 Fix Pack 2.0.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes 5.1.8.omod
Animated Window Lighting System - Textures 5.1.2.omod
Cities Alive At Night.omod
ClocksOfCyrodiilNoArcane 1.0.omod
Dark Dungeons - SI 1.1.omod
Let There Be Darkness 1.2.omod
Let There Be More Darkness-my plug ins 1.0.omod

Cyrodiil Terrain Map 2.5.omod
Days&Months 1.0.omod
Gold Change II.omod
Menu Escape 0.7.1.omod
Toggleable Quantity Prompt 3.1.1.omod
DarNified UI 1.3.2.omod

RealisticLeveling 1.13.omod
Smokable Pipe 1.2.omod
Real Hunger, Cobl 1.6.1.omod
FF_Real_Thirst 1.2.omod
FF Real Thirst, Cobl 1.0.omod
RealisticFatigue 2.4.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack 0.59.omod
kuertee Inventory is a backpack - update 0.66.omod
Duke Patricks - Combat Archery 2.4.omod
Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer BETA 1.0.omod

Arrow Replacement Pack 1.0.omod
Better Grass Without Tiling 1.0.omod
Harvest [Flora] 3.0.1.omod
ImprovedSigns 1.2.omod


Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Exnem Bodies.omod
Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_Robert's Male Bodies.omod

Roberts Male Body Replacer 5.omod
Slof's Boners! 5.omod
Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1.2.omod
Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor 1.1.omod
Robert's Muscular OOO Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular MMM Armor 1.0.omod
Robert Muscular Frans Armor 1.0.omod

EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM 1.0.omod


Cheers :goodjob:

Everything looks good, but I would install DarNified UI first among your UI mods because it is the base UI mod. All specific UI mods should overwrite it. If the map mod does not conflict, that is fine, but that ordering is not as logical as it could be. I should adjust my package list as well. Therefore, you really do not need to do anything more. You should be ready to go ahead and install.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:42 pm

Nice one tom. I will move darnUI. When you say its not as logical as it could be, what do you mean?

omg omg :celebration: I'm nearly ready to play!! :woot: As always I appreciate your help!

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:56 pm

Since Darnified UI is your base UI mod, you'd expect that any smaller UI mods you install should have priority over it. I assume, that in this case, this map, also a UI mod, does not overlap with Darnified UI; however, if it did overlap, you'd want it to be installed after the main UI mod. It seems that in most cases, that your main UI mod should be the first one installed. This is parallel to how QTP3 should be the first texture mod installed, and all of the smaller, specific replacers are given more priority...in a sense.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:41 pm

Tomlong do you know if there are any potential conflicts with using BSA redirection in both Bash and OBMM simultaneously?

I am not experiencing any problems just curious, in my instance I only use OBMM for a couple of things, the rest is BAINed, so mostly OBMM is just sitting there after initial use and I manage everything else with BASH.

So hypothetical circumstance, someone using both equally (or more often than I use OBMM anyway), say they had 50 mods BAINed and 20 OMODs, along comes an update to an OMOD and on completion of using OBMM BSA redirection gets an update. Then they load Bash and do a few changes on completion BSA redirection gets auto updated again

Basicly are Bash and OBMM singing off the same hymn sheet regards BSA redirection?

If Bash for instance tracks what it did to BSA redirection last time it was updated with Bash, OBMM then makes its changes, next time Bash looks at its records it goes 'Wooops!, something wrong here I will just revert it to what I did last time before continuing'.

Edit: In fact - Probably best if I get it from the horses mouth, will post similar in Bash thread
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:46 am

Have you tried defragging your HDD? As far as cleaned plugin go, I put them in a project, which I may soon turn into a package. Cleaning them and not having them saved anywhere, seems like wasted effort waiting to happen...

Actually I had just ran GameBoost's directory defragger prior to that, I had also cleaned a few plugins, witch I'd thought might of been a factor, I'm not sure what happened but I couldn't load the last three saves (in Fort) , and I had one while I was in IC that seemed fine until I got to a (differant)Fort. Seems like when I moved rhe backup (created from cleaning) it started crashing Bain, and Bain lost all of it's association to everything...
I cleaned out my Data directory then went through my entire modlist and cleaned them all, (few exceptions) and coppied the "Cleaned" plug-ind into my packages as an alternate main selection.
When I finally got around to loading the game again, the previous saves all seem to work fine.
(I Still have a Partner that likes to fight in the Buff though)
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:06 am

Tomlong do you know if there are any potential conflicts with using BSA redirection in both Bash and OBMM simultaneously?

I am not experiencing any problems just curious, in my instance I only use OBMM for a couple of things, the rest is BAINed, so mostly OBMM is just sitting there after initial use and I manage everything else with BASH.

So hypothetical circumstance, someone using both equally (or more often than I use OBMM anyway), say they had 50 mods BAINed and 20 OMODs, along comes an update to an OMOD and on completion of using OBMM BSA redirection gets an update. Then they load Bash and do a few changes on completion BSA redirection gets auto updated again

Basicly are Bash and OBMM singing off the same hymn sheet regards BSA redirection?

If Bash for instance tracks what it did to BSA redirection last time it was updated with Bash, OBMM then makes its changes, next time Bash looks at its records it goes 'Wooops!, something wrong here I will just revert it to what I did last time before continuing'.

Edit: In fact - Probably best if I get it from the horses mouth, will post similar in Bash thread

BSA Redirection is not tracked. Redirection BSAs are just dummy BSAs with at least one file in them. It does not matter how many redirection BSAs there are, but having more than one is useless. Having multiple can only do more harm than good because it eats up space on the char-limited sArchiveList.

Actually I had just ran GameBoost's directory defragger prior to that, I had also cleaned a few plugins, witch I'd thought might of been a factor, I'm not sure what happened but I couldn't load the last three saves (in Fort) , and I had one while I was in IC that seemed fine until I got to a (differant)Fort. Seems like when I moved rhe backup (created from cleaning) it started crashing Bain, and Bain lost all of it's association to everything...
I cleaned out my Data directory then went through my entire modlist and cleaned them all, (few exceptions) and coppied the "Cleaned" plug-ind into my packages as an alternate main selection.
When I finally got around to loading the game again, the previous saves all seem to work fine.
(I Still have a Partner that likes to fight in the Buff though)

The buff thing is probably a problem with the CM Partner. Have you edited that partner's inventory?
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:41 am

No, I've given her items, and taken them back, but I haven't "Edited" anything, you can see her Casting a spell to go Buff,(must be Stark Reality) and then when the spell wears off, and she's clothed..., not that I don't enjoy the show, but I don't think that's quite what it's supposed to be... :whistling:
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:05 am

If you have not, I would try editing her inventory in TESCS or TES4Edit. (The latter would be a much quicker method, now that I think about it...)
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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:43 pm


Well, real life got in the way and delayed me a bit, but I think I have it all together now...

The new sound card is a Creative X-Fi Extreme Audio. It is normally around $40 - $50, but I got it for $19.99 on sale (and w/ free shipping!) It's not much, to be sure, but it alleviates a little of the strain on my poor CPU, and actually makes a difference in game. I just looked at the frame rates I last posted, and I think that is probably still accurate. The difference is in the frequency and duration of the "slow-downs" I get with lots of scripts running (especially from many NPCs, as discussed). Specifically, I really only see this behavior now when things are really jammed in a tight space (like a room in an Oblivion tower with 10+ dremora in there). Things will still slow down, but the effect is not as severe and my machine seems to recover much more quickly (for example, in the Oblivion tower example above, as I kill them off, things start to improve rapidly... usually I am back to mid 20s to near 30 FPS before I kill off the last few). In short, this was $20 well spent!

I have also dropped a couple of mods and added several more. Most notably, I switched from KCAS to nGCD w/ Progress. I also installed several of Arthmoor's mods (his villages and the New Roads and Bridges). Oh yeah, and I added Super Hotkeys (don't know how I was making it without this one!) The complete load order is posted below.

One more small thing... I stumbled onto http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html (in fact, I think it was someone posting in one of your threads that mentioned it). I have been using it for a while and really like it. However, I let it spoil me a little, and I thought it worth mentioning. Basically, it gives you the option to defrag your game files, which is cool for those bashed patch rebuilds (who wants to wait around for the entire disc to defrag when all you did was change load order and rebuild your patch?) This works well, but it is not a substitute for an actual defrag. I forgot that for a bit and started to notice my HDD chomping away more than "normal". The other day I did a complete defrag, and of course things improved. I just mention it here because little things like that can make a big difference... and for anyone else using GameBooster: don't forget to do a "real" defrag occasionally!

OK, that's all! Sorry for the long-windedness, but hey, you should be getting used to that by now! Haha! Hope all is well, and I'll talk to you soon,

Load Order:

Active Mod Files:
00 Oblivion.esm
01 Cybiades.esm [Version 2.0]
02 Jog_X_Mod.esm
03 Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
04 Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
05 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.72]
06 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.34]
07 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b3p3]
08 VASE - core.esm
09 TamrielTravellers.esm [Version 1.39c]
0A FCOM_Convergence.esm [Version 0.9.9MB3]
0B Armamentarium.esm [Version 1.35]
0C Artifacts.esm [Version 1.1]
0D Progress.esm [Version 2.2]
0E NNWAEMaster.esm
0F CM Partners.esm
10 HorseCombatMaster.esm
11 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.2.4]
12 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
13 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
14 DLCShiveringIsles.esp [Version 1.4.0]
++ Shivering OOO.esp
15 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
16 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
17 Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp
18 Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
++ FCOM_Francescos.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp [Version 0.9.9]
19 FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp [Version 0.9.9]
** LoadingScreens.esp
++ Symphony of Violence.esp
1A WindowLightingSystem.esp
1B Adonnays Ranger Coats.esp
1C Ayleid Loot EXtension.esp
1D Ayleid Loot EXtension - OOO Dungeons.esp
1E ClocksOfCyrodiil.esp
++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [Version 0.76]
1F RAEVWD Cities.esp [Version 1.7]
20 RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp [Version 1.5]
++ RealWalk.esp
21 Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 3.4.3]
22 Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.4]
23 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [Version 3.0.2]
24 sr_super_hotkeys.esp
25 DLCHorseArmor.esp
** DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
26 DLCOrrery.esp
** DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.3]
27 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
28 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]
++ MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
29 Adonnays Elven Weaponry.esp
++ ArtifactsFemaleArmor.esp
2A BlackLuster.esp
++ playable golden saint and dark seducer armour.esp
2B Slof's Boners! v5.esp
2C Thieves Arsenal.esp
2D XiaNewAmuletsV1.esp
** Armamentium female.esp
2E KDCircletsOOOOptimized - NPC Equip.esp [Version 1.2]
++ FCOM_KDCircletsOOOOptimizedNPCEquip.esp [Version 0.9.9]
2F Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp
30 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.72]
31 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
** OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp [Version 1.72]
++ FCOM_Cobl.esp [Version 0.9.9]
32 Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
33 FCOM_BobsArmory.esp [Version 0.9.9]
34 Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp
++ FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp [Version 0.9.9]
35 Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
36 FCOM_WarCry.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
37 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.34]
++ OOO_XiaNewAmulets Addon.esp [Version 0.5]
++ OMOBS.esp [Version 1.0]
++ OMOBS_SI.esp [Version 1.0]
38 OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp [Version 1.0]
39 ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp [Version 1.35]
3A FCOM_Convergence.esp [Version 0.9.9Mb3]
3B FCOM_RealSwords.esp [Version 0.9.9]
3C Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
++ FCOM_SaferRoads.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_LessRats.esp [Version 0.9.9]
3D Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
3E Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
3F Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
40 Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
41 Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
++ VASE - Cyrodiil for MMM.esp
++ VASE - Vanilla SI.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3p3]
++ TamrielTravellerAdvscript.esp [Version 1.40Alpha]
42 TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp [Version 1.39c]
43 TamrielTravellersItemsCobl.esp [Version 1.39c]
44 ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp [Version 1.39c]
++ ShiveringIsleTravellersFriendlyFactions4MMM.esp [Version 1.39c]
++ FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp [Version 0.9.9]
++ FCOM_Archery.esp
++ FCOM_Archery_Armamentarium.esp
++ FCOM_Archery_Artifacts.esp
++ FCOM_Archery_RealSwords.esp
++ FCOM_Archery_MMM_H&C.esp
++ ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [Version 2.01]
++ ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [Version 1.35]
++ Fransfemale.esp
** LoadingScreens-OOO.esp
45 Geomancy & Gem Dust OOO.esp
46 OOO-WaterFish.esp [Version 1.34]
++ EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM.esp
47 Ivellon.esp [Version 1.8]
48 Artifacts.esp [Version 1.1]
++ Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp [Version 1.0]
49 HeartOftheDead.esp [Version 6.2]
4A GlenvarCastle.esp
4B LostSwordOfTheAylied.esp
4C LostSwordOfTheAylied - OBSE Add-On.esp
4D MountainTower.esp [Version 6.0]
4E NNWAREAyleidDungeons_Series1EV.esp [Version 2.2]
4F NNWARE06-RhyeliaEmeroEV.esp
50 NNWAEDungeons-Series2EV.esp
51 The Ayleid Steps.esp [Version 3.3.2]
52 TheForgottenShields.esp
53 NRB4+ForgottonShields Patch.esp
54 thievery.esp
55 thievery - EE patch.esp [Version 1.0]
56 Tona's_ModsStore.esp
57 VaultsofCyrodiil.esp
58 Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp
59 Apachii_Heroes_Store.esp
5A DLCfrostcrag.esp
5B FrostcragRebornCobl.esp
5C Cybiades.esp [Version 2.1]
5D CybiadesDungeon.esp [Version 2.1]
5E TOTF.esp
5F The Lost Spires.esp
60 Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp
61 MannimarcoRevisited.esp
** MannimarcoRevisitedOOO.esp [Version 0.1]
62 road+bridges.esp [Version 4.5.5]
63 Feldscar.esp [Version 1.0.1]
64 Vergayun.esp [Version 1.0.4]
65 Faregyl.esp [Version 1.0.10]
66 bartholm.esp
67 JADDockTunnel.esp
68 JQ-Fighters_Guild_United.esp
++ FCOM_FighterGUnited.esp
69 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]
++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]
6A Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [Version 3.0.0]
6B AutoBookPlacer.esp
6C Bag of Holding.esp [Version 1.5.0]
6D DecoratorAssistant with OBSE v1.1.esp
6E DropLitTorchOBSE.esp [Version 2.4]
6F EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp
++ GotNoClass.esp
70 P1DkeyChain.esp [Version 5.00]
71 Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp [Version 3.08]
++ Short Grass V3.esp
72 Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp [Version 3.1.1]
73 Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp [Version 1.0]
74 Quest Award Leveller.esp [Version 2.0.1]
++ Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp [Version 2.1.0]
75 StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised.esp
76 StarX VVR_OOO Patch.esp
77 SupremeMagicka.esp [Version 0.90]
78 SM_ShiveringIsles.esp [Version 0.86]
++ SM_OOO.esp [Version 0.89]
++ SM_MMM.esp [Version 0.89]
++ SM_COBL.esp [Version 0.86]
79 SM_EnchantStaff.esp [Version 0.80]
++ SM_UnlockSpells.esp [Version 0.70]
++ SM_Scrolls.esp [Version 0.84]
++ SM_SigilStone.esp [Version 0.83]
7A MidasSpells.esp
7B Multiple Enchantments.esp
7C SM Combat Hide.esp [Version 1.2]
7D Deadlier Sneaking 1.1.esp
7E Deadly Reflex Bow Sway.esp
7F nGCD.esp
++ nGCD Birthsigns.esp
80 nGCD Oghma Infinium.esp
81 ProgressMBSP.esp [Version 2.0]
82 ProgressSBSP.esp [Version 1.0]
83 ProgressArmorer.esp [Version 1.0]
++ Immediate Character Generation.esp
84 Grandmaster of Alchemy.esp
85 Mayu's Animation Overhaul.esp
86 CTAddPose_osr1.esp
87 CTAddPose_osr2.esp
88 CTAddPose_osr3.esp
89 actors_in_charge.esp
++ Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp [Version 0.76]
++ Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Reborn.esp [Version 0.76]
++ Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk.esp [Version 0.78]
8A CM Partners.esp
8B CM Partners Special NPCs.esp
8C CM Partners NPC.esp
8D CM Partners More NPCs.esp
8E CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp
8F CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp
90 Cobl Races.esp [Version 1.52]
** Cobl Races TNR.esp [Version 1.53]
** Cobl Races TNR SI.esp [Version 1.53]
91 SkinMannequinCOBL-nosleep.esp
++ TamrielTravellers Cosmetics Cobl or RBP.esp
++ EVE_KhajiitFix.esp
92 TheOubliette.esp
93 Get Wet - just droplets.esp
** NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp
94 Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp [Version 01]
95 DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
++ SM_DeadlyReflex.esp [Version 0.86]
96 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
97 SWalk.esp
98 FormID Finder4.esp
99 Streamline 3.1.esp

Edit: spelling/wording
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i grind hard
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:58 pm

BSA Redirection is not tracked. Redirection BSAs are just dummy BSAs with at least one file in them. It does not matter how many redirection BSAs there are, but having more than one is useless. Having multiple can only do more harm than good because it eats up space on the char-limited sArchiveList.

Thanks Tomlong, along with the clarifying information from the Wrye Bash team that it should be one or the other managing this aspect - I now think for the benefit of new users traversing your site it may be worth adding a note or two....

Go to Utilities>Archive invalidation
Select "BSA Redirection" (Unless using this same function in Wrye Bash)

11. 2. "BSA Redirection" (Unless using this same function in OBMM)

And something along the same lines on the Archive Invalidation page.

Possibly in useful hints and facts?.

Edit: Not trying to steal your thunder, just another suggestion thats all :)
Thanks again! I really appreciate all of the feedback you all are offering. It gives the site more value, so thanks. :)
- Tomlong75210

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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:50 am

Thanks Tomlong, along with the clarifying information from the Wrye Bash team that it should be one or the other managing this aspect - I now think for the benefit of new users traversing your site it may be worth adding a note or two....

Go to Utilities>Archive invalidation
Select "BSA Redirection" (Unless using this same function in Wrye Bash)

11. 2. "BSA Redirection" (Unless using this same function in OBMM)

And something along the same lines on the Archive Invalidation page.

Possibly in useful hints and facts?.

Edit: Not trying to steal your thunder, just another suggestion thats all :)

Of course, haha.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:08 am

I updated the Preparing for Mods page to shorten the instructions. The last thing want to do is add-in the v275 installer, in order to avoid users on different drives running into unexpected installation trouble.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:31 am

I was reading your http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/walkthroughs/baininstallguide/installutilities and noticed step number 4...

(Vista | Win7) Download wxpython ansi (for Wrye Bash)

Is this required after having installed the Wrye Python 02 package? If so, what does it do?

Many thanks
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:35 pm

I was reading your http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/walkthroughs/baininstallguide/installutilities and noticed step number 4...

(Vista | Win7) Download wxpython ansi (for Wrye Bash)

Is this required after having installed the Wrye Python 02 package? If so, what does it do?

Many thanks

It's included in the Wrye Python 02 package. Wxpython is a GUI platform for python, so it handles all the windows and pretty much the entire interface in Wrye Bash.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:08 am

I was reading your http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/walkthroughs/baininstallguide/installutilities and noticed step number 4...

(Vista | Win7) Download wxpython ansi (for Wrye Bash)

Is this required after having installed the Wrye Python 02 package? If so, what does it do?

Many thanks

It is included in the Wrye Python 02 package, but often fails to launch on Vista and 64-bit systems. Doing that extra steps fixes issues for a number of those users, but not everyone needs it. There is no harm in trying to install it again though, so I'd rather no one missed it. Making users try and fail to launch Wrye Bash would create more of a mess. I will put a note about what the deal is on the new page. That should help.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:11 pm

It is included in the Wrye Python 02 package, but often fails to launch on Vista and 64-bit systems. Doing that extra steps fixes issues for a number of those users, but not everyone needs it. There is no harm in trying to install it again though, so I'd rather no one missed it. Making users try and fail to launch Wrye Bash would create more of a mess. I will put a note about what the deal is on the new page. That should help.

Thanks for th explanation. I had no problems at all with the Wrye Python 02 package in Windows 7 64-bit.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:55 pm

You know, it's a bit odd that I can't find iShadowMapResolution in my Oblivion ini. I have the latest patch and everything.

EDIT: Just kidding... Found it.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:49 pm

Hi Tomlong, I hope all is well

I've just installed all of the OMOD's and now want to use BOSS & Wrye Bash for LO & the bashed patch. I just have a few questions I was hoping you could help me with please:

1)Now when I run BOSS (via wrye bash shortcut) are all of the bash tags it suggests automatically imported? Do I need to do anything with the bash tags? (I noticed when you right click on a tag it says automatic at the top).

Also in Wrye Bash under mods in the left hand window:

2) I have a few red check boxes next to mods; what does this mean?

3) I have only blue (.esm's), green (don't check) and ordinary text; I have no purple or italics. Is that right?

4)So assuming I don't need to do anything with the bash tags, do I check all of the mods apart from green text and then right click bashed patch > rebuild patch? > run TES4LODGen (via wrye bash shortcut).

5)Do I then move onto "first run guide"?

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