TESIV:POSItive --Performance, Optimiation & Stabilizatio

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:14 pm

Previous Threads: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1064823-tesivpositive-performance-optimization-info/ http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1014947

http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/ --Performance, Optimization & Stabilization Information


Welcome to TESIV:POSItive!

About this site

I was working on a guide by Blade of Mercy in order to try to smooth the last one-to-a-couple-hours crash from my game. When I came across steps involving, PyFFI, a Python program, and checked it out and found myself hesitant to proceed. Using PyFFI to optimize meshes definitely helps improve FPS, so explored for more answers. I asked in the PYFFI Automation Tool thread, and the author, Dan (Kandiedan), warned against inexperienced users doing this themselves because you need to know how to check for bad meshes. Well, soon after, other experienced modders assuaged a number of my concerns. Now I want to spread information about PyFFI and other ways to optimize and stabilize Oblivion setups. This site covers topics from the basics of installing Oblivion to the significance of optimizing meshes.

If you have suggestions for improvements or content additions, please drop a post in the site's thread.
- Tomlong75210

What is here?

This site is for the mod user. It covers topics from the installation and uninstallation of Oblivion to PyFFI-optimization and BSA repacking. The whole site is a walk-through from pre-Oblivion to running fully modded Oblivion. There are libraries for common problem and real load orders. If there is an aspect of running Oblivion that is not covered here, please recommend the missing topic in the site's thread. This site also has guides for patching mods and importing characters faces. Although there are probably links to point you in the right direction for other mod-related subjects, the whole site is dedicated to building a stable and optimized Oblivion setup. That is all.

How to navigate...

Most of the spine, the main pages, of this side have a guide-like format, with previous and next steps. The sidebar mirrors this structure. I recommend following the guide in its entirety, starting from the uninstallation step for non-first-timers, if you are starting a new Oblivion setup. Experienced users should know which parts they can skip by the pages' titles and introductory paragraphs. There are also more compact guides available on this site and linked guides, which you can find at the bottom of this page. For those visiting already running a setup you want to improve or check against example setup, the "Tuning Oblivion" page and onward contain most of the more sophisticated information. The guide-like presentation of the guide stops at "Troubleshooting."

Site Structure

* Welcome to TESIV:Positive --introduction to the site
* Intro to Modded Oblivion --introduction to mods
* Installing Oblivion --steps for clean uninstallation and installation of Oblivion
* Preparing Oblivion for Mods --acquiring utilities and configuring them
* Downloading Mods --where and how to download mods
* Installing Mods --what are the installation options? how to repackage mods
* Tuning Modded Oblivion --plugin cleaning and other more advanced maintenance
* Finishing the Installation --load ordering, building the bashed patch
* Running Oblivion --first run guide, tips
* Troubleshooting --crashes & problems library, getting help, helping yourself
* Stabilization --methods, related mods
* Optimization --methods, related mods
* Walkthroughs --compact modded Oblivon setup guides, step-by-step patching
* Lists --collections of various resources on and off this site
* Links --all related resources on the site (on the page), direct links listed in the sidebar
* Acknowledgments --the not so little people who have made great contributions to this site
* Contacts --current and old threads, my contact info
* Sitemap --a tool to help the user navigate this site

Why is this info being collected in one place? -->http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=related_resources Happy searching! ^____^


First, make sure to download the latest version. After installing PyFFI, when you right-click there is now an "Optimize with PyFFI" option. A number modders have recommended avoiding the creature and character folder, and also files with EGM files (i.e., certain helmets and head meshes.) Bad meshes, generated by PyFFI or by hand, can cause problems, that is why it is important to check meshes after running PyFFI. The process (when done thoroughly) may be very time-consuming, but it has been sped up a bit with the Python 2.6. Why do this? ...for increased FPS and more stability!!!!! The later versions of PyFFI heed the skip list in the optimization INI and skip EGMs by default. The INIs are located in \Program Files\PyFFI\Toaster by default. Remember to set the path to your Python folder (usually first level on your local disk) in the default INI.

There are two ways to use PyFFI to optimize. The first method is to right-click on a folder and choose "Optimize with PyFFI," which that modifies the original files. The second method is to move or extract the files to be optimized to the PyFFI "in" folder. The "Run PyFFI" method automatically creates a backup by virtue of placing the optimized files in the "out" folder, preserving the contents of the "in" folder. UPDATE: At this point, it is fairly safe to use the right-click method. However, it is safer to optimize mods individually as opposed to right-clicking and optimizing your entire installed Meshes folder.
>> notes: 1) The latest versions of PyFFI make the automated to obsolete. They can even hinder PyFFI's functionality because of the size limitation criterion. The skip list and the automatic skipping of .egm files make those extra tools unnecessary. 2) Use the "jobs" setting in the default INI to make PyFFI take advantage of multiple cores (whether or not this setting works is yet to be confirmed.)

"Optimize with PyFFI" Steps
1. Right-click on the folder that needs to be optimized.
2. Choose "Optimize with PyFFI"

"Run PyFFI" Steps

1. Drop folders with meshes to be PyFFI-optimized in the "in" folder.
>> notes: PyFFI preserves the file structure of the "in" folder, so you can PyFFI multiple mods and folders at once.
2. Right-click on the optimize INI and choose "Run PyFFI"
3. Wait until PyFFI finishes, then get the PyFFI-optimized meshes from the "out" folder.


The Vanilla meshes with leading spaces (to watch out for when you repack your BSA)
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancechighlandsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegoldcoastsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegreatforestsm02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg03.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm03.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockmosssm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockybeachsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm02.nif

Files that PyFFI cannot handle. Add the part in quotes to your skip list.
\meshes\architecture\statue\nightmotherstatuebase.nif - "nightmotherstatuebase"

Further optimization with PyFFI for _FAR NIF files ONLY! --Vorians
"C:\Program Files\Python26\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Python26\Scripts\niftoaster.py" fix_deltangentspace Meshes

Optimize and Repack "Oblivion - Meshes.bsa" steps (with PyFFI method #2)
  • Use a BSA editor (i.e., OBMM's) to extract all of the BSA's contents to the PyFFI "in" folder. (path above)
  • Move the original BSA onto the desktop or another location.
  • Right-click on the optimize INI, and choose "Run PyFFI".
  • When its done, copy the contents of the "in" folder into the "out" folder, and choose "no to all" when prompted to overwrite.
  • Delete the duplicates files created during the copying process, the cave meshes (copied from the "out" folder) that had the leading spaces truncated. (listed above)
  • Use the BSA editor to repack the contents of the out folder. (The file paths should not start with "out", and use the 'no compression' option for optimal performance.)
  • Rename the BSA to match the original BSA's name.
  • Use the 'Reset BSA timestamps' function in OBMM, or (a safer option) use a file redator to set the timestamp back to 2006.
  • Delete the original BSA after confirming that the game loads (unless you do not already have a backup.)
>> notes: 1) The first key step is to repack the BSA without moving or copying the optimized files; otherwise, the leading spaces would be truncated. 2) The other key step, which applies even when using the other optimization method, is to repack the contents of the folder containing the folders of the Meshes BSA, instead of the folder itself or the contents of the Meshes folder.

If you still have problems with the leading spaces disappearing: http://www.4shared.com/file/O0_2Lk5K/PyFFI-Optimized_Vanilla_Meshes.html

See the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1082438-inforelz-pyffi-python-file-format-interface/ for more information and help.

*Raising BAIN Awareness*
There are many BAIN-Ready mods already available, which includes all mods with simple, "nice" packaging."

These are BAIN-Ready uploads of a few mods:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22170 <-- I really forgot about this one, and some of these cover essentials for 90% of users.
  • Book Jackets (Standard Res)
  • DarNified UI
  • Streamline 3.1
  • Operation Optimization
  • Streamline 3.1 patch

These are BCF files for a number of mods. BCFs are CRC sensitive, which means that you must use the exact version of the files specified by the BCF requirements. *UPDATE* The UOP BCF found through the link below seems to be for the Chinese version or something...Just get the manual archive version of the UOP. It is no big deal (not for BAIN users with the right package order. ;))

  • AN 0.9.9 + Fix Pack v2 - BCF and Wizard Install
  • SM Refurbish 1.30 - Wizard Install
  • UOMP - Wizard Install (requires BAIN 2.83+ because of Wizard fixes)
  • UOP OMOD version? + UOP 3.2.5 supplemental - BCF and Wizard Install
  • USIP Manual Install version - Wizard Install

Other BAIN resources
  • http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1084204-bain-mod-installation-projects/ - gamesas thread by Psymon
    • The Basics of BAIN and Mod Archiving
    • Complex BAIN Archives
    • BAIN Conversion Files
    • Managing Installer Packages
    • Creating Very Complex BAIN Packages
    • BAIN Ready Packages
    • FCOM and Other Overhaul Made BAIN Ready
    • An opening letter appealing to the use of BAIN and Wrye Bash by mod makers
    • Afterthoughts, Updates and Extensions

  • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=bain_installation
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=example_bain_repackages
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=my_bain_package_list
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=preparing_for_mods - another little spiel on BAIN vs. Manual vs. Mixed vs. OBMM installation
    • http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/walkthroughs/baininstallguide
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=guides_mod_installation&subpage=fcom_installation_guide
    • http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=guides_mod_installation&subpage=mmmforooo_installation_guide

  • http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1087446-relz-wrye-bash-thread-no-40/ - gamesas thread (this link may be out-dated soon)
  • http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 - TESNexus

- for those who need more flexible file redating - http://zabkat.com/x2lite.htm <-- not sure about the 64-bit support, so let me know

Stability & Optimization Troubleshooting Utilities
K-Lite - http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm <-- reset codecs (troubleshooting performance issues)
Clean Boot - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310353 <-- make sure the problem is not process interference, resets startup processes
Game Booster - http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html <-- utility to facilitate turning off unnecessary processes before playing

Stability & Optimization Links
http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm <-- If you are not using the GOTY version, install the latest patch
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=tuning_oblivion <-- Performance pages landing page
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=oblivion_ini_tweaks <-- there are many useful performance tweaks listed here
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=stabilization_and_optimization_mods <-- stabilization can help with performance too, a lot actually...
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=streamline_ini_setup <-- to help setup Streamline's INI file properly
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=popular_outdated_mods <-- avoid these

Albertine's "Smooth Running" Guide <-- These tweaks go beyond the scope of this site!!!
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1081188-guide-how-to-smooth-pc-oblivion-fps/ - gamesas thread by Albertine

Reality & Speculation
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=hardware_anolysis <-- FYI: Do you have a sound card? If not, install Quiet Feet MAX
http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=rlo_database <-- you can compare your specs against some other users' running heavily modded setups

...Thank you!!

Albertine --helped notice a lot of little mod bugs
Arthmoor --too much to list here, including: tons of load order help, INI suggestions, mod suggestions, a mod-specific list
Bethesda --need I say anything...Elderscrolls, Morrowind, Oblivion...Thank you...
Blade of Mercy --Inspiration to create this site, 50 Steps Crash-Free Setup Guideline and much, much more
bg2408 --a lot of troubleshooting help and conflict tips
ClockworkEnd --tested the Robert v5 Beta OMOD script
CorePC --too much to list here, including much crashes, solutions and problems information
Camaro-69_327 --helped a ton to make this site's content clearer and more friendly for new users
Dan (kandiedan) -- PyFFI Automation Utility
display name is already in use -- Helped me with countless load order issues
Peter ID --great reviewer
Phoshi --Oblivion INI contribution
Psymon --gave a lot of advice on the presentation of material and contributed much info, especially where BAIN is involved
Raestloz --helped with uploading Oblivion.ini graphics settings comparison
Raymond Augustin --tested the Robert v5 Beta OMOD script
retroredeye --super helpful reading through and newbie-proofing the BAIN install guide
Shinra88 --PyFFI-ing information
SoSway --PyFFI leading spaces meshes list, OSR info, other technical help
tcr2 --crash picture
ThumperZ --Additional Streamline and Oblivion INI changes information
Vegetabill --proof reading, caught a lot of little inconsistencies
Vorians (display name is already in use) --pointed out a few PyFFI-optimization features, offers lots of help around the mods forum
Modders who gave in put in the Plugin Cleaning discussion
Authors that take the time to optimize their meshes and clean their plugins
Users who contributed and volunteered their load orders

Thank you all for contributing to a smoother Oblivion experience!!
- Tomlong75210
User avatar
Taylor Bakos
Posts: 3408
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:05 am

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:25 pm


make Wrye Bash plugin commands page
put up video settings INI tweaks
finish HowTo download page
OSR INI tweaks
Add Win7 and Vista users page
Program & Utilities individual pages
GIMP installation, normal map plugin, DDS plugin
How to navigate the site for BAIN (to replace "complete" guide)
Should not be in an XX Load order list
fill out site glossary
update "Links"
settings page --in progress
navigator --pending

Suggestions and Statuses --Please, let me know if I have overlooked suggestion(s).
Psymon: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15926245 --posted
Psymon: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15926270 --posted
alt3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15952588 --fixed
NLZ: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15953590 --fixed?
Psymon: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15953848 --fixed?
alt3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15954080 --fixed
alt3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15955751 --fixed
alt3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15956298 --pending
TheNiceOne: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15959159 --pending
atl3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15959303 --pending
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15960879 --more notes
self: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15960674 --pending
sdroll117: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15960974 --pending
alt3rn1ty: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15981018 --pending
self: leave instructions for older version of Wrye Bash with Python 02 package for Win7 | Vista users --pending
ulrim: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15993686 --pending
wrinklyninja: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15996551 --fixed
PacificMorrowind: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15998018 --pending
self: link the meshes patch http://www.4shared.com/file/O0_2Lk5K/PyFFI-Optimized_Vanilla_Meshes.html --pending
DerekBaker: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16044857 --pending
Dodgy Bob: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16081356 --fixed?
speedy869: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16106811 --in progress...
alt3rn1ty: CPS entry for console-related issue - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16141519 --in progress...
leonardo2: new utility candidates http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16109455 --in progress
Arthmoor: "Troubleshooting" bug http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16119955 --squashed
self: level up bug http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/477081-patch-dlc-plugin-information/page__p__11179943&#entry11179943 --pending
self: link concern with Streamline open beta http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1073686-concern-with-streamline-v-31-open-beta/page__p__15613550&#entry15613550 --pending
self: TESCS not saving .esps bug http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=201386 --pending
utumno: additional PyFFI optimization scripts http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1082438-inforelz-pyffi-python-file-format-interface/page__st__140__p__16057516&#entry16057516 --pending
PetrusOctavianus: link texture replacement finds http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1084204-bain-mod-installation-projects/page__st__40__p__15816709&#entry15816709 --pending
self: link Detailed Terrain gamesas thread http://www.gamesas.com/?showtopic=811706 --pending
Gekko64: lighting Oblivion.ini tweaks http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1088926-weather-all-natural-thread-23/page__p__15875362&#entry15875362
self: link Windows stop errors page http://kadaitcha.cx/xp/stop_error.html#0x000000D1 --pending
self: link CS Crashes TESCSWiki page http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/CS_Crashes
self: link UESP online Oblivion map (very cool) http://www.uesp.net/oblivion/map/obmap.shtml?centeron=Boethia%27s+Shrine+%28Daedric%29
self: CPS insufficient hardware or driver update
self: CPS odd lighting issue
self: CPS ASUS app file
self: ASUS programs bug http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1102438-screen-goes-black-with-hud-visible-heavy-version/page__view__findpost__p__16144796
self: correct official min specs http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103311-crash-on-startup/page__view__findpost__p__16145798
self: add Book Placement v1 to outdated mods list and add corresponding CPS entry
self: add CPS entry for original Natural Weather
self: add setup.exe issues CPS entries
self: add sound issues CPS entries
self: add abomb bug entry
self: link TESCS Wiki Debug Text page http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Debug_Text
self: link uninstallation guide - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/561101-unofficial-technical-faq/page__view__findpost__p__8103714
self: another codec CPS http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103650-neeeed-help-on-oblivion-for-pc-with-in-game-keyboard-and-mouse-freezing-ever-3-4-min/
self: link ShadeMe's OBGEv2.dll fix http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1102453-oblivion-graphics-extender-thread-16/page__view__findpost__p__16126078
self: add related pages to tuning Oblivion
self: update load order page with information about giving priority/overriding
self: amend Bash quick reference colors guide for esmified/espified plugins
self: Face Exchange lite link and page http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7808
self: joystick issue CPS entry http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/218946-random-frequent-movement-bug/page__view__findpost__p__1922416
self: note about Crafty Bits http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103943-help-oblivion-crashes-when-i-try-to-save/page__view__findpost__p__16153479
self: codebox color changes, dark theme
self: remove redundant Face-Exchange LITE link
self: Dunkleherz and Emm for ASUS app bug fix
self: sl.ini shadow setting disable suggestion to stop flickering in background
self: MQ shut-off mods http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1090232-50-steps-to-stable-fcom/page__view__findpost__p__16091427
self: add color to package list --pending
andalaybay: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15926382 --elaborate?
andalaybay: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15929409 --collect OMOD installers
speedyg869: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15960322 --pending
ulrim: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__15996769 --pending
Breton Paladin: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16097682 --pending
ulrim: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1091580-tesivpositive-performance-optimiation-stabilization-information/page__view__findpost__p__16097846 --pending
StealthRedNeck: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__15984324 --pictures pending
snargelfargen: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__15998545 --search engine in progress...
Loopy_Cecil: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16003578 --RSS Feed pending
jay0216: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16083447 --edits in progress...
anithinks: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16098506 --plugin merging examples pending
self: BCFs and OMOD Info http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094618-tesivpositive-site-redesign/page__view__findpost__p__16103218 --in progress...
Ayleid_people: BAIN re-packaging method tip http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1088164-raising-bain-awareness/page__view__findpost__p__16097409 --in progress...
self: Aesthetic Overhauling Guide expansion --pending
self: site appearance --in progress...
self: remove all mod content addition to KnowHowTo page http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1089397-how-to-uninstall-oblivion-and-remove-all-mod-content/ --pending
self: CPS for OGE DirectX 9.0c requirement
self: add instructions for FFDShow, ignoring Oblivion http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103311-crash-on-startup/page__view__findpost__p__16143567
self: add update drivers hint to Troubleshooting page
self: change format for CPS Library solutions entries
chaospearl: add instructions for hooking up controllers, XBOX and PS3
self: update Bashed Patch reference
self: feeback forms --pending
self: get the BAIN guide moved and updated --in progress...
self: installing and uninstalling guides expansion http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103702-ctd-near-sancre-tor/page__view__findpost__p__16149608
Psymon: Psymon's BAIN pages --pending
self: Run as admin not for executables for 64-bit users (Fran, especially)
self: Saves masterlist colors
self: many pages need more related page links and all pages need intra-page links
self: remove redundant link to Albertine's guide
self: sheathing and footstep sounds do not play CPS related to audio config in Oblivion.ini
self: amend CPS entry to include stuck not moving
self: add these links --> http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1106841-why-does-kvatch-rebuilt-mod-have-an-esm-file/page__view__findpost__p__16207389
self: CPS for solid purple texture
self: investigate Realistic Force Medium (an FPS killer?)
self: add note about transferring Bash tags on plugin merging page
self: extend PyFFI-Optimized list
self: get video settings INI tweaks for site and send to Bash team
self: add Roleplay mod list to Downloading Mods
self: add link to UL patches on Stabilization & Optimization Mods page
self: add Auto-Book Placer to Downloading Mods and/or helpful playing aids - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13962
self: add Natural Hunger to Downloading Mods - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27109
self: add Visually Enchanted to Popular Outdated Mods - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8490
self: link Streamline fix somewhere - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1073686-concern-with-streamline-v-31-open-beta/page__p__15613550&#entry15613550
self: add Aero to CPS entry for early CTDs
self: add LO submission note and function
self: add CPS for reaching soft cap, adding any mod causes random crashing...
self: add backup instructions for BAIN and OBMM
self: CPS entry for screen shots not being created using Oblivion's built-in feature
self: add link to UESP DLC installation issues - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Official_Plug-ins#Installation_Issues
self: add note about II to complete guide - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17557
self: add notes about keeping on top of updates and minding hardware specs to complete guide
self: add step #9 to complete guide
self: Intel Express Chipset help - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/868166-mobile-intelr-965-express-chipset/page__p__12655360__fromsearch__1&#entry12655360
andalaybay: multiple monitors and general Win7 stuff - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1110349-couple-of-tips-for-installing-under-windows-7/

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D LOpez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:57 pm

Thanks. I'll try using OBMM for the timestamps, but will fall back on the other option if necessary. To what should they be changed, exactly? Or even approximately...

And for the other bit, the optimise oblivion ini is set to skip the other things it needs to, or do I also need to be selective in which subdirectories are done?

edit: Thought I had this all figured out before, but as it turns out...

#1 I have no clue, as that would depend on the data files' dates, and I cannot see your HDD. Do not worry about it for now.

#2 The whole point of the skip list is to allow you to click on a folder, let PyFFI optimize it and not try to skate around problem files. For vanilla, all you need to worry about adding are the items in the first post of this thread. Someone asked this question a page or two ago before your post. Actually, I answered all of these questions within the last two days, if my memory serves me correctly. Remember to check the PyFFI Info & Relz thread as well. I cannot remember whether I answered a specific PyFFI-related question there or hear, honestly. Don't worry about it though. Just check those resources in the future. Who knows when I am going to leave one of the important details out of one of my reiterations...
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:17 pm

About the leading spaces on the cave meshes - I think that was my problem after all (finally dug out my PyFFI'd meshes and see that they have no leading spaces).

So then on my Vista OS - how do I rename the files so that the leading spaces are there again. Simply renaming the files does not seem to work. Maybe also add these instructions to after the list of meshes above.
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[ becca ]
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:29 am

About the leading spaces on the cave meshes - I think that was my problem after all (finally dug out my PyFFI'd meshes and see that they have no leading spaces).

So then on my Vista OS - how do I rename the files so that the leading spaces are there again. Simply renaming the files does not seem to work. Maybe also add these instructions to after the list of meshes above.

Yes, I should add instructions about BSA repacking, specific for PyFFI-optimizing the vanilla races. I have answered that question...I do not know how many times in the last couple weeks. There is not a way for you to rename files with spaces. I really hope gamesas does not do that again. You should just make a patch to make the game point to the newly name mesh files. Arthmoor felt he had to do it, so this may become common practice. I do not yet know. It's either that or re-PyFFI those eight or ten NIF files.

Edit: I just need to find my instructions... I can post instructions for making that patch too...once I recollect my brain...
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:11 am

You mean some nice soul could just upload their patch to make the files without leading spaces work? Gee whiz that would be cool.

Or - since it has been a year since I PyFFI'd them - I suppose you would suggest I do them all again. How long would that take with the new PyFFI tools? Back then I had to drag out an XP system and it took a few days. Not fun. I'm really not in the mood to do it all again at this point, but maybe just those files.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:41 am

I suggest re-PyFFI-optimizing the original files (not the already optimized files.) ...You should sleep on it. It only took one night for me. I have no clue how long the process actually ran. As far as the patch is concerned, maybe you should PM Arthmoor. He must have one already. I thought I read something like that went into the UOP 3.2.6 update, but that would be weird...

Edit: Check out the new addition to the PyFFI section. I am too tired to update the website with even the links to the new thread, so the amendment to the source page will have to wait.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:39 am

Tomlong, when you make your list for OSR, could you also include setting up Stremline so they will work together... :hugs:

**(I need a lighted keyboard)
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Danii Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:42 pm

Tomlong, when you make your list for OSR, could you also include setting up Stremline so they will work together... :hugs:

**(I need a lighted keyboard)

That is already on the SL.ini Tweaks page, but I will be sure to put the note on the OSR page as well. The only thing you have to do really is turn off StreamSmooth or set the FPS rang of streamline equal to or within OSR's.

Edit: I will put links to certain "popular" pages in the opening post of this thread. I am thinking, the INI tweaks pages, the Outdated Optimization and Popular Outdated Mods pages...I'll think of more later.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:18 am


I just thought of something you might add:

when I was going through your site earlier, I was trying to find out what to do with mismatched files when doing a Bain install. Could you add an explanation of how to override Wrye for that? I was trying to install a texture replacement that had a Bain install (RAEVWD) and I had a few textures that had been installed by another package. I couldn't figure out how to tell Wrye to replace the existing textures with the ones from RAEVWD. I finally wound up installing the mismatched textures manually.

Here's your first bit of feedback, as discussed in the other thread :)

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ILy- Forver
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:24 pm


I just thought of something you might add:

when I was going through your site earlier, I was trying to find out what to do with mismatched files when doing a Bain install. Could you add an explanation of how to override Wrye for that? I was trying to install a texture replacement that had a Bain install (RAEVWD) and I had a few textures that had been installed by another package. I couldn't figure out how to tell Wrye to replace the existing textures with the ones from RAEVWD. I finally wound up installing the mismatched textures manually.

Here's your first bit of feedback, as discussed in the other thread :)


All you have to do is have RAEVWD installed with higher priority? Are you talking about BAIN or OBMM? I though you did not use BAIN, so I do not understand how Wrye Bash factors into installation.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:51 pm

Aha, now I'm confusing you:) The package only came as a Bain installation, so I tried to use it. It didn't come with any omod info, so I didn't even load it into OBMM - how's that for playing user? Quite frankly, there were so many directories that I didn't think OBMM would handle it very well. Anyway RAEVWD was the only package installed. Since I had been using OBMM or manual for everything else, I guess it didn't know what to do. I got almost everything installed with Bain, there were just a few mismatched files. I was hoping there was some kind of setting that said "override" or overwrite, but I couldn't find anything.

See, by the time you're done, you're either going to have the most amazing Oblivion mod installation site, or an absolute expert on everything, or completely crazy:)
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:47 am

Aha, now I'm confusing you:) The package only came as a Bain installation, so I tried to use it. It didn't come with any omod info, so I didn't even load it into OBMM - how's that for playing user? Quite frankly, there were so many directories that I didn't think OBMM would handle it very well. Anyway RAEVWD was the only package installed. Since I had been using OBMM or manual for everything else, I guess it didn't know what to do. I got almost everything installed with Bain, there were just a few mismatched files. I was hoping there was some kind of setting that said "override" or overwrite, but I couldn't find anything.

See, by the time you're done, you're either going to have the most amazing Oblivion mod installation site, or an absolute expert on everything, or completely crazy:)

Oh, well, I really do not recommend mixing installation methods, and that I did cover on the site. Plus, RAEVWD has an OMOD installer. The link to the main file and the OMOD installer can be found on the "Downloading Mods" page. I will not encouraging mixing the two installation forms because of OBMM's quirks. Advanced mod users can do that at their own digression. I give my reasons for this stance on the "Preparing for Mods" page.

Edit: The stinking Wrye Bash site is down! ...grrr....
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:56 pm

Where? I just looked and couldn't find anything about RAEVWD, other than the reference to use TES4LODGen. Anyway I couldn't find an omod version of RAEVWD, only the Bain version. The author said in his readme that he doesn't like omods and refuses to do one...

From the readme:
The archive is provied as a BAIN package, which makes for relatively easy installation without the hassles associated with supporting OMODs.
Manual installation should be fairly straightforward as each folder is named according to what it contains, but read on for the details anyway, ok? :)

You might be confusing this with something else?

Back to the issue at hand, perhaps you might want to mention then that mismatches are usually handled by revising the package install order because Wrye doesn't say much about it either, other than it may not be an issue. I wish there was a way to override things though because I found a lot of instances where textures needed to overwrite other textures and I was quite surprised that they even needed to be overwritten - I was surprised there was another mod I had loaded that had those textures. Entirely possible, but surprising nevertheless.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:56 am

Where? I just looked and couldn't find anything about RAEVWD, other than the reference to use TES4LODGen. Anyway I couldn't find an omod version of RAEVWD, only the Bain version. The author said in his readme that he doesn't like omods and refuses to do one...

From the readme:

You might be confusing this with something else?

Back to the issue at hand, perhaps you might want to mention then that mismatches are usually handled by revising the package install order because Wrye doesn't say much about it either, other than it may not be an issue. I wish there was a way to override things though because I found a lot of instances where textures needed to overwrite other textures and I was quite surprised that they even needed to be overwritten - I was surprised there was another mod I had loaded that had those textures. Entirely possible, but surprising nevertheless.

Wow, I got ahead of myself. I will add the links in a moment.

This is covered in the Installation Mods section and learning about organizing packages. The BAIN package list is the equivalent of your installation order. If you want to see certain textures in the game, they must be installed last (to "win.") That whole concern is the point of having prioritized installation with BAIN. I do not see where these inferences are missing from the pages, but you are not a BAIN users, so maybe you did not pick up on this. See the BAIN Guide and Psymon's thread if you need more detailed explanations. I think your background is causing you to over think these things, haha...

Edit: I figured I might as well post them here first. It's quicker for you.

Really AEVWD - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20053 <-- main mod
RAEVWD OMOD Installer - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24701 <-- need I say more...

Edit: They are where I said they'd be now. Sorry about that.
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i grind hard
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:05 am

Wow, I got ahead of myself. I will add the links in a moment.

This is covered in the Installation Mods section and learning about organizing packages. The BAIN package list is the equivalent of your installation order. If you want to see certain textures in the game, they must be installed last (to "win.")

Yeah but I only had one package installed, so shouldn't it win? I saw your comments about Bain ordering - in fact I was using your Bain package list as a guide for installing my mods. I guess it's as you said, if you mix installation methods, all bets are off. That's too bad.

I think your background is causing you to over think these things, haha...

Oh probably :)

I wonder where I got my RAEVWD from? When I only found the Bain install and saw the comments, I didn't think there were any other options. Oh well, thanks for the link. I'll grab the omod version for next time:)

Don't worry, I'll get you next time ;)
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:48 am

Yeah but I only had one package installed, so shouldn't it win? I saw your comments about Bain ordering - in fact I was using your Bain package list as a guide for installing my mods. I guess it's as you said, if you mix installation methods, all bets are off. That's too bad.

Oh probably :)

I wonder where I got my RAEVWD from? When I only found the Bain install and saw the comments, I didn't think there were any other options. Oh well, thanks for the link. I'll grab the omod version for next time:)

Don't worry, I'll get you next time ;)

Please do. I need to learn more too.

That is a great example of why you should not mix installation methods. Indeed that BAIN package would win. However, you do not know if all of the files should win. There is no way to check because the rest of the files are installed from unidentified sources. OBMM's conflict detection is nearly that not there even if it is used to install all of your mods. Installing all mods with BAIN, you can always tell exactly what version of a file is installed, to which mod it belongs. Advanced users would know the contents of their mods very well and keep track of what has been installed, and I also give the "okay" for using OBMM to ONLY install shader-editing mods (or the shader editing parts of mods in the case of Detailed Terrain) or mods that have ZERO conflicts (i.e., custom music packs.) Otherwise, stick to one tool. Not doing so generally limits its usefulness.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:11 am

Did you see this? http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=15929471

That might be something to add to your page...
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:46 am

Did you see this? http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=15929471

That might be something to add to your page...

No, I told you that behavior was intended and not inconsistent. Look at my post in that thread. Were you seeing the plugin's names in game. The bashed patch only imports records when it needs to. If changes are not being overwritten there is no need. As you said, more is not always better. There is no reason for the bashed patch to import changes that are already "winning." Was that the case? (You should probably answer this in that thread to clear up the confusion.) We cannot see your setup, so it is not easy for us to tell. I may add a note about how the Bashed Patch does not import things necessarily, but I expect users that are checking their load orders with TES4Edit to care about what is winning and not just the contents of the bashed patch. This is seriously the first time I have have heard of this issue.

Edit: The thing is that these are more complications that add to the length of that page. That paragraph is going to get bigger, but hopefully I can add that one-line sanity check. Do you really think that response was not technical? I do not want to confuse new users, and adding more details for them to parse is not going to help that. It sounds like you need a technical manual or to spends some time playing around with the bashed patch by selecting various options and examining the bashed patch afterward in TES4Edit. That is always a great way to learn too. Just remember to rebuild the bashed patch properly afterward.

Edit: I have added some comments to the bashed patch page. The intro statement is twice as long now, but hopefully that suffices.

Edit: Check the responses in your other thread.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:06 pm

4. When its done, copy the contents of the out folder into the in folder, and choose "no to all" when prompted to overwrite.

I do not understand this step still... If your going to repack the OUT folder, why does copying back to the IN folder do anything? I imagine in OBBM I would create the BSA using the files in the "Out Folder". So the old unoptomized files in the in folder would be useless.

I guess it would make sense if it read...

When its done, copy the contents of the out folder into the in folder, and choose "yes to all" when prompted to overwrite.

Well here is what I think will work for me...

1. I unpacked the BSA to the IN folder.
2. Right click IN and say "Optimize w/ Pyfii" (or w/e it is)
3. Repack with OBMM and replace backed up Meshes - BSA (still using only files in IN folder)
4. Move optimized BSA back to oblivion data folder
5. Delete files in IN folder so I can use it for w/e its really supposed to be used

I'm making some assumptions
1. Pyfii won't mess up filenames or truncate spaces this way
2. Pyfii will replace only files it optimizes
3. Pyfii will use its ini files to avoid optimizing meshes I dont want optimized
4. I added the nightmother statue, as far as i can tell thats the only edit to oblivion optimize ini i wanted to make, as theres already a bunch in there and I don't get the cave thing thats a file name issue not an optimization issue.

Thanks for all your support tom =)
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:45 am

I meant "in" to "out". Thanks for catching that.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:38 pm

I meant "in" to "out". Thanks for catching that.

Awesome makes much more sense now =)
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:53 am

TomLong found a typo.....



Extract the two archives (location does not matter)
Run the 3.1 EXE ~SNIP~
Move them to the "Streamline-10400" folder in the Bash Installers folder
Select all, right-click and (7-zip) add them to "Harvest Flora-2037.7z."
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:51 am

TomLong found a typo.....



Extract the two archives (location does not matter)
Run the 3.1 EXE ~SNIP~
Move them to the "Streamline-10400" folder in the Bash Installers folder
Select all, right-click and (7-zip) add them to "Harvest Flora-2037.7z."

Aaahh, missed one! Thanks alt3rn1ty.

Edit: That BAIN guide is really going to have to go...or be MAJORLY updated... We'll see. It is not fitting into the site revamp plans right now, but I will reconsider if enough users want me to keep it. It could go in the "Legacy" section or something, haha...
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:35 am

Awesome site, I really like it! Is it possible to make a mirror from the Online Readmes? You know, in case if something goes wrong on their side.
And some strange things I found two mistakes on the Downloading Mods page:
moDem's City Life and Start Choices are listed under the Magic Overhauls, is this the right place for them?
UOMPS 1-5 MOBS should be UOMP 1-5 MOBS.
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