Next thread§ion=findpost&pid=15859364 --Performance, Optimization & Stabilization Information
About this site
I was working on a guide by Blade of Mercy in order to try to smooth the last one-to-a-couple-hours crash from my game. When I came across steps involving, PyFFI, a Python program, and checked it out and found myself hesitant to proceed. Using PyFFI to optimize meshes definitely helps improve FPS, so explored for more answers. I asked in the PYFFI Automation Tool thread, and the author, Dan (Kandiedan), warned against inexperienced users doing this themselves because you need to know how to check for bad meshes. Well, soon after, other experienced modders assuaged a number of my concerns. Now I want to spread information about PyFFI and other ways to optimize and stabilize Oblivion setups. This site covers topics from the basics of installing Oblivion to the significance of optimizing meshes.
If you have suggestions for improvements or content additions, please drop a post in the site's thread.
- Tomlong75210
What is here?
This site is for the mod user. It covers topics from the installation and uninstallation of Oblivion to PyFFI-optimization and BSA repacking. The whole site is a walk-through from pre-Oblivion to running fully modded Oblivion. There are libraries for common problem and real load orders. If there is an aspect of running Oblivion that is not covered here, please recommend the missing topic in the site's thread. This site also has guides for patching mods and importing characters faces. Although there are probably links to point you in the right direction for other mod-related subjects, the whole site is dedicated to building a stable and optimized Oblivion setup. That is all.
How to navigate...
Most of the spine, the main pages, of this side have a guide-like format, with previous and next steps. The sidebar mirrors this structure. I recommend following the guide in its entirety, starting from the uninstallation step for non-first-timers, if you are starting a new Oblivion setup. Experienced users should know which parts they can skip by the pages' titles and introductory paragraphs. There are also more compact guides available on this site and linked guides, which you can find at the bottom of this page. For those visiting already running a setup you want to improve or check against example setup, the "Tuning Oblivion" page and onward contain most of the more sophisticated information. The guide-like presentation of the guide stops at "Troubleshooting."
Site Structure
* Welcome to TESIV:Positive --introduction to the site
* Intro to Modded Oblivion --introduction to mods
* Installing Oblivion --steps for clean uninstallation and installation of Oblivion
* Preparing Oblivion for Mods --acquiring utilities and configuring them
* Downloading Mods --where and how to download mods
* Installing Mods --what are the installation options? how to repackage mods
* Tuning Modded Oblivion --plugin cleaning and other more advanced maintenance
* Finishing the Installation --load ordering, building the bashed patch
* Running Oblivion --first run guide, tips
* Troubleshooting --crashes & problems library, getting help, helping yourself
* Stabilization --methods, related mods
* Optimization --methods, related mods
* Walkthroughs --compact modded Oblivon setup guides, step-by-step patching
* Lists --collections of various resources on and off this site
* Links --all related resources on the site (on the page), direct links listed in the sidebar
* Acknowledgments --the not so little people who have made great contributions to this site
* Contacts --current and old threads, my contact info
* Sitemap --a tool to help the user navigate this site
Why is this info being collected in one place? --> Happy searching! ^____^
First, make sure to download the latest version. After installing PyFFI, when you right-click there is now an "Optimize with PyFFI" option. A number modders have recommended avoiding the creature and character folder, and also files with EGM files (i.e., certain helmets and head meshes.) Bad meshes, generated by PyFFI or by hand, can cause problems, that is why it is important to check meshes after running PyFFI. The process (when done thoroughly) may be very time-consuming, but it has been sped up a bit with the Python 2.6. Why do this? ...for increased FPS and more stability!!!!! The later versions of PyFFI heed the skip list in the optimization INI and skip EGMs by default. The INIs are located in \Program Files\PyFFI\Toaster by default. Remember to set the path to your Python folder (usually first level on your local disk) in the default INI.
There are two ways to use PyFFI to optimize. The first method is to right-click on a folder and choose "Optimize with PyFFI," which that modifies the original files. The second method is to move or extract the files to be optimized to the PyFFI "in" folder. The "Run PyFFI" method automatically creates a backup by virtue of placing the optimized files in the "out" folder, preserving the contents of the "in" folder. UPDATE: At this point, it is fairly safe to use the right-click method. However, it is safer to optimize mods individually as opposed to right-clicking and optimizing your entire installed Meshes folder.
>> notes: 1) The latest versions of PyFFI make the automated to obsolete. They can even hinder PyFFI's functionality because of the size limitation criterion. The skip list and the automatic skipping of .egm files make those extra tools unnecessary. 2) Use the "jobs" setting in the default INI to make PyFFI take advantage of multiple cores (whether or not this setting works is yet to be confirmed.)
"Optimize with PyFFI" Steps
1. Right-click on the folder that needs to be optimized.
2. Choose "Optimize with PyFFI"
"Run PyFFI" Steps
1. Drop folders with meshes to be PyFFI-optimized in the "in" folder.
>> notes: PyFFI preserves the file structure of the "in" folder, so you can PyFFI multiple mods and folders at once.
2. Right-click on the optimize INI and choose "Run PyFFI"
3. Wait until PyFFI finishes, then get the PyFFI-optimized meshes from the "out" folder.
The Vanilla meshes with leading spaces (to watch out for when you repack your BSA)
meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancechighlandsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegoldcoastsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancegreatforestsm02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowlg03.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm02.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancemtnsnowsm03.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockmosssm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancerockybeachsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm01.nifmeshes\dungeons\caves\exterior\ centrancewestwsm02.nif
Files that PyFFI cannot handle. Add the part in quotes to your skip list.
\meshes\architecture\statue\nightmotherstatuebase.nif - "nightmotherstatuebase"
1. Make sure you have a backup of the original BSA.
2. Use OBMM's BSA browser utility to extract all of the BSA's contents to the PyFFI "in" folder. (path above)
3. Right-click on the optimize INI, and choose "Run PyFFI".
4. Launch OBMM's BSA creator utility.
5. Add the "in" folder first (because the files need to start with "Meshes" or "DLOD" or "Trees", not the super or subfolders.)
6. Add the "out" folder, overwriting the unoptimized files fromt the "in" folder.
7. Click create, browsing to the original BSA to be replaced (which ensure naming accuracy.)
8. Use the 'Reset BSA timestamps' function in OBMM, or (as a safer option) use a file redator to set the modified date back to 2006. >> note: SetFileDate, linked on Programs & Utilities, also works on Windows 64-bit.
9. If you have problems with the leading spaces disappearing, download and install the following: PyFFI-Optimized Vanilla Meshes Patch.esp >> note: If the leading spaces have been removed through this process and the game is not "told" about the renamed meshes, the game will crash. This patch points to the relevant records to the renamed meshes.
>> notes: 1) The first key step is to repack the BSA without moving or copying the optimized files; otherwise, the leading spaces would be truncated. 2) The other key step, which applies even when using the other optimization method, is to repack the contents of the folder containing the folders of the Meshes BSA, instead of the folder itself or the contents of the Meshes folder.
If you still have problems with the leading spaces disappearing:
See the for more information and help.
Data Load Order:
1) Oblivion.ini registered files - ordered by order in sArchiveList from left to right.
2) Loose resources and plugin-loaded BSA files - ordered by modified date
*Raising BAIN Awareness*
There are many BAIN-Ready mods already available, which includes all mods with simple, "nice" packaging."
These are BAIN-Ready uploads of a few mods: <-- I really forgot about this one, and some of these cover essentials for 90% of users.
- Book Jackets (Standard Res)
- DarNified UI
- Streamline 3.1
- Operation Optimization
- Streamline 3.1 patch
These are BCF files for a number of mods. BCFs are CRC sensitive, which means that you must use the exact version of the files specified by the BCF requirements. *UPDATE* The UOP BCF found through the link below seems to be for the Chinese version or something...Just get the manual archive version of the UOP. It is no big deal (not for BAIN users with the right package order.
- AN 0.9.9 + Fix Pack v2 - BCF and Wizard Install
- SM Refurbish 1.30 - Wizard Install
- UOMP - Wizard Install (requires BAIN 2.83+ because of Wizard fixes)
- UOP OMOD version? + UOP 3.2.5 supplemental - BCF and Wizard Install
- USIP Manual Install version - Wizard Install
Other BAIN resources
- - gamesas thread by Psymon
- The Basics of BAIN and Mod Archiving
- Complex BAIN Archives
- BAIN Conversion Files
- Managing Installer Packages
- Creating Very Complex BAIN Packages
- BAIN Ready Packages
- FCOM and Other Overhaul Made BAIN Ready
- An opening letter appealing to the use of BAIN and Wrye Bash by mod makers
- Afterthoughts, Updates and Extensions
- The Basics of BAIN and Mod Archiving
- - another little spiel on BAIN vs. Manual vs. Mixed vs. OBMM installation
- - gamesas thread (this link may be out-dated soon)
- - TESNexus
BSA-Related Info & Updates
Thanks to some aggressive testing by H2Odk, largely focused on MMM's BSA, we have acquired a little more insight into BSAs and Archive Invalidation. For a while now there has been information floating around about not using overlapping files in BSAs because of potential damage, but now there are a few other things we know to be wary of.
1) Unless there is a loose version of a file in one of the vanilla BSAs, overlapping vanilla files in other BSAs, registered or not, will not appear in-game. For example, some of the following files in MMM's BSA will not show properly. Users of the UOP will see less discrepancies because the UOP adds loose versions of a few of these files to the Data folder.
Another fact about BSAs of which many of us are now aware is the importance of BSA's dates. In order for a BSA to override loose files, the BSA's data has to be more recent than those of the loose files. Many users may not have paid much attention to this, being used to OBMM for so long, but OBMM's installation is kind of funny in that install files take on the date of installation. Therefore, if you install MMM 3.7 after the UOP, it's files will appear in-game, instead of the UOP files with which its contents overlap. BAIN users, however, always need to check the dates of time-dependent BSAs. When a file is extracted from an archive, its date is preserved. BAIN really just automates what would otherwise be manual installation (extraction to the Data folder.) Any user that has to worry about time-dependent BSA installations should probably just grab a tool, such as SetFileDate (linked on Programs & Utilities) for managing BSA's dates. OBMM's timestamp reset tool is indiscriminate and should be used carefully. For example if you only have the original BSAs installed (maybe along with a few mod-added, time-independent BSAs) using that feature is fine if you want to, for example, reset the date after repacking a BSA with no compression or after PyFFI-optimizing its files.
Lastly, once you have used your tool to implement BSA Redirection, you can ignore any mod-included instructions about using other archive invalidation settings. If a mod adds and Archive Invalidaiton.txt file, do not install it. Use one archive invalidation method at a time. If you use OBMM, use OBMM's BSA Redirection feature. If you use BAIN, use its BSA Redirection feature. If you use both, pick ONE. If you use neither, grab ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! They all do the SAME thing. After regenerating the Oblivion.ini, remember to relaunch whichever tool you are using to implement BSA Redirection, which will cause the tool to re-register the redirection BSA in the Oblivion.ini.
- for those who need more flexible file redating - <-- not sure about the 64-bit support, so let me know
Stability & Optimization Troubleshooting Utilities
K-Lite - <-- reset codecs (troubleshooting performance issues)
Clean Boot - <-- make sure the problem is not process interference, resets startup processes
Game Booster - <-- utility to facilitate turning off unnecessary processes before playing
Stability & Optimization Links <-- If you are not using the GOTY version, install the latest patch <-- Performance pages landing page <-- there are many useful performance tweaks listed here <-- stabilization can help with performance too, a lot actually... <-- to help setup Streamline's INI file properly <-- avoid these
Albertine's "Smooth Running" Guide <-- These tweaks go beyond the scope of this site!!! - gamesas thread by Albertine
Reality & Speculation <-- FYI: Do you have a sound card? If not, install Quiet Feet MAX <-- you can compare your specs against some other users' running heavily modded setups
...Thank you!!
Thank you all for contributing to a smoother Oblivion experience!!
- Tomlong75210