Okay, just tried out the Beaton vs YCS against a deathclaw.
My YCS read 121 DAM
My Beaton 91 DAM
Both had 100% health.
I dont have all the energy weapon perks yet (EW is at 100 though), these mighten be the highest values.
Using a sneak head attack on them was an instant kill...same as YCS. However with a torso sneak attack the YCS takes about 3/4 health, whereas the Beaton only half.
Using torso shots with both getting 1 critical hit, Beaton took 4, YCS took 4. However because the YCS has to reload after each shot the Beaton was much better in killing the deathclaw before it came and ripped my insides out.
From a torso sneak attack on a deathclaw, Beaton takes 3 hits to kill one, YCS thats 2 hits. Beaton is good for this cause it has 4 shots before reloading, therefore if you get unlucky and miss a shot then you still have a spare....miss with the YCS and there is a good chance that deathclaw will get close. Either one though for an experienced player is effective from a sneak attack.
In relation to a group of deathclaws, yeah....you are still screwed, neither weapon has the speed to take down more then one deathclaw at a time, and because EW have nothing that does group damage, either you pick them off one by one from afar, or lay explosives like c4 to catch the group as they run at you.
Which is better? Eh, they turn out about even when agaisnt high DT enemies like death claws. The best stratery might just be to sneak attack with the YCS, then switch to the Beaton. That way you can two kill the first deathclaw, and take out most of the second.
EDIT: Woah..woah..woah! I just reliased why the Beaton is so useful. For someone using the wild wasteland perk, it does give you a replacment weapon for the YCS, its a high end long range powerhouse weapon.....yes, I now see the pure usefulness of this weapon.