Something that is very helpful to me when reading feedback is knowing when someone has actually tried a new weapon out with a character built to use it or if they are looking at stats and hypothesizing. For reasons that are hopefully obvious, the former is much more valuable than the latter.
I tried it out against a couple of enemies.
Even though I might not have tested it right away with a new character I know that getting to the Beaton won't be possible until later levels when I have better gear.
And the Cannon is not available until I've gained access to the BOS armory which I won't be able to until at least mid-high level.
And at that point my current gear will be better than it.
RCW+ for enormous DPS, AER14 for general enemies, Holorifle+++ for the occasional sniping and Multiplas every once in a while against the tougher enemies.
All of which are far easier to get a hold of than both the Beaton and Cannon.
I dunno what build it's good for either.
Sniping? We have YCS, Laser Rifle+++ and Holorifle for that.
Stealth? It's quite loud and there are other weapons that are better for that situation.
Crowd Control? That was what it was used for before with it's AOE; Multiple enemies.
General Run and Gun? RCW+, AER14, Q-3, Caster, Holorifle+++.
Is there some trick in the stats of a build?
Cause personally I see nothing it's better in than another weapon already is.
/opinion of course.
The problem I see with it is that it's harder and takes longer to get than it does with other weapons.
And since other weapons are easier to get a hold of which I might be able to get 1 or 2 hours into the game then these two weapons loses their value as they're not really "better" than what I already have.
That's why I liked them being complete
The time spent and resources spent to get them makes it a greater reward as you get a bigass boomstick out of it.
So now, they're nothing spectacular.
Going against a dozen robots for a weapon that's not really any better or more specialized than my current weapons? No thanks.
Going through the BOS questline to get access to the armory in order to get the Cannon? No thanks, I'd rather just buy MFC's and EC's.