So for a while I was on the fence about TESO, even before testing it out. It just didnt look like it would satisfy the MMO player in me, even though I like ES games. Also, watching the video from quakecon, I wasn't convinced about the combat and how it would work in an MMO and after playing the game myself I still am unconvinced that the combat is fluid and responsive enough to work in an MMO space. After the last beta, I was VERY unconvinced that it would work. I just could not find anything I liked combat wise(which to me is a driving point for a game and one of the first things I look at).
Since, I have read posts and stories of people that LOVED TESO and got lost in the betas and couldn't put it down. Some others that were non-belivers turned believers(not beliebers!), saying they hated the game now they really like it..the game grew on them especially after 10 levels. Some said that you cannot look at the game as a pure traditional MMO where its lots of fast killing (because I didn't see alot of it, I only saw lots of "go talk to NPC here" quests).
Also since the last beta, I watched a video of a guy that went pure sorcerer, and it actually looked really FUN. So I am anxious to try that out. However, it doesn't bode well for the impression I got of the game where I can build any character playstyle I wanted...because I tried to go a stealthy greatsword guy, but that felt really wierd. I do have a feeling that in order to be effective we will be cornered into run of the mill archetypes.
So...as the title says, share with me your good experiences with the game. Or, try to tell me why you are looking forward to it, why I should give it a try(even though no one can TELL you), etc.. Looking for some positive feedback and commentary of the game. Maybe that'll get me even more excited for another beta, if there is one... Because right now, MMO wise it is between TESO, Wildstar and WoW xpac...
Thanks for the stories and feedback!