Hey guys,
I am not currently in the Beta, am trying to get access, but I know many people from my GW2, LOTR, and WoW guilds that are in the Beta and they all are saying the same thing, that they think ESO will go pay to play, and for one reason: There is no engaging end game content.
A game purely focused on PvP that offers literally no competitive and engaging end game PvE content is doomed to fail, and that's just because that's how the market is. It's not because it can NOT work, but it's because literally every single MMO to date has had some form of competitive end game content, save Guild Wars, and honestly, we all see how far that went. GW2 is not doing very well at all on subs. It's declining.
Most people don't know this, but for the first time in over 3 years, World of Warcraft just saw an INCREASE in subs. They went from 7.6 million to 7.8 million. 200k subs, and during a content patch. Polls and datamining show that this is from end game content and the amount of things offered at end level.
Long story short, a sub based model only works if content is offered to players on a semi-monthly basis and it includes PvP AND PVE content. You cannot ride a sub model with no competitive raiding progression. You just cannot.
Again, this is not because you can't do it, but it's just how the market is. Around here, WoW is a dirty word, but it's the biggest, most played, and most known MMO, so you have to draw from that. To not do so is ignorant. Most people that play WoW participate in SOME FORM OR ANOTHER of end game content, whether that be LFR to 25 man heroic progression raiding. But everything in between those is end game content. Without those things, WoW would be dead. End of story.
So yeah, ESO needs to get it together and offer some end game content for people who do not like to just pvp. If they don't, it is going to fail, no questions.