Skyrim supports DX11, how does that translate to SR not using DX11 at all?
Well, you quoted my entire first post, but did you read it?
Even if you have a DX9 or DX10-level GPU, as long as you're running Vista/7 you're "using" DX11. It's a matter of whether you're using any of the features. He has stated it "supports" DX11. Not "requires" or "utilizes DX11 features". He has said quite the opposite. He has said it "supports" DX11 but does not use the DX11 features, explicitly mentioning tessellation even. He has further stated the game is DirectX 9 in terms of the shaders and code.
Furthermore, the topic is on tessellation. Yes, there could very well be a DX11 executable with none of the DX11-level features. This executable would therefore be USELESS. It would essentially require DX11 hardware (and Windows Vista/7) without any benefit over DX9. They're not going to lower their PC sales by requiring DX11 outright like some games. But if they're going to simultaneously support both DX9 and DX11 with separate executables, they are doubling the codebase, the maintenance, and maybe even the cost to develop and maintain the PC version. If they're not including any "big ticket" DirectX 11 features (which they've already said) you can also assume it's not going to do anything for their PC sales by having a DX11 version which doesn't have tessellation, or use compute shaders, or anything flashy to advertise. They would just be spending more money on producing a DX11 codebase without any reward.
I would come up with an anology to try to explain to you what Todd meant by "supports" in this context, but I don't need to. He immediately stated that they weren't utilizing any of the features like tessellation. He has further stated the shaders are only DirectX 9... This is an important clue. As of DirectX 10 essentially everything is a "shader". Tessellation is a series of shaders (and one fixed function)... Compute is a shader. I could go on. But he's stated they aren't using DirectX 11 shaders... and thus none of the DirectX 11 features that could possibly matter. Yes they may for some reason decide to have a DX11 executable, and utilize some features in the DX11 API, but I can't think of any reason for going through all this effort to write a DX11 codebase and not use any DX11 shaders. Many big improvements are in the Shader Models. If they're still using Shader Model 3 (DX9) they're not going to be able to access all of the improvements in Shader Model 4 and 5. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head that's NOT a shader but was a big addition to DirectX 11 is Deferred/Immediate contexts, and other multithreaded rendering additions. The issue is that current drivers basically do not support multithreaded rendering and actually hinder performance if it's used. Blame AMD and Nvidia for that.
Frankly, the way it was stated was a PR-friendly way of saying "This is a DX9 game". "Supports DX11" - "DX11 features" + "DX9-only shaders" = a DX9 game.