Tesselation Problem

Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:02 am

*Sigh....... just comes to show how ignorant you idiots are....... Crysis 2 was a nvidia game, Crysis 2 got 2 million dollars thrown at ts face to make it a nvidia game.......therefore......Crysis 2, is optimized for Nvidia, Not ATI, if you would read the posts people make on these forums, you would know. ......I have 2 damn uber budget nvidia cards, and even i can max this game out at 60fps. You dont need a super computer here, just a gaming one. SO honestly from these posts, you either have ATI, or a 9600gt on a dual core.

Its typical noob nature to want to max out a game, without investing money into hardware, just one last question, where were you when Crysis 1 came out?

I was one of the idiots.......due to monetary reasons who got convinced that consoles were the wave of the future and i abandoned all PC gaming because I just wasn't a MMO RPG kind of guy.

What a stupid move that was. I just built a seriously sweet computer that does a great job at running Crysis 1. In fact, it was the first game I bought for my rig.....right after I sold my 360, PS3, and Wii.

Had I known how good Crysis 1 was I never would have bought those machines. I could have just played Crysis 1 all those years!
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:31 am

What manufacturer/model 460's do you have? I wouldn't really call two 460's budget as at least here in the UK buying two of them is roughly the same price as a 480/580 which would be the more ideal and less power consuming option.

Ouch* I could get 3 460's here with what it costs for 1 480, and 2 460's can dish out better FPS than a 580 in Crysis 2 (even now more than ever after the Driver update). Over here at least,...... my PC is considered a budget build, even though i'm definitely running high end benchmarks.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:03 am

..and 2 460's can dish out better FPS than a 580 in Crysis 2 (even now more than ever after the Driver update)...
The 580 got a nice boost from the Driver update too you know.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:08 am

There is moaning about the tessellation but I don't see people actually proving if such things in that article actually make a big affect on performance. If you have any proof, like making that level perform better via the editor then do it.

NVIDIA cards have tessellation units which help with tessellation performance, so I don't see any proof of performance dropping off compared to less tessellated objects. All the article says is that there are high tessellation areas which drop performance but without proving that less tesselation actually makes such a difference.

It's just whining, that's all. Crytek give us the game we wanted and the same whiners who whined and whined and whined about C1 have come back.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:06 am

when i run stalker clear skys on highest settings, including tessellation, it runs good.
same at metro 2033, no problem.
when i run Crysis 2 with tessellation the framerate drops.
but, ok, the tessellated flat surfaces looks much more better with Tessellation! so good, i cant believe. its really a wow-effect ...
hm ... may it be there is no sense at tessellating flat surfaces. this needs no discussion.
or .. no, it needs discussion!
do what nvidia want you to do. ATI users crying, uh ... the Tessellation, i cant run it, buhuuuuu, sniff :(.........
the great new DX, the great graficreference game, with all that amazing features, and ATI cant run it. poor ATIusers.
you believe what they want you to. you do what they want you to do. it works good.
funny thing ;)
3 460 vs 1 580 ... ATI vs Nvidia, jews and nazis (greatest joke in this thread) bla bla,
cry, call your mom or what ever. go, get a 590. nvidia "needs" your money and youre ego needs highest DX11 settings.

and no, for me crytek didnt gave me the game i wanted. its not as free than part 1.
its a good game, yes it is. but its a consolegame. go there, do this ...
looks great, on DX9, on DX11. but its a Call of Crysis. a Medal of Crysis. an awesome looking b!tch of Nvidia and Consoles.
a reason for Nvidia, against ATI.

come on ATI boys, do me a favor, dont do what Nvidia want you to do, set Tessellation off and: PLAY the game.
or ... fill this forum with your crying.
i′ll get some cookies and watch it :D
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