So, one of my testers is having a lot of odd issues. He's described a lot of stuff, and from what I can tell scripts simply aren't firing for him some of the time. What scripts don't fire is random, but the batch of scripts that don't work is always consistent. He can load saves and try again, it's always the same scripts.
People aren't moved places, quest stages aren't advancing, people go missing. It all seems to point towards scripts not firing. Can anyone think of what could cause this? He says he's tried with mods, and with only my mod, the DLCs, and the USKP. I released a new test version, and I didn't even touch the stuff that was broken, and then he says that half of it works now.
It seems to me like some kind of issue on his end. Scripts aren't firing, maybe some other mod or something is overloading the script threads? Maybe I'm just guessing wildly, someone's more experienced input would be awesome right now. I don't think my mod is at fault, as I've never had these issues, and NONE of my other testers do either. It's only him. Yet, mods don't seem to be the cause? I play test with my mod, the DLCs and the USKPs active. He tried only those, yet he has these issues, consistently with the same random scripts.
What all could cause this?
Thanks for any help,