[REQ] Testers for Unique Taverns nightgate Inn

Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:58 pm

Hi everyone,

I am having an issue with my mod Unique Taverns, Nightgate Inn. This mod was originally released with 3 other taverns on one ESP however I separated the taverns. There was an issue with the rental beds returning to their original vanilla position. This was caused by information baked into save games. The only workaround was to start a brand new game and sometimes that wasn't sufficient.

So I have placed the rental bed back to it's vanilla coordinates and moved my entire removated tavern into position around that. This should solve the issue. However......*le sigh* I am having an issue in that the rental bed now keeps returning to the original mod position!!! Even when I start a brand new game!! I have checked and rechecked the bed coordinates in the CK, it is back in it's vanilla position, I should not be having this issue.

So what I really need is some testers to download the file (ESP and BSA) install and check out the position of the rental bed ingame. Do not save, just uninstall the mod afterwards and revert back to your clean save. The rental bed should be in position inside a small room on the right as you enter the tavern. If it is anywhere else then 'aaarrrggghhhh' lol.

Please take a screenshot of the rental bed, that would really help. The file is located http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26117/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D26117&pUp=1.

Once I get this issue sorted then the mod should be ready for proper release. Thanks!

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