Can you, now? All documentation on SteamWorks I could find states that:
1. You can only install one copy of a game on a computer (no multiple differently patched/modded versions for you!)
2. You can only install games on the same hard drive Steam is installed on, in a sub-folder.
1. I am trying a game right now, I am 100% sure it will let me play it. Wait for my response. Edit: It works without problem. I just make a copy of the game folder and run, check the files and it is loading the files from the mod folder. You must be happy.

2. Windows can create hard links. So you can install the files in other locations. But you're right, it would be nice to have that support natively.
Besides you know what it means. First part of the sentence means, there is no activation limit where you can install a game 3 or 5 times max. Second part shows this limitation is hardware free. So you can install in many computers, you can even play at the same time in offline modes(which is why I call it DReaM instead of DRM).
Batman: Arkham Asylum; 4 activations per month.
Borderlands, 5 machine limit
Crysis; 5 machine limit
Crysis Warhead; 5 machine limit
Dark Void Zero; 5 machine limit
Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes Expansion; 15 machine limit
Neopets; 5 machine limit
Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery: Venice Expansion; 3 machine limit
Avatar; 3 machine limit, 1 activation added back every 30 days.
Chronicles of Riddike: Assault on Dark Athena; 3 machine limit, one activation added back every 30 days.
Alpha Protocol; 5 machine limit, promised to be removed 2 years after release date
Football Manager 2009; 5 machine limit
Earth 2160; 3 machine activation limit
Wings of Prey; Starforce DRM with 3 activation limit
Looks nice right. There is worse though: Constant internet connection required:
Assassin's Creed 2
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
The Settlers 7
Silent Hunter 5
Splinter Cell: Conviction
@Sir Henry Echo
You understand your case is not an ideal situation. It is a bug and it must be fixed. I would report this problem on forums. I would try Warband and see what could be the problem but I missed the last sale. :cheat:
Now that I think about it, I am pretty sure if I move the folder to somewhere else, it will still let me play. Do you want me to try that too. :hubbahubba:
Edit: Yes it is working. :twirl:
Do you want to know how I knew it would work? Simple, Steam is not DRM. It is DRM that keeps you installing as many times as you want or restricting where you install your games. Steam is also installation free.