I figured it would be a fun way to share what we hope to see in TESV and keep us all entertained as we speculate.

For those of you who have never played a currupt a wish game how you play is simple you have to corrupt the persons wish above you and then post a wish of your own for the next person to corrput and so on. Please keep it respectfull and fun though.
Ex) person1: I wish the game takes place in Skyrim.
person 2: wish granted, but the game only takes place in a single ice dungon with one mudcrab enemy
my wish is that they let you ride dragons
person 3: wish granted, but as soon as you try to mount the dragon it eats you
...ect ect ect
*Note: i made sure to read over the fourm rules and i believe such games are allowed but im still kinda new here and if its not i apologize
Ok ill start the game
My wish is: I hope they have more weapons in the game this time :celebration: