Umm, no. If anything it would be for the Xbox 720, its coming out soon and TESV hasnt even been discussed yet.
Also, PC is a big problem for anygame. For 1, it crashes 1000% more than any other way to play games. For 2, you need a certain amount of ram and even when you do it lags like f---ing hell! And also it is mainly used for MODS and CONSOLE
Its for cheating basically, other than that why get it for the pc? XBOX almost never lags unless you do something stupid like A. Scratch your disk or B. Dupe a shield 2000 times with the scroll glitch.
Also, sony said they are making a PS4, and XBOX 720 is coming out soon, in 2011-2012, and Microsoft and Apple JUST ANNOUNCED they are in-fact, making the PC2, yes. The second PC EVER, because there has only been 1.
Oh and nintendo said they are making Wii2, its going to be named "Us" lol, thats a joke. But its going to be made
so the things you just listed are already outdated.
:banghead: I don't know where to start with this post. So I'll just work my way down.
First, Microsoft will not abandon the 360 unless Sony or Nintendo make the jump to the next generation. Considering that Sony and Nintendo have been bragging about the longevity of their consoles for the past 3 years, it's not likely either of them release a new console soon. Why would Microsoft make Kinect a failure before its even had a chance? Allowing prices to drop can only work in Microsoft's favor. The PS3 and 360 are relatively equal in price range with the Wii being the cheapest by far. However, Nintendo can only drop prices so far until they stop making a profit. The Wii's two advantages are that it's cheap and it's family friendly. Inverting Move into the PS3 and Kinect to the 360 take away one of those advantages. Allowing gradual degradation of prices will eliminate the Wii's other advantage. The cost to make a PS3 or 360 is pennies more than a Wii, yet the Wii is an inferior piece of technology. This generation won't end until Sony and Microsoft have taken their fair share of cash away from Nintendo.
Second, TESV isn't announced but is almost assured to be in production. Fallout 4 would make no sense as it would only compete against New Vegas. Their only other IP happens to be the Elder Scrolls. An MMO would be handled by the folks at Zenimax Online Studios and an TES Adventures game wouldn't take nearly this long. So we can assume that TESV is in production and has been for quite awhile.
Next, a PC is the most stable platform when done right. However, there are millions of different configurations for PC's and game designers can't optimize the game properly to each configuration. The reason that consoles are on average the most stable is that the hardware of every 360, PS3, or Wii is exactly the same as every other 360, PS3, or Wii (with the exception of varying hard drives, etc.). The fact that you say that the 360 never lags is hilarious. More so than then calling all PC gamers cheaters. Have you even played Oblivion? Don't tell me that as you switch cells while traveling through the forest that the game doesn't lag and show a "Loading..." message on top of the screen. Have you ever played the Shivering Isles? Every once in awhile a big fight between Knights of Order, monsters, and zealots occurs and the game lags like a [censored]. Any decent PC can run circles around a 360 or PS3. Just look at Crysis 2 vs. Crysis. Crysis 2 is being released 3 years after Crysis on the consoles. Yet PC Crysis looks WAY better than Crysis 2 on the 360.
Lastly, stop making up [censored] about stuff that you have no clue about. Of course Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony are all planning a new console. But they won't be out for a few more years. Team X-Box started making the 360 as soon as the original X-Box was released. Even then, it was 5 years later that the 360 was released.
Well. For 1, TESV hasnt been discussed, its not coming in the next E3 and it is written in stone that in 2011 or 2012 Xbox 720 will come out.
Also, they said in the documentary for oblivion that they were making it for the systems that werent out yet so that they wouldnt be behind with all the other games.
So I still say I am certain that it will be for next generation systems
And also. Dont split hairs, I wasnt being so literall with "development."
they will be released probably... well im not sure how to say it so Ill explain it like this
This E3------------Next E3------------E3 After That
between the next E3 (not the "up coming" one) and the one after that. They will most likely be released. And be expensive

Well, there is a big factor of the possibility for it being for the sega dreamcast.. So we will have to find out.
Time for this post. :flamethrower:
So you start to sling more crap. TESV not at the next E3? If it's not at E3 2011 that would be because it would have already been released. If it's not released by next year's E3 then it will be there. How the hell do you expect Bethesda to stay afloat if they're not releasing games? Do you think they're running some kind of underground counterfeit money scandal? Sooner or later they have to release a game and it will be at the latest holiday season 2011. Written in stone that the next X-Box will be released by 2012? It wasn't even written in stone that Project Natal would be called Kinect until yesterday and your 'inside source' (aka your rectum) tells you that the next generation will start in less than two years? If Bethesda ever said that the next TES game would be on a new generation of consoles than it would have been based on the average lifespan of consoles. But this generation isn't following that lifespan. Motion controls and the introduction of casual gamers have extended the shelf life of consoles.
Hopefully they do what they did with Morrowind (Release for PC then Xbox) instead of vice verse (like Oblivion)
Oblivion was released on the PC and 360 at the same time.