» Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am
I am hoping for Elsywere actually. Or blackmarsh, I don't really like going around in huge amounts of snow, because, well, I played Solsthiem in Morrowind. The only thing I would like to see them do as far as location, is make it the same as daggerfall and morrowind, make the world seem alien, and overwhelming. Oblivion was actually larger than morrowind in terms of landmass, but its familiarity made it seem much smaller. For one, NO fast travel, seriously cut that out, because at least for the PC version someone could mod it in if they wished. Put in the silt striders or another equal medium, or boats I don't know.
Gothic 3 wasn't very big, however, the fact that at night, you really did have a hard time seeing things, you had to walk from place to place, and additionally, you could actually die while going on those walks (or the game could crash). I really think thats what the game needs to be great again, a level of danger, no level scaling. If you are level 1 and you happen into a liches den, you're going to die, no ifs ands or buts. And stop making everything completly revolve around the player character. I don't want linear story after linear story. Seriously I want a solid fighters guild and mages guild that DOESNT need me at all, that is completly competant. I wanna rise through the ranks through skill alone, not on some linear story. If I wanted you're story, I would be playing the main quest, get it? The dark brotherhood was completly pathetic. Some loser killed off the entire black hand, an entire sanctuary etc etc, which btw svcked to begin with.
I just don't see where it can go from here, seriously, I don't want voice acting unless absolutly nessasary, like for the main plot antagonists. Hire a bunch of great writers and you could have 10 times the amount of dialog and choices EASY. Make things more complex instead of taking step after step backwards from that. Seriously, if they remade daggerfall only in another place like Blackmarsh or Elsyware or Summerset Isles, only there was so much to do, you didn't even know what to start doing, that would be amazing. Essentially daggerfall was a game you could play forever, with all its randomly generated dungeons and quests. Yeah, sometimes it might get kind of bland, but hey remember, your not that important, your the little guy. And in real life not everything you do is going to be changing the world.
I am just tired of games being so easy to complete. I know game designing is tough, but I can't help but see where they cut corners, remember in Oblivion, they were actually talking about not making any Unique weapons at all, when there are like easily 100 unique items in that game universe. All I can say for bethesda is, you are in no rush. Take your time with this one, and make it so good, you honestly need to sit down and really think on ideas for expansion packs. Seriously, [censored] downloadable content, everything except for shivering isles I could have done without.
Notice how long starcraft 2 has taken, they were working on it since they finished Frozen throne, and not only is it not finished but they wont even be releasing it until next year anyways. Thats blizzards baby and they took their time to make something great. Stop rushing your products because we see the results.